

Only when the world burns can other see the light despite the smoke that tends to suffocate all though it's all ends for the latter if the greater good.All I remember is that I was part of a mafia group doing the job of an intermediary until I got caught in a middle of a stand off as bullets flashed through my body I slowly remember lying in a pool of blood and intense pain burning through Mr inch by inch until all was numb and then darkness overcame me .It was over for me right now am my soul lays in a deep valley of the abyss I thought but then suddenly I see a small spark of light appear and then a new form of darkness takes in but this time I feel my body once again as it struggles to set it's self free until moments later a plump young lady receives me .What the fuck I try voice out only to let out a cry in this way I finally knew I was reincarnated and was going to have to start from ground zero all over again.