

" everything in this life has a price tag" Lucerin said. Arthur turned to look at him. " Don't you think so?" Lucerin added. Arthur licked his lower lips as he stare at Lucerin. " I agree with you" Arthur said in his usual expressionless face. " then you must also agree with me that for every action, there is always a reaction, then in between an action and a reaction there is always a price to pay" Arthur knew that everything this Devil said is the bitter reality of life, but what can he do, he's not God who can change everything.

Skyler101starp · Urbain
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11 Chs


the door cracked open and a man with an ocean deep blue eyes and tinted hair walked in, he walked over to another figure who was busy going through some paperwork while sitting down on a chair.

" you should go see her" Ezekiel said placing his hand on the desk and stare directly at the figure.

" she's been here for eight days Dwight, you should at least say hello to her "

the Dwight stopped whatever thing, he was doing and look up at Ezekiel who moved few steps backwards.

" I don't wish to see that thing" Dwight responded while adjusting himself so as to be more comfortable.

" oh c'mon, she's your wife" Ezekiel argued

" do I look like I needed a wife?" Dwight objected.

" if I needed one, I would have simply just picked from the numerous girls in this kingdom" Dwight added while going through the pages of books nonchalantly.

" she's a wonderful and beautiful woman" Ezekiel added

" she's too young for me" Dwight defended

" it doesn't matter" Ezekiel insisted.

Dwight got pissed off by Ezekiel's nagging, he stood up and made for the exist.

" father demands your presence in the throne room" Ezekiel added with his back facing Dwight who was already at the door, their backs were simply facing each other.

" what does that old man want from me?" Dwight asked without turning to look at Ezekiel.

Ezekiel walked up to Dwight, stare at him for a little while.

" why don't you find out yourself" with that being said, Ezekiel bounced out of the study room

Dwight took a deep breath, he ran his figures through his hair, messing his Jet black hair the more, his Carmel brown eyes stare at the doornob, after about a minute or two, he twisted it open and made his way out.

he walked down from the stairs and walked straight ahead making a right turn, he was greeted by the huge door which he pushed open and walk in casually.

no one was present except a man with inky black hair and Carmel brown eyes, as he sat down on his throne with full confidence.

" welcome son" king Roland said with a gin.

" why did you call me?" Dwight asked without a single smile.

" why haven't you gone to see your wife?"

" you mean the girl you married and when you saw that she wasn't good enough for you , you decided to toss her over to me?" Dwight said in a more sarcastic tune.

" you make it sound like a bad thing" king Roland said still with the gin on his face.

" it's the worst thing ever" Dwight responded while rolling his eyes.

" she has become yours now"

" I never asked for a wife" Dwight half yelled.

" go see her, it's an order from the king and your father" king Roland said with great Authority that one will dare not disobey, but still Dwight wasn't even moved.

" make me" Dwight said standing tall and confident .

" go see your wife" king Roland said between his teeth,

" beg me to go see her and I will do just that"

king Roland widen hid eyes at this statement,

why must Dwight complicate everything.

" what?"

" if you want me to go see her, then beg me after all am doing you a favour, I never asked for a wife"

" please Dwight go and see her " king Roland had no other choice but to say the words.

Dwight turned and faced the door

" if she's not up to my taste am tossing her aside " with that said Dwight left.

king Roland released the breath he didn't know he was holding.

dealing with Dwight could be very tough most of the times, he's only prayer is for the girl to survive at least one week with him, thinking about this the king decided to call in someone who might actually know how this is going to work.

" inform prince Arthur that I seek his presence at the throne room" king Roland said to one of the guards on Blue standing outside the door.

" my King , prince Arthur is away for his business" the guard said with a bow.

" when he comes back then".