
An Uchiha Tale

Hello there! This is my first fan-fiction and I am very excited about this. I decided to write it because I wanted to create a story within the naruto-verse that would reflect my own view on different parts of the original story. This fan-fiction will have an original main character which will not become OP from the start or get the Rinnegan on birth or anything like that. This will be a story about a normal, but talented, kid belonging to the Uchiha clan, and will be greatly inspired by canon but also other fictions. I hope that I do well with character development and the story itself, but keep in mind that this is my first time. Also, expect good grammar, although i might make a few typo's here and there. Disclaimer: This is based on a manga originally written by Masashi Kishimoto, named Naruto. I do not own the characters belonging to said manga, only those made by myself.

Joey91991 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs


"A master of one technique is better than a novice of multiple ones."

Hearing Fugaku's words, Izuna couldn't help but remember his father Taichi. When Izuna first learned the Great Fireball Jutsu, his father wanted him to focus on this one technique rather than learn other ones.

In a way, Taichi and Fugaku had the same idea about this sort of training.

"Sure, Fugaku-sama. I can train my Fire Style at the training grounds. I need a large open field so as not to damage the surroundings." Izuna said.

"Oh? You think that for example your Jutsu would burn my backyard? You're either implying that the space of my new garden is small or that you're skilled enough to be able to expand flames over a large surface." Fugaku replied, raising an eyebrow at Izuna's words.

"Not to brag or anything of the sort, but I feel that my control over the Fire element is quite good sir. I have defeated many enemies during the previous chuunin exam tests."

"You call that puny Fireball you used against Itachi 'good control'? That level of attack won't get you past the first duel in the third exam! You need to train hard under me, for I do not accept weak students."

"Of course Fugaku-sama, but the Jutsu I used against Itachi was a mere distraction. I used it knowing that Itachi would have to counter it, giving me a window to strike. Leaving an opening for your opponent is an immediate battle-ending failure. By successfully hitting first you create another opening and then another opening and then another and so on, ultimately leading to victory. I used that against Itachi, who, being unexperienced in battle, might not have realised such a thing yet."

After hearing this, Fugaku frowned and thought to himself:

'Incredible... to think this kid not only managed to reach the third exams alone at his age, but also managed to develop such great battle philosophy from the little experience he has? He's truly a genius, an adult's mind stuck in a child's body one could say.

At his age, the world's greatest ever shinobi probably wouldn't be able to think the way he does. Izuna truly understands that the stronger mind beats the stronger body. I sure can't wait to see what he will develop into.'

"Good thinking Izuna. Then, I want you to show me the full extent of your power. I need to understand what else you can do so I can train you in what you lack."

"Yes, sir. Thank you."