
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

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Chapter 188: Quarrel

"Wait, we'll meet again soon," Carnage's voice echoed in the sky as he vanished into the distance, leaving the Justice League members in disarray.

Silence descended upon them, the aftermath of a battle lost. Tony and Steve, usually triumphant as Earth's guardians, now grappled with the bitter taste of defeat.

Carnage had evolved, stronger than before. Yet their silence didn't stem from this defeat alone.

They had lost, a bitter pill to swallow for heroes accustomed to victory. This time, however, they found themselves on the defensive, losing ground and even surrendering the symbiotes they had fought hard to capture.

But they were not defeated.

Tony shook off his initial despondency. He retraced the battle in his mind—despite Carnage's ambush dragging him down, Gwen's quick thinking with the vibranium armor had turned the tide. Carnage wasn't invincible; vulnerabilities existed, and they had exploited them.

They had a plan, executed flawlessly until the final moments.

"What happened at the end?" Tony's voice cut through the lingering dust, seeking answers.

"Gwen?" Tony approached her alongside Steve, concern etched on his face.

Gwen seemed lost in thought, staring where Carnage had vanished. She blinked back to the present as Tony addressed her.

"Are you okay, Gwen?"

"Captain, Mr. Stark." Gwen regained her composure, standing tall despite her weariness. "I'm sorry, I..."

"What happened, Gwen?" Tony pressed for answers.

Gwen hesitated, flashes of the unbelievable scene replaying in her mind. Peter, her Peter, transformed into Carnage. It seemed impossible, yet the bond with her suit confirmed his identity—there couldn't be another.

But why? How could Peter become Carnage?

Confusion overwhelmed her, rendering her speechless.

"Gwen?" Tony's concern grew palpable.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, please give me some time." Gwen's voice was steady but firm.

Tony's frustration bubbled up. "What did you see? Why keep it from us?"

Gwen remained silent, her silence fueling Tony's impatience. "Gwen, do you understand the stakes here? We trusted you."

Caught between duty and personal turmoil, Gwen took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. I will resolve this. It started with me, and I will take responsibility."

She couldn't reveal Peter's identity yet, not until she understood the full extent of what had transpired.

"Oh," Tony's disappointment was evident. Gwen's standoffishness grated on his nerves, but he knew she had her reasons. He paced, struggling to find the right words. "Fine, you have your time. But understand, there's a looming threat out there—we can't afford another misstep."

The tension escalated unexpectedly, drawing Felicia and Jessica's attention. They hesitated to intervene, wary of Tony's volatile mood.

"Enough, Tony," Steve interjected, stepping in.

Tony glared at him. "Are you on her side too, Captain?"

Steve met his gaze evenly. "I trust Gwen."

"If we can't trust Gwen, who can we trust?" Steve's support for Gwen was unwavering. From their first meeting, he had seen her integrity and courage.

Tony relented, exhaling deeply. "Fine. We still have two symbiotes to track down. We'll need more firepower."

With that, Tony departed, and Gwen felt a wave of relief. Challenging Stark had been daunting, but necessary.

"Thank you, Captain," Gwen expressed her gratitude to Steve.

Steve smiled reassuringly. "Believe in yourself, Gwen. We believe in you."

The conflict resolved, attention turned to the aftermath. Gordon lay unconscious, needing medical attention despite appearing unharmed.

Felicia and Jessica approached Gwen, offering solace and support.

"Even though he's a pain, I hope he'll be alright," Jessica murmured, concerned for Gordon.

Moved by their concern, Gwen promised, "I'll explain everything."

"Why do I need an explanation?" Jessica's confusion was evident.

Gwen retreated to her room, reflecting on the day's events.

When had everything spiraled out of control?

The Carnage she encountered at Stark Tower couldn't have been Peter. It was inconceivable.

The turning point lay in their clash with Green Whip. Had Peter been Carnage all along?

Anxiety gripped her. If it was Peter, why hadn't he confided in her?

Her thoughts raced, fear mingling with responsibility.

Gwen gazed out at the moonlit night, steeling herself.

She donned her mask, leapt out the window, and scaled the building.

A figure awaited her atop the roof, patient and expectant.
