
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 42: Otto Octavious

Finishing up the last episode of this world's version of Star Trek: The Original Series I turned off my television.

I then went to shower, change my clothes, and then make some breakfast.

Since it is already tomorrow morning.

Yeah, I didn't sleep at all last night but I'm fine.

With my powers I can probbaly go a few months without sleep.

Though I don't intend on testing that theory unless I don't have a choice.

Since I actually like sleep and find it comforting.

Finishing up my breakfast I cleaned up the dishes before portaling to an alleyway near Abstergo Industries HQ.

I then walked in through the front door.

After all, the company's regular employees need to see me every once and a while.

I don't want them getting suspicious.

Because I would rather not have to erase their memories unless absolutely necessary should they start poking their noses into things that don't concern them.

I'm not a monster you know.

A smile on my face I waved to the company's regular employees as I made my way to my office.

Which is located on the buildings second floor.

Arriving inside I saw Emma sitting in my chair behind my desk.

Walking over to her I easily picked her up, sat down, and then placed her in my lap.

'My, how forward Mr. Maxwell.' Emma telepathically spoke to me.

I smirked. 'Oh don't pretend you aren't sitting in my lap because you don't want to.'

'Well, you're right about that.'

Leaning in Emma planted a kiss on me, which I easily reciprocated.

Though it only lasted a few seconds before we broke apart.

Because we both know if we keep going we won't be able to stop, and there's work to be done.

So for now we won't act like animals in heat.

"So, to what do I owe this morning visit?" I asked.

Using words instead of telepathy.

Since I still prefer to communicate using my words.

Even if I don't really need too.

"I wanted to personally update you on a few things." Emma replied.

"Then update away my dear." I said.

Running my fingers gently through Emmas' silver-blonde hair as I did.

"First, the company satellites are going to be launched ahead of schedule."

"Good. The sooner we have our own eyes in the sky the better."

"Second, Magneto has finally broken his radio silence. He contacted us and has requested a meeting."

"Finally." I mused.

That old man is lucky. Since if he had been radio silent much longer I was seriously going to hunt him down.

"Accept the meeting. Also I would like you to take the lead on it. Will that be a problem?"

"No, not at all." Emma replied.

"Good." I said. "Then I leave Magneto and his people in your capable hands. But you should need help, don't hesitate to ask."

"Of course. Though I think you should know by now I won't need it."

"I do. Still, offer is always there."

"And that is one of the many things I love about you."

"Really, and here I thought you just wanted me for my body." I joked.

"Please, I am not so shallow. That's only half the reason." Emma said.

Moving her hands to my chest to begin rubbing it after she did.

"But back to what we were discussing. The final piece of important news I have for you is that from what I hear the FDA is going fo give Extremis it's stamp of approval. So soon we will be able to start selling it for general public use." Emma explained.

The second after she finished I pulled her down and initiated a rough kiss.

Since the news about Extremis going go be approved made me want to celebrate.

Especially considering all the government officials we had to bribe, blackmail, and slightly mind control to fast-track the Extemis Serum through the FDA approval process.

Because I know the drug companies would never allowed such a Serum to be approved otherwise.

Too bad for them I always get what I want.

No matter what I have to do to get it.

Breaking my kiss with Emma after a minute I moved my hands down to her hips and then turned her to face me fully.

Our faces becoming inches apart I felt the soldier in my pants preparing for battle.

But before he could march off to war and destroy his enemy, ADAM suddenly spoke up.

"Emma, Roman, forgive me for interrupting your intimate moment but a situation has arisen that needs your immediate attention." He explained.

When we heard this Emma and I both immediately for serious and she climbed off my lap to stand at my side.

"What's the situation ADAM?" I asked him.

"I have just learned William Stryker is planning to launch an assault against the X-mansion within a weeks times." He explained.

"I see." I said.

It looks like the events of X2 are trying to take off.

Too bad for them though because I am going to shoot them down.

"Looks like the time has come to end Stryker." I said. "ADAM, inform Sage and the others of this new development immediately. Then tell them to prepare to launch an assault against Stryker's base. Also inform them Sage will be leading the assault."

"It shall be done." ADAM said.

He then went off to do as I had instructed.

"You're letting Sage lead the mission?" Emma questioned.

"Yes." I replied. "She's got the training and I think she's ready. Plus she needs to gain some experience in the field at some point and this is the perfect chance for her to do so."

Because for my Guardians Stryker isn't that much a threat.

They can take him down easily without me.

I know they can.

Besides, if they do run into unforseen trouble I am just a portal away.

But again, they won't need me.

On another note I am working on my delegation abilties. I know I can be everywhere at once, given by duplication abilities, but I don't want to mirco-manage like that.

Plus I want my people to learn to be able to operate without me.

Since in the future they will have to do so with what I have planned.

So I want to start getting them used to being without me sooner rather than later.

"I see." Emma replied.

"If you're that worried you can go with them." I spoke.

"No, I have too much to do here. Besides, if you're trusting them to handle this then I will as well." Emma spoke.

Right after she did so my office phone rang.

I answered it and put it on speaker. "Yes?"

"Mr. Maxwell your 9:00 is here." The front desk receptionist spoke.

"Excellent. Please send him up." I said.

"Right away sir." The receptionist replied.

She then ended the call.

"Well it looks like that is my que." Emma said.

She then left my office, giving me a nice view of her swaying hips had perky was as she did.

Man, I truly hit the jackpot with her.

I thought on this for a few moments before I heard a knock on my office door.

When I did I sat up in my chair. "Come in."

Right after I spoke the door opened and my 9:00 appointment entered.

Otto Octavious.

[Insert Image of Dr. Otto Octavious Here]

Closing the door behind him Otto walked up to my desk.

As he did I stood.

Then when he reached me I offered him my right hand and he shook it.

"Hello Dr. Octavious. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well Mr. Maxwell."

Our introductions finished we broke our handshake and both sat down.

"So, why did you request to meet with me?" Otto asked.

"Straight to the point, I like that." I said. "To put simply Dr. Octavious I would like to fund your research and have you come work for my company."


"Yes." I replied. "I've read up on your work and your ideas into robotics, artificial intelligence, and energy production are just astounding. I truly believe they can change the world, and at my company that's the purview. Which is why I would like to help you make your dreams into a reality."

"And make a profit from it no doubt."

"Of course." I replied. "The fact of the matter is money makes the world go round Dr. Octavious. Without it men of science like you and me couldn't do what we do. We wouldn't be able to afford the parts necessary to build our technology, live well enough to work on our projects, nor pay anyone who assists us in our work. It's just a simple reality we must face."

"Yes, you're right." Otto agreed. "Well I must admit Mr. Maxwell for someone so young you sure have wisdom beyond your years."

"I get that a lot. I guess it's just because I'm an old soul." I said.

Quite literally.

My soul is about the same age as Dr. Octavious taking into account the ages of my past and current self.

"Well whatever the case you have given me a lot to think about. But before I make a decision I must speak with my wife. We're a team you see."

"I completely understand. And I thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I await your answer." I said.

Otto and I then shook hands again before he left my office.

Me hoping he would take me up on my offer and come work for me.

Not just so I could prevent him from becoming Dr. Ocotopus, but also because I truly want help him make his research a reality.

I mean if Dr. Octavious manages to make a fully functional fusion reactor, it's energy output would rival that of Stark Industries arc reactor.

Meaning Tony wouldn't be the only source of clean renewable energy in the world.

Not that I'm planning to fight Tony on that front, but a little competition never hurt anyone.

Leaning back in my chair I simply stared at the ceiling.

Allowing my mind to wander.

Until eventually I closed my eyes.

Since I feel a quick nap will do me some good.