
Chapter 1: Getting the news/The Letter

Cace got up early and went into Seans room. They were almost inseparable, like brothers. He shook Sean to wake him up. Shawn was already 32 years old. Still young the old man had died a couple years ago of natural causes. They hired a new old guy for the orphanage and they are just as nice. Apparently this old guy said he knew the old man. One day I will ask him how he knew him. Until then, Sean and I are going to the market. Its my first time. They told me it was time for me to embrace the world. As I grew up they only told me I was special but that is all I knew I didn't know why but they would tell me in time when the time is right. I just rolled my eyes and got dressed hurriedly. When I was 13 a couple of more baby boys like I came entered the orphanage. Only 2 though. So they are like 3 years old now. Trouble makers they are cute. We assumed they are twins because they were together or even brothers. People have tried to adopt me but they were told I couldn't be adopted for some special reason. They were bummed but they were just as happy with another little boy or two. I finally hurried up and went with Sean. "Bye everyone! See you later!" "Bye Cace!" They all said. Then Sean and I left for the market.


As we were walking, I had this strange urge to ask him again. "Sean. When will I know who or what I am?" He looked at me. Then I explained. "I'm not doing it to annoy you I swear. Its just….Its Just for some reason I have the Urge to know who or what I am. Its really strong. I don't know how to stop it." "Sigh. I'll tell you what. When we get back I will talk to the old man and see what he wants to do ok?" "Yes sir. I just hope he will let me. For some reason I have a feeling someone who knows me will come to adopt me soon. I know I will have to go with them. I'm just, Scared Sean. I've never known anywhere buy here." He stopped then crouched down to Cace's level. "Hey now. Its not like your saying goodbye. You will come to visit I'm sure. Plus I can't leave you alone anyway. If you go, I have to go as well remember?" "Yes but…I'll miss everyone at the orphanage." "Yes so will I. We will be fine. I promise ok?" "Sigh ok." Then I walked with him to the village.


We finally got to the village, then Sean and I went to get some bread and introduced me to everyone who asked. He introduced me as his little brother. I was so happy to hear that. Next place we went to is the fruit and vegetable area.


Once we were finished, I asked him if we can stop by the art store. I have been having strange dreams and was told to write or draw them. I decided to draw or paint them. I needed a refill on some of my stuff. "Yes but we have to hurry ok?" Then we went in the art store and a saw an girl no older than me. Maybe a couple of years. I had a strange pull to her. Then by the time I got my stuff she was gone. "Sigh. Aww man!" "What is it? Are you ok?" "Yeah I just saw a girl maybe 2 years older than me. I felt a pull towards her. Not romantically but like a sibling pull. Like yours but stronger." "Oh just calm down. Breathe. You don't want to pass out ok?" "Yes sir."


We finally got back and I was told to rest in my room for now and not to be disturbed unless it was one of the grown-ups. Instead of resting, I painted a picture of the girl I saw. She had one green eye and there other blue. I just had green eyes and black hair. She had more of a white color hair. Once I was done, I turned the page and drew pictures of the feeling I have been having then eventually the dreams. I drew a picture of what the person would look like that would adopt me soon. If it wasn't my parents it would have to be an aunt or uncle right? Oh good I hope it's a blood related person. If not I would be so confused and wouldn't know what to do. I have this sense if I can trust a person or not. I have always had it since I was growing up. It just got stronger as I got older. I was finally done and looked at it. Hmm. I guess I can't be sure unless I actually see the person to know for sure if I can trust them. As for the girl, I knew for a fact I could trust her since I saw her in person. For some reason the name Keely comes to mind in my head. So I left a spot on the page where I painted and put the name under it. Then I finally closed my eyes once my head hit the pillow.


A couple hours later I woke up and tidied my hair. Then went out. Just as I walked out of my room I was called to the old man's office. This must be the news someone is coming to adopt me. I have a feeling. I don't know if its good or bad yet.


I went to the office and awaited the news. Then I spoke up. "Are they finally coming to get me?" Everyone was shocked. that was exactly what was going to happen. Then again Cace had some weird feelings. Then the old man cleared his throat. Will and Liam were still there so they came as well since they were there when I first came and found out the news as well.


"Yes. Cace. Someone is coming for you in about a week. Before that. There is something you should see." "Are you sure this is wise Sir. We won't know how he will react." Said Will. "Its fine. That is why Sean is here as well in case something goes wrong." I looked at will confused, then the old man went into his files and found the note that was left in his basket as a baby. "Before I give this to you, I have to tell you something. When the old man was alive, he told me that when he found you, it was a cold afternoon. There was a knock on the door. The people who dropped you off probably did it for your safety. He didn't see who they were." "I see. Did I act differently than most babies or kids?" "Not really. You did have some talents than most kids have. Hopefully this letter will help you understand."


He finally gave me the letter. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath the read it there in the office to myself. The letter said:


Our Dearest son Cace, I paused for a moment to say, "So that's how you knew my name. It was in the letter." "Yes it was." Then I continued.


Our Dearest Cace,

Now that you are reading this we are gone. I'm so sorry son. I wish we could have raised you ourselves. We have lived on the run all our lives. You do have 2 uncles on my side and an aunt. They are nice people. I chose not to be a burden to them and continued to run. When we had you, you were the most precious baby boy in our lives. I'm sure someone has found you and you are safe and sound now. That is what we are hoping. Now its time we told you why we are on the run.


We are royals baby boy. We have many enemies. You will have to eventually make a choice for yourself. Like I said, my brothers are good men although one of them looks kind of serious Haha you'll see when you get there. Oh and the sister I said I had is my twin as well. Your fathers' brothers live there too and our sisters. I have 2 brothers living there. Your father has a twin brother and little brother then he has 1 sister.


Anyway we are getting off point. Your father told me to tell you that his twin brother is the King. He will be there disguised as a commoner to pick you up when you are 16. You will have a protector hopefully before you will be adopted. He or she will feel the bond to protect you. They will have to be with you wherever you go. So even if you need to be alone they need to stand outside your door at least. Our time is getting closer. I'm sorry baby. There is someone about to kill us. We won't know until the moment. We love you. Hey son its your father. Yeah my writing is kind of bad sorry about that. Like your mother said, we are out of time. I love you son. Find a woman like your mother to marry ok? You will have gifts. Talk to your uncles and aunts on both sides. I love you Cace. We both love you. Sorry for the tear drops on the page. We really love you.


Love your


mom and dad

(King and Queen)


I wiped my eyes my eyes. Then took a couple of deep breaths. Then spoke up. "So I was loved after all. Did anyone find out who killed them? Who killed my parents?" "No not yet. I swore when you were first brought in I would help you find them. Find out why they killed them and kill them." "Woah now Sean. We aren't killing anyone. We will however talk to my uncles and find out some information." "Wow Cace. Already sounding like a king." "Haha very funny Sean. Sigh. Well I guess when I get there I will have to choose. I hope they give me an option whether to take the throne or not. If they do, I don't know what I would do. I would have to think about it. In the meantime I will be willing to do to the training to be king until I make the choice." "That is a good idea to think about it. Its going to be a big decision." Said Sean. "Did I have any siblings? Mom never mentioned any?" "We don't know. All we know is what is in the letter." Said Liam. The old man said the same. "Sigh. Ok. Well I better go pack. Can you hold the letter for me until I am done packing?" "Yes of course." Then I left with Sean to my room so we could pack. The only things I had and needed were my clothes and art supplies. The pictures I painted are in a notebook as well as my pencil art stuff.


Once I was done packing I went up to my friends and told them I was leaving in week. Someone was going to pick me and Sean up. Everyone was shocked and said they would miss me. The little 3 year old devils came over to me and hugged me. I hugged them back. "I'll miss you little devils too. I'm pretty much already packed. Before I leave I have to go back to the old mans office. Luckily I got a week more to hang out here." Oh I forgot to tell you the twins names they are Quinn and Connor. The one that was more of a devil is Conner. He is the younger twin.


A week passed in the blink of an eye. In a few hours I will be gone. I decided to tell Sean I wanted to visit the old man's grave. So, he went with me.


"Hey old man. Its Cace. The time has come. Today is the day I am leaving everyone. Sean is with me. They will be taking him too. If I can old man, I will come visit you again. I miss you old man. Dammit. I'm crying. Sigh. If I ever have a son, I will name him after you old man. You have given me a life. Thanks to you I had a home. It was like I had a family and brothers. You were like a father or a grandfather to me. Thank you for everything old man. I'll see you later." Then we both headed back to the orphanage for boys and I went to the old man in charge now. Oh yeah I forgot to mention the old man that died was named Tyrus. The old man in charge now is named Riley. I'm going in now to pick up my letter and put it in my pouch or bag.


"Hey we are back. Old man Riley." "Oh welcome back. Here is your letter." "Oh now that I am leaving soon, can you now tell me how you and Tyrus know each other?" "You really want to know huh? Well I guess I can tell you. I don't care if you tell others. We are brothers. Full blood related brothers. He was the one that opened the orphanage. I told him one day when he couldn't do it anymore I promised to do what I could to keep it open for him. I am his younger brother after all." "Sigh. Thank you Riley for all you've done for me too. I already thanked Tyrus. So are they almost here?" Before he could speak we heard a carriage pull up.


I waited outside with everyone to see me off. There were a little more kids like 16 now. I remember when I was a baby someone told me there was only 10 now its gained 6 more in the 16 years I've been alive. So all 15 of them came out to see me off. Of course Riley, Will, and Liam were there too. Will held Conner and Liam held Quinn.


When a man I had pictured walked out I bowed and so did the others. "Please don't bow right now. As of now I am a commoner." "Yes sir." I said. "Have a moment to say goodbye to everyone. I need to talk to the old man here." "Yes sir." Then I turned to everyone and tears started coming out of my eyes. The first ones I said good bye too were the little devils Quinn and Conner. "Hey little guys. I have to say bye bye. I promise when I can, I will come visit you. When you get older protect the younger ones that come in ok?" I know they won't understand they are only 3. "Oh and I left a letter for each and everyone here. I gave them to old man Riley. I left a little something for each of you. Then I said Goodbye to will and Liam. Them my friends. They gave me some encouragement. Then I said goodbye to everyone else. I stayed with everyone until it was time for me to leave.

It was an hour that he talked to the old man. Then he finally came out. "OK Sean and Cace shall we go?" "Yes sir." We both got in and it was an open carriage so I looked back until I couldn't see them anymore then faced forward. I didn't say a word the whole trip to the castle.