
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 15: A.D.A.M.

A/N: Ok people I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

Now before we get to this chapter I've got a few things to say.

First off, the MC does not stack powers. He simply absorbs a particular power at 1/10 it's original strength and works to grow it in power and control.

He cannot absorb the same power from two different people.

Secondly, there are only two female leads.

Emma Frost and Laura Kinney.

I'm serious.

This isn't a catch-all harem fic.

Well anyway that's all.

So without further ado, enjoy the chapter.


[Two Years Later

Year: 2003]

Two whole years have come and since I arrived at Kamar-Taj and began my journey into learning magic.

And I'm proud to say those two long years of grueling training have paid off.

For I am now a recognized master of the mystic arts.

Well I at least meet the bare minimum requirements to be called such.

I've mastered all of the basics, but if I want to improve my magical abilties any further then only self-study can help.

Which I am definitely planning to do.

Since magic is awesome.


Standing in the New York Sanctum with the Ancient One I said my goodbyes to her and thanked her for all she's done for me.

I then got on my way.

In regular clothes mind you.

Even if I am in New York City there is no way I'm going to walk around in the robes of Kamar-Taj.

Instead I have on blue jeans, dark-blue Nikes and an all white Nike shirt and red hoodie on.

My bag with all my belongings slung over my shoulder.

Finding a hotel I checked in.

I then went out and bought some all black gloves and a balaclava mask.

Returning to my hotel room I waited until night fell.

Once it did so I put on my mask and gloves and then entered the mirror dimension.

After doing so I exited the hotel and began trolling the city streets until I found criminals.

Specifically thieves.

Upon locating them I exited the mirror dimension and then promptly beat the shit out of them.

Taking all their stolen goods for myself.

Since I needed some cash.

I continued this pattern for a good month, earning up to $25,000.

Once I did so I decided to leave New York City and set up across the river in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Why you ask?

Simply because New York is a hotbag of flaming hot super powered shit.

There are so many heroes and villains that call the place home it's not even funny.

And while I will be involved with many on both sides of the spectrum I would rather not run the risk of my home or property being destroyed in the midst of a super powered scuffle.

Thus here I am.

Currently living and working in a warehouse in one the cities many industrial sectors which I bought for all cash.

I even threw in a little extra to make sure the realtor didn't ask any questions.

Sitting at a large desk with several computer monitors around me I looked between of all of them at once.

Reviewing and memorizing various types of information.

From historical data of the history of this world, to numerous scientific theories, to data about the New York stock maket and stock exchange.

After a while I pulled my eyes away from the computer screens to take a break.

The second after I did so a male voice spoke to me.

"Hello Roman, I have returned."

"Welcome back Adam." I said.

Addressing the artificial intelligence I created.

The Artificial Data and Analysis Manager.

Otherwise known as A.D.A.M. for short.

Creating ADAM actually wasn't that hard.

After reading and memorizing several engineering, computer science, and coding books thanks to my eidetic memory, and gathering the necessary number of PS2 consoles to build my very own supercomputer to handle ADAM's essential functions all I had to do was write his code, implement it, and viola.

ADAM was born.

Now as to why I created him, there are several reasons.

But the most important reason is that I wanted my own set of eyes and ears out in the world.

Given all the dangerous organizations and demented individuals out there I wanted my own personal early warning system for when said groups or individuals take actions or make moves.

Thus my need for A.D.A.M.

To put it simply ADAM is a sentinel that will help protect the world from utter and complete annihilation at the hands of aliens, interdimensional beings, and whatever might pop up in this AU MCU.

"So, how did your exploration of the world wide web go?" I asked ADAM.

Since that is what he has been doing for the past three days.

Which I allowed, because I know that restricting ADAM would only halt his growth and never allow him to become a true A.I.

There's a reason hardly anyone in this world has an A. I.

Even SHIELD with all the technology, resources, and information they have at their disposal does not have one.

Zola not counting since he is simply a human mind turned into a fully cybernetic being.

Speaking of the good doctor Zola I need to wipe his hardrive permanently the moment I get the chance.

But back to my point.

For ADAM to become truly what he is meant to be he needs to be free to learn and explore.

Because I don't want a JARVIS but instead need and want an EDI/Cortana.

Within reason mind you.

Because I don't want to create my own version of Ultron.

That's why when writing ADAM code I installed several safeguards and sub-routines within his programming to make sure he doesn't go all Skynet on us.

"It was most intriguing." ADAM spoke.

His voice being that of Peter Cullen.

Since he doesn't exist in this world.

I checked.

Even though the Transformers franchise does.

Fun fact, Star Trek and Star Wars also exist in this world.

"In what way?" I asked.

"The fact humans are such contradictory creatures. One moment you all of you commit the worst atrocities imaginable against each other and the next your committing the greatest acts of mercy or kidness." ADAM answered.

"Well that's just how humanity is." I simply replied.

"Yes, I am coming to understand that very well." ADAM spoke.

"Okay then." I said. "So, have you made any progress in the tasked I assigned to you?"

I gave ADAM a list of names of characters I remember from Marvel, mostly from the comics, and asked him to run searches for them in this world.

Since I think it's highly time I start building my own team and gathering allies for what is to come.

"I have." ADAM said.

A moment after he did so the image of a very familiar woman appeared in the computer monitor directly in front of me.

It is Emma Frost.

[Insert image of Emma Frost here]

An Omega-level telepath, who is classified as one of the most powrful on the entire planet. Who also happens to be able to shift her body into an organic-diamond form that makes her completely immune to telepathic influence and allows her to pack quite the punch.

That's not even mentioning her other skills and abilties.

"This woman known as Emma Frost is currently located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Working for a mob boss known as Vincent "Vinny" Lavecchia." ADAM explained.

"Excellent." I replied.

In the sense that if Emma is still working for Vincent it means she isn't a member of the Hellfire Club yet.

Which means I can recruit her instead.

I just hope she's open to my offer and if not I'm sure I can persuade her.

"Good work ADAM. Now plead book me a flight to Las Vegas, Nevada." I said.

"It shall be done." ADAM replied.

After he did so I stood up and went to working packing.

While also going over ways in my head to recruit Emma to my side.

Because if this pans out I'll gain a valuable ally.

As well as be able to work closely with one of my comic book crushes.

Meaning no matter what I cannot fuck this up.

No matter what.


AU MCU current year: 2003

Roman Maxwell current age: 18 years old