
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: Into the Blighted Lands

Following the wooden disc's direction, Azrakar couldn't help but wonder why the treant asked for his help. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't find a reason.

[Master Azrakar, I think that the Treant sensed your magic.]

"My magic?" Azrakar halted, bewildered. "What do you mean? I have magic?"

[Certainly, Master Azrakar. Your class and skills embody your magic,] Nexus explained. [My guess is, since the corruption is a kind of curse, and curses belong to the dark magic realm, the Treant must have picked up on your necromancy magic, as it's a similar type.]

"So, you're saying my necromancy magic is what caught the Treant's attention?" Azrakar inquired, his eyes narrowing in thought. "But why would it seek my help for that?"

[It's possible the Treant reasoned that since you share a similar magic type, you could somehow solve the problem,] Nexus proposed.

Azrakar's eyes widened as he considered Nexus' explanation. "So, the Treant believed that my necromancy magic could be the key to undoing this curse?"

[Indeed, Master Azrakar,] Nexus replied. [Necromancy, when harnessed correctly, can be a force for restoration and rejuvenation.]

"Really?" Azrakar raised an eyebrow. "I thought necromancy was evil and only used to bring death and destruction."


A beat of silence hung in the air before Nexus responded. [Master Azrakar, there is no good and evil, only balance and imbalance. Magic, in its purest form, is neither inherently good nor evil. It is a force that can be shaped and directed by the user's intentions. Dark magic can be used to save lives, and light magic can be used to take lives. It's all about the user's heart and mind.]

"I see," Azrakar pondered Nexus' words for a moment. Truth be told, he didn't care much about what's good and what's evil. Even with his enhanced intelligence and knowledge, at the core, Azrakar was still an orc – an honorable one.

Orcs are very simple-minded creatures; however, their race understands the true nature of the world better than most.

"The Fist speaks the loudest."

It didn't matter who you were or what your intentions were; what truly mattered was strength. Some advanced races liked to pretend to be civilized and work things out peacefully. But in the end...

"Strength commands respect," Azrakar murmured to himself, recalling his father's teachings. He understood them well, having experienced the harsh realities of life without strength.

"Let's keep moving," Azrakar shook his head, dispelling the unproductive thoughts and focusing on the task at hand.

As he continued his journey, the wooden disc guided him through the enchanted forest, where the trees grew denser. The air whispered ancient secrets, and Azrakar felt a constant sense of being watched.

He didn't react or show fear, understanding that the observer was either the Treant or the forest itself. This is why Azrakar showed respect and didn't dare cut or break any tree branches or plants in his path. He would simply move them aside with his hands and continue on. Even if no one was watching, Azrakar would still respect nature.

After all, this place was everything the orcs yearned for: a verdant land, teeming with life, a place for prey to hunt, a land to call home.

Night fell, and Azrakar hadn't reached his destination. This forest was different from the one he'd been in before. The trees were denser, the air colder, and the entire place emanated an unsettling aura. Azrakar didn't like it, and he knew he needed to find shelter for the night.

"Huh?" At that moment, another Treant materialized out of nowhere, right in front of Azrakar. This Treant resembled a fox, with the same solitary eye as the elk one.

The fox Treant studied the orc for a few seconds before turning and slowly walking to the right. Azrakar watched the Treant silently. When it stopped looking back at him, he understood the Treant was beckoning him to follow.

"Alright, lead the way," he said, and he followed the fox Treant.

After a few minutes of walking, they reached a small cave, just big enough for Azrakar to rest comfortably. Once inside, the fox Treant turned to the entrance and let out a soft whisper. The cave entrance was immediately sealed with a wall of vines. Azrakar was surprised by this action, but he didn't say anything.

The Fox Treant turned, lowering its head slightly in a gesture of acknowledgment. Azrakar returned the gesture.

"Thank you," he said, settling down on the cave floor.

The cave was pitch black, devoid of any moonlight. Azrakar considered building a fire, but that felt disrespectful to the Fox Treant, considering, well...

"In its eye, I'd appear to be roasting kin," Azrakar chuckled inwardly. Instead, he retrieved a strange glowing rock from his inventory. These rocks glow when there is no source of light; he found them inside the Sabertooth's lair.

Wrapping himself in his wolf cloak, Azrakar spent some time organizing his supplies and preparing for whatever dangers lurked in the corrupted land. He replenished his stock – primarily potions – checked his provisions, and double-checked his weapons.

With that done, he pulled out a small piece of rabbit meat and devoured it swiftly before closing his eyes for some sleep. The Fox Treant remained stationed near the entrance, acting as a silent guardian.

Morning arrived swiftly, with gentle sunlight filtering into the cave as the wall of vines parted to the side. Azrakar awoke feeling refreshed and energized. Scanning the cave, he found the Fox Treant at the entrance. Their eyes met, and the Fox gave a slight nod before disappearing into the trees.

Azrakar stood up, stretching his muscles, before exiting the cave and resuming his journey. He was unaware that this trek would stretch into three long days.

Throughout his travels, Azrakar encountered no creatures besides the Treants, who appeared each night, guiding him to a cave or hollowed-out tree for shelter.

On the fourth day, Azrakar finally began to notice signs of corruption. The soil darkened with each step, trees withered and died, and the air grew foul and oppressive.

"Ugh!...Smells like Grimgar's feet," Azrakar mumbled as he covered his nose with his hand. "I wonder if they survived the Alpha Bison's rampage?" This was a rare moment when Azrakar's thoughts strayed to the great hunt. Before, survival had consumed his every waking moment.

As Azrakar ventured deeper into the corrupted land, the signs of decay and deterioration became more pronounced. The once-vibrant forest was now a desolate wasteland, with blackened trees and shriveled leaves. The air was thick with an oppressive aura.

"This place is truly cursed," Azrakar muttered to himself. "But strangely, I feel much more...alive?" 

"Nexus, do you have any idea?" he queried the useful and powerful AI.

[Master Azrakar, it is possible that your necromancy magic is interacting with the corruption in an unexpected way,] Nexus replied. [Necromancy deals with the manipulation of life and death, and it is possible that the corrupted land is responding to your presence.]

Azrakar's eyes narrowed in concentration. "You mean, the corruption is affecting me differently because of my magic?"

[Indeed, Master Azrakar,] Nexus confirmed. [The corruption may be drawing upon your necromancy magic, causing it to manifest in a unique way. It could be enhancing your connection to the land or even granting you temporary boosts in power.]

"Interesting," Azrakar mused. "So, this corruption might actually be beneficial to me?"

[It is a possibility, Master Azrakar, considering it's a form of dark magic, and you're a Dreadlord after all,] Nexus said cautiously. [However, we must also consider the potential risks. The corruption can be unpredictable, and its effects may not always be positive. We should proceed with caution and continue to monitor your condition.]

"Yeah, I know," scanning the land he added, "Let's just find the source of the corruption and take care of it."

As he ventured deeper, Azrakar spotted the first creature on his journey beside the Treants. A twisted corpse of some kind of animal. The head and body of a boar were stitched onto what appeared to be four humanoid arms instead of legs.

Azrakar approached the creature cautiously, his hand resting on the hilt of his weapon. The creature's body was contorted, its muscles twitching sporadically as if it were in constant pain

"What is this abomination?" Azrakar whispered, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

[It appears to be a fusion of multiple creatures, Master Azrakar,] Nexus replied. [The corruption has twisted and merged their forms, creating this grotesque abomination.]

Azrakar's gaze shifted to the creature's eyes, which glowed with an unholy light. "Ugh!...Ugly beast, let's just put it out of its misery."

Drawing his weapon, Azrakar lunged forward with a swift and precise strike, aiming for the creature's head. The blade sliced through the air, and in an instant, the abomination's body crumpled, its head rolling on the corrupted ground.

"Hmm...easier than expected," Azrakar muttered, examining the dark, almost purple blood staining his curved blade.

"Let's move on." He took a few steps forward before coming to a sudden halt, his eyes narrowing. "Wait a minute, I didn't get any experience points or notification?"

He slowly turned back to the abomination, only to witness its head reattaching to its body, the creature rising on its four humanoid legs once more.

"WHAT!" Azrakar exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. "It's regenerating!"


The abomination opened its board-like mouth, letting out a strange high-pitched scream that seemed to blend the sounds of multiple creatures.

'DAMN!...' Azrakar instinctively covered his ears to shield himself from the deafening noise. As the shriek subsided, a low tremor rumbled from beneath the earth.


Emerging from the ground were at least fifty more twisted and horrifying creatures similar to the boar-like one. Their vacant eyes fixated on him as they slowly began to encircle him.

Azrakar's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the army of abominations, but instead of feeling fear or intimidation.

"Heh," he chuckled, a bloodthirsty smile revealing all his sharp teeth. "One versus an army...interesting."

He slowly spread his arms wide in a welcoming gesture. "Too bad for you lot, I have an army of my own."


A surge of dark green flames erupted from beneath him, spreading outward in a vast radius. 

"Arise!" Azrakar bellowed, his voice echoing through the corrupted land. 

"My Legion"