
An Uchiha Tale

Hello there! This is my first fan-fiction and I am very excited about this. I decided to write it because I wanted to create a story within the naruto-verse that would reflect my own view on different parts of the original story. This fan-fiction will have an original main character which will not become OP from the start or get the Rinnegan on birth or anything like that. This will be a story about a normal, but talented, kid belonging to the Uchiha clan, and will be greatly inspired by canon but also other fictions. I hope that I do well with character development and the story itself, but keep in mind that this is my first time. Also, expect good grammar, although i might make a few typo's here and there. Disclaimer: This is based on a manga originally written by Masashi Kishimoto, named Naruto. I do not own the characters belonging to said manga, only those made by myself.

Joey91991 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs


(2 Months Later)


Sounds of steps could be heard in the forest. There were about six people sprinting in the same direction.

After running for a while, they reached a small wooden house outside of the village.

"Sir, we have reached the place! Are you sure this is it?"

"Yes. Search inside."

Five of them then went inside and looked everywhere for clues.

After checking everywhere, one of them went outside to talk to their leader, with something in his hands.

"Sir, you need to see this!" he said, breathing heavily due to how fast he sprinted to his leader.

"Calm down! What is it?"

He then showed him what looked like a photo in a frame.

"A family picture? And it's... No!... It can't be!..."

"What do we do now, Danzo-sama?"

"...We wait and see..." he replied.

After everyone came out and lined up, they were surprised to see their leader turn around and attack them.

"Futon: Shinkugyoku!" ("Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets!")

In an instant, Danzo killed all five men.

"Unlucky that I had to kill you all, but this is a secret I'm not letting even the Third Hokage know about!" he said, before leaving.

'To think that his talent was inherited from... that man...'


(Somewhere in the destroyed part of the Uchiha Compound)



A stone was destroyed by a bolt of lightning.


Another one was destroyed as the same bolt seemed to weaken.

'Faster! I need to be even faster!' Izuna thought as he tripped and fell.

"Damn it! Like this, I won't even be able to hit him!"

"Hit who?" a familiar voice answered unexpectedly.

"Yuki-sensei!" Izuna said. "That was nothing."

"I see... Anyways, are you training with that new technique of yours?"

"Well, yes... I'm trying to control it better. At the moment, whenever I use it I can not change direction from the one I dashed in. I seem to be lacking speed."

"Hmm... Hey, Izuna?"

"Yes, Sensei?"

"Did you ever think that you might not be a speedy-type ninja?"



"Well, maybe you are made for power more than speed. If that's the case, then you should try training your brute strength more. There are more ways to approach a situation than just speed, you know?"

"But... this jutsu requires great speed! More power will only make it harder to control!"

"Then how about you learn a new jutsu? A powerhouse of an attack. One of such strength that it could decide the outcome of a battle in an instant."

"I see... a jutsu that strong, huh? I will think about it, thanks, Sensei!"

"No problem. Now excuse me, I need to talk to your clan head."

"Have a good day!"

'Now then... where could I learn such a jutsu from?'

'Wait, I know!'

'The Uchiha private library! That place contains a ton of information on the history of our clan and techniques we used, so maybe I can find a Fire-Style Jutsu there!


(At the Uchiha Library)


"Hello, Izuna-kun, how are you?"

"Great, I'm here just to read some books."

"Alright. Oh! By the way, Fugaku-sama told me to give you this. It must be important since he specified that I shouldn't look inside it at all. I wanted to deliver it to you later today, but here it is!"

"Thanks! I'll read it later."

Izuna then went ahead and looked through each shelf, searching for a scroll or book containing ninjutsu.

After a few minutes, he found one titled "Uchiha Fire" which talked about the history of the clan using Fire-Style Jutsu.

In this book, he found details about one specific ninjutsu that attracted his interest.

"This technique is powerful enough to burn down an entire forest at once when wielded by a strong shinobi. It's attack is based on great power and range, the user spitting a stream of fire forwards that then diverges a little to the sides. This Jutsu is known as "Great Fire Annihilation" and it's best known user is...

... Madara Uchiha"

After reading that, Izuna went silent. He heard this man's name before, many times, so he knew who he was. A shinobi considered to be unbeatable. Stronger than everyone, Madara was one of the founders of Konoha, the greatest leader of the Uchiha and the only one strong enough to take on Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage.

Madara could only be defeated by Hashirama, and every other shinobi that faced him would die in less than a second, of course, if Madara wanted to kill him.

'Madara Uchiha?! The masked man... he called himself the same, but that is not where I know this name from... I feel like...

... like I personally know Madara...'

After reading some more, he found the hand seals and instructions on how Madara performed this Jutsu.

He thought that if the masked man he wanted to kill so badly knew Madara, then Izuna using this jutsu would surely be a surprise. Plus, it's exactly the sort of powerful attack he wanted.

After borrowing the book from the library, he went back home, wanting to learn as much as he could before his next mission.

When he arrived, he put the book on a table.

'This new place feels really empty... I just wish the compound was rebuilt already...'

He then noticed the letter he received from Fugaku.

'It must be important since Fugaku-san sent it.'

"Izuna, please come at the place specified below three days from now, it is very important. Please make sure no one follows you and that you come alone."

'Huh? What does the clan head want from me?' he thought.

'Well, I definitely have to go.'