

That day was like any other day, but something happened that had never happened before. I saw her for the first time in my life. I saw her beauty. I saw her simplicity.Looking at him, he seemed to have come from somewhere else Looking at it, time stopped, I kept looking at it for hours I have never felt like this in my life. Many girls have come and gone in my life before but never seen one like her.This is how God has given the fruit of my migration Those were the first days of my university.I used to see him all the time but never dared to talk to him Time passed and after some time he gave five thousand to a girl and got her information and her name was known. That day was such that the wind of heaven touched my soul.

Before I could dare to speak, my friend spoke to her and they both started talking to each other.That boy was just a time pass for my friend but for me he was my obsession I know only myself how I have controlled anger no one knows but me I wanted to bring it into my life I wanted to make it part of me but it didn't value me I made myself I messaged her and tried to talk to her but my friend didn't understand and she told me how dare she message me and never message me again.He just said that my anger got over me and I messaged him and said I am sorry that I messaged you and I have blocked her number on WhatsApp.I liked only one girl in my life and she seemed to be drifting away from me. I thought she was not like others but she turned out to be like others.I didn't hear from anyone and blocked the number and in the group she was with me I also left that group forever and changed my number too.

I was so angry with her that I would have killed her if she had come in front of me, so I controlled myself and continued to face her like a stranger in the university.It was going on that my friend got bored of it and left him and after few days it was university holidays and I went back to my house.I was in trouble when someone sent me a message from this unknown number and asked me about my thoughts and my health.At first I didn't understand who it was but later she introduced herself that she is the girl over there. I didn't understand what to talk to her.I still haven't forgotten what he said to me so I angrily said sorry I don't have time to talk to you and whatever it is please tell me quickly so I can do my work.She wanted to talk to me or she wanted to know me, I didn't know at that time, I felt like I wanted to talk to her myself, so I started talking to her. Some time passed and I Asked him why she had said those things, she asked, being ignorant, what things I had said.I said to him you know what you said you said how dare he message me and don't message me again he said I never said those things. She talked to me a lot but I was angry thatt was not taking the name of being calm.I spoke to him and our first talk was between three and four hours. I had no idea of ​​time. I also knew that everything was temporary but I had the heart to believe I got used to Asas, I thought that he is my life, talking to him gave me peace and days went by and we talked to him and our relationship became very strong, but our life There were many ups and downs and there were some interests between our relationship. It seemed that I didn't know it. It was my desire or my destination. I didn't know anything. It always wanted to find others.

I considered this girl as my destination or my desire I didn't know at that time what she is for me she is my destination or my desire

End of Chapter One