
Chapter 2 : Forced Leave!

Julien’s pov


Heading to work today same as every other day, I stop by my favorite coffee shop and order my usual.

I sit there reading the newspaper and sipping on the hot drink when suddenly my phone starts ringing, I notice my dad's name on the screen and immediately answer. It must be important.

"Good morning father " I greet him

"Good morning son, where are you? " he asks which is surprising, it’s still seven in the morning so I’m not late for work and we have no important meetings today.

"I’m at a coffee shop, do you need me? “

" Yes, but it can wait. Take your time, and stop by my office once you arrive "

"Okay father, I'll be there " I reply as I get up from my seat and head to my car.

After 30 minutes I arrive at the company, getting into my office my assistant Marie lets me know that my dad is waiting for me. So, I gather some files and move in the direction of his office. Once there I knock on his door.

"Come in " I hear him speak through the door

"Haven't I told you to take your time, it's only 7:30 "

"I know but I had nothing to do and I thought it's something important so I came quick "

"It is important, sit down " he suggests with a weird smile on his face like if he is planning something

"I’m sending you to the Maldives on a vacation " he states with a smile plastered on his face

"What why, when, and how?? " I ask shocked

"you heard me you work way too much, long nights at the office are unhealthy your mom and I are worried. You barely visit us and when you do you look pale. You need to relax a bit. I am really proud of you for all the hard work... The company is at its best but I need you to be at your best so you are going to the Maldives with your friend Steven go, get to know girls, have fun do what people your age do and while You‘re doing so please find love and bring back a charming young lady and marry her. Your mom and I want to see our grandchildren for God’s sake” he finishes while I’m sitting there speechless.

I mean I know at this point my life is all work or the gym but what can I do the company always comes first I have no time to party... I don't enjoy those things anymore. And girls well... I don’t enjoy those things either! Now, what do I tell dad??? I can't worry him even more

“Dad, I’m fine really. You know how much I enjoy work and I’m too old for bloody parties.... besides I can't travel especially now that we’re about to launch our brand in the US” I remind him.

“Son my decision is made. As your boss I’m ordering you to go have fun don't make me fire you, plus everything is ready for the new project and remember I was handling this company way before you were born so I think I can manage a few days without you, now go get ready your plane leaves tonight “he orders handing me two tickets and some papers “here are your plane tickets and information about the house you’ll be staying at... Steven will fill you in on the rest "

‘’ Any chance to change your mind and prove to you that I’m completely fine without having to travel with that insanity-inducing human being I call my best friend?? ” I ask hoping for him to give it up. I’m not used to my father or anybody meddling with my life! I despise being controlled!!

“Julien ” he warns

“okay FINE, but if anything goes wrong in here, I’ll be on the first flight back" I surrender knowing how hot-headed he is and when he puts his mind to something he doesn’t back down until it’s accomplished, I should know, after all, I inherited that trait from him!

"Anything else you need from me? " I ask him a bit irritated

"Yes, enjoy yourself and do what Steven tells you, now off you go " he demands with a wide smile on his face.

I chuckle at his behavior and shake my head while striding out of his office. I'm sure this is Steven’s doing, I’m going to kill that bastard.

***later that day***

When I get to my apartment, I notice Steven sitting on my couch watching TV.

“I knew giving you my spare key was a mistake but good thing you are here killing you will be easy now”

“Miss you too grumpy face, long time no see”

“busy life” I reply not really affected

“yeah right, we work in the same building smart pants” he points with an annoyed expression “there are priorities you know, and something called balance between work and other stuff” he explains addressing me like I’m a baby, but I’m too tired to argue

“Whatever, I’m going to pack” I say walking to my dressing while he follows behind me

“pack for two weeks. T-shirts, shirts, and a few hot suits no ties though, and please pack your smile too”

“ I’m fine stop treating me like I’m some stranded kitten who needs saving.”

“Not until I get my old friend back, I miss him so much” he says giving me a cute face damn him, and his cute face. It always cracks me up.

“Fine dumb arse come and help me pack now” he jumps like a 5 years old and starts helping me.