
What should I do now

It's the first time we have classes together, it's strange I haven't noticed her until now in this class, well I don't really like to look at who is around me, I already feel anxious being in this class, it's hard for me . I'm trying hard to adapting with my new colleagues especially because some time has passed since I started college.

I look in her direction, she is sitting on the opposite row from me, just three seats ahead. I'm especially happy because I see a pretty face that calms my anxiety, I don't even know what to do anymore, these new feelings are too much for me, I think it's time to talk to someone, but that's when I finish classes.

Today the teacher gives us a project, we have to make teams and it terrifies me. I look around, it seems that most of them have chosen a partner, but to my surprise the girl I like comes to me with a bright and smiling face, my heart beats faster and faster, ok Sebastian calms everything down to be good.

Hello Sebastian, I am Georgia ,by chance I think you don't have a partner yet, do you want to team up?, she says.

I shake hands with the girl I like, I'm stuck for a moment, I'm surprised by her voice how sweet and sexy it is at the same time, still I wouldn't have guessed her name, clearly she has no face for Georgia and in more for .... I don't know either, in fact, she has such fine features and yet she seems so mature and what I like most is that the her blue eyes show you trust, this makes me calm down.I was so caught up in admiring her that I didn't notice that she knew my name, the face starts to burn and my lip trembles, I hope she won't notice

In the end I answer her

Not yet but I would like it if we were partners for the project.Surprisingly my voice remained calm which surprises me. I answered

Great, then give me your phone number to set a day to do the project, she answered back.

I ended up giving him my phone number in the meantime the hour was over, which means I can go home too