
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 15: The Dread Lord

[Rise Lv1 (Necromancer): This ability grants you the power to reanimate a fallen foe as a Skeleton under your command. (Reanimation is limited to enemies of equal or lower level. Radius: 100m. MP Cost: 100/Cast. Maximum Skeletons: 15. No Cooldown)]

[Summon Skeleton Lv1 (Necromancer): This skill allows you to summon a single Skeleton warrior from the realm of the Dead to fight for you. (No fallen corpse required, only MP) MP Cost: 50/Cast. Maximum Skeletons: 5. No Cooldown. Available Summon: Human Skeleton Warrior.)]

"Hmm?..." Azrakar leaned against the rough bark of the hollow tree, his mind abuzz with a whirlwind of newfound possibilities. The names of his new skills danced before his eyes, each one brimming with untold power and potential. As he contemplated the abilities bestowed upon him by the Dread Lord class, a surge of exhilaration coursed through his veins.

"Rise and Summon Skeleton," he muttered, testing the names on his tongue. The thought of commanding the undead sent a thrill down his spine, mingled with a hint of trepidation. But Azrakar was not one to shy away from challenges, especially when they offered him a chance to grow stronger.

With a resolute nod, he turned his attention to the first skill: Rise Lv1. The ability to reanimate fallen enemies as obedient skeletons held immense strategic value, especially in a world fraught with danger at every turn. Azrakar envisioned himself leading a legion of the undead, their bony forms marching at his command, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. 

"Heheh~...I can already imagine that" he let out a small chuckle. "The Dread Lord Azrakar, well that sounds heavy and scary."

Leaving further experimentation for later, he turned his focus to the other skills – Berserker and Leader.

[Rage Lv1 (Berserker): Enter a state of heightened rage, increasing your physical strength and attack power for a short duration. However, this comes at the cost of increased damage taken and reduced defense. (Cooldown: 1H. No MP cost)]

"Rage. A simple skill to understand," he muttered. "I presume this is the same ability my father and his Orc warriors employed when their green skin turned crimson."

As Azrakar delved into the details of the Rage skill, memories of his father and the orc warriors of his old tribe flooded his mind. He could almost hear the thunderous roar of their battle cries and feel the earth tremble beneath their feet as they charged into combat with unbridled fury.

"Rage," he murmured, the word rolling off his tongue with a sense of reverence. It was more than just a skill; it was a legacy passed down through generations of orc warriors, a testament to their indomitable spirit and ferocious tenacity.

With a surge of pride swelling within him, he opened the other Berserker skill.

[Berserker's Fury Lv1 (Berserker): Channel your inner rage to become a whirlwind of destruction! Upon activation, enter a frenzy for a short duration (around 5-10 seconds). While in this state: Your attack speed is significantly increased. Your attacks gain a chance to deal critical hits. (Low chance at Lv1, the chance increases with level. Cooldown: 10 minutes. No MP Cost)]

Azrakar's excitement only grew as he explored the intricacies of his new skills. A wide grin plastered across his face as he pondered the potential synergies between Rage and Berserker's Fury, eager to maximize their effectiveness in battle.

"Hmm..." He nodded, his thoughts coming together like pieces of a puzzle. "So to get the most effect, I must activate Berserker's Fury after Rage?... I see."

Eager to test the newfound skills, Azrakar turned his attention to the final remaining skill: Leader.

[Warcry Lv1 (Leader): Unleash a powerful warcry that invigorates the morale and combat prowess of you and your allies, bolstering their attack power and resilience in battle. (Radius: 100m. MP Cost: 50/Cast. Cooldown: 15 minutes.)]

Azrakar's mind raced with possibilities as he considered the strategic implications of the Warcry skill. The ability to inspire his allies with a powerful warcry could turn the tide of battle in their favor.

"I wonder if the Leader skills extend to my Skeletons since they are considered allies," Azrakar mused, contemplating the implications of his command over both the living and the undead.

With a sense of anticipation, Azrakar imagined himself standing at the forefront of his allies, his voice ringing out like thunder as he unleashed the Warcry upon the battlefield. He could almost feel the surge of energy coursing through him, fueling his determination to emerge victorious against any foe.

"Hehehe~…I'm AWESOME!" he exclaimed, but he quickly slapped his cheek. "Calm down, Azrakar. Stay humble; you're still weak and inexperienced."

[Banner of War (Leader Lv1): Channel your leadership into a tangible banner that radiates an aura of fortitude and courage, bolstering your allies with a minor regeneration boost and enhanced movement and attack speed. (Radius: 200m. MP Cost: 150/Cast. Cooldown: 2 hours.)]

As he read the description of the Banner of War, Azrakar felt a surge of pride. The idea of wielding a physical symbol of his leadership, one that would bolster the morale and combat effectiveness of his allies, struck a profound chord within him.

"Bloody Hell!... It's as though this class was crafted specifically for me," he couldn't help but think of this possibility. Every facet of the Dread Lord Class resonated deeply with him.

[Absolutely, Master Azrakar. All the Exotic Classes you have received were designed specifically for you, influenced by your Race, status, thoughts, desires, and goals.]

"Wow... truly? So the Dread Lord was made for me?"

[Indeed, since the class exhibits a 100% compatibility with you, I can assure you it was tailored specifically for you.]

"So it seems I was destined to become a Dread Lord," Azrakar burst into laughter. "HAHAHA!... Interesting," he continued a thoughtful glint in his eyes. "Nexus, I'm eager to test these new skills. May I utilize the simulation room?"

[Absolutely, Master Azrakar, and I can modify it to grant you limitless Health, Stamina, and Mana.]

"Excellent, let's commence then."

[Master, you possess one additional skill to examine.]

"Eh?..." Momentarily confused, but he quickly remembered. "Ah! The reward from the quest."

[Eye of Truth (Upgradable): Nothing can escape the all-seeing Eye. 

Unique appraisal skill: When activated on an object, person, or creature, the Eye of Truth furnishes a detailed and accurate analysis.]

"Hmm?" Azrakar stroked his chin, pondering the skill's capabilities. He turned his gaze towards the wooden spear and activated the skill.

In a flash, a metallic system window materialized above the spear.

[Basic Wooden Spear (Common)]

"Ah!... I see it now, the skill provides information," Azrakar acknowledged with a nod, understanding the immense value this skill held for his survival in the treacherous Misty Mountains. After all, monsters weren't the only threat; a single bite from an unknown fruit or mushroom can get the job done.

Sitting on the tree floor, he closed his eyes, activating the simulation room. Instantly, Azrakar found himself within the familiar blue room residing within his mind.

[Master Azrakar, to accurately assess the powers of the Dread Lord Class, I have prepared a recreated battlefield. Would you like me to initiate the simulation?]

"Proceed," he commanded.

The room shimmered, and Azrakar found himself transported to a desolate battlefield. The sky above was shrouded in dark clouds, casting an eerie pall over the landscape. The ground lay littered with the fallen bodies of enemies, a haunting reminder of the battles that had raged here.

A cruel smile played on his lips as he raised his hand, a faint, dark-green light emanating from his palm.

"Rise, my minions!" Azrakar boomed, channeling his necromantic powers.

The air crackled with anticipation as the fallen enemies began to stir. Bones rearranged themselves, flesh knitted over them, and soon, an army of Skeletons stood at attention, their empty gazes fixed on Azrakar. A thrill coursed through him as he beheld his undead minions, their skeletal forms a testament to his newfound power.

Thanks to the simulation, the skills' limitations were temporarily lifted, allowing Azrakar to resurrect an entire army of Skeletons.

"Impressive," Azrakar whispered, his voice carrying a mixture of excitement and satisfaction. "Now, let's see how they fare in battle."

"Nexus spawn some enemies to fight" he commanded. 

As if responding to his will, the simulation materialized an army of human knights clad in gleaming armor. These simulated foes charged towards the Skeleton army, weapons drawn, their eyes fixed on their undead adversaries.

"Advance!" With a wicked grin, Azrakar gestured for his undead minions to move forward, their bones clattering as they marched toward the enemy lines. The ground trembled beneath their collective footsteps, a macabre symphony of death and decay echoing across the desolate landscape.

As the two forces collided, the battlefield erupted into chaos. Swords clashed against bone, the metallic clang of steel meeting bone reverberating through the air. The human knights fought valiantly, their skill and discipline evident as they battled against the relentless onslaught of the undead horde.

But Azrakar's skeletal warriors were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless as they pressed forward with unyielding determination. With each swing of their ancient weapons, they struck down their mortal foes with brutal efficiency, their empty sockets fixed on Azrakar's command.

As the battle raged on, Azrakar watched with a mixture of fascination and satisfaction, his eyes glittering with anticipation as he witnessed the full extent of his newfound power. The human knights were holding pretty well against the undead. However, that all changed when Azrakar stepped in.

[Banner Of War] 

Descending from the sky directly above the undead army materialized a black banner emblazoned with a vertical red line in the center. The banner pulsed with a faint aura, empowering Azrakar's skeletal legion, granting them increased speed and strength.



Azrakar unleashed a thunderous roar that echoed across the battlefield. In response to his mighty cry, a surge of dark green flames erupted within the empty chests of each Skeleton, further bolstering their power.

The human knights, despite their valiant efforts, were no match for the combined might of Azrakar's army and his newfound skills. The skeletons, fueled by the Banner of War and the Warcry, fought with increased ferocity, their attacks becoming more coordinated and precise. The knights' armor, once a symbol of protection, now offered little defense against the relentless tide of the undead.

"Feel my wrath!" Azrakar bellowed, his voice resonating across the battlefield.

With a swift motion, two steel axes materialized in his hands as he activated his Rage skill, his body transforming into a crimson-hued avatar of fury. The skeletons, their eyes glowing with dark- green energy, became even more ferocious, their attacks gaining in intensity.

Azrakar charged with each swing of his axes, his Berserker's Fury added to the chaos, as he tore through the ranks of the simulated knights with relentless force.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of motion and destruction. The relentless march of the Skeletons, empowered by Azrakar's skills, combined with his own berserker rage, proved unstoppable. The human knights fell one by one, unable to withstand the overwhelming force of the Dread Lord and his undead army. The desolate landscape became a testament to Azrakar's newfound power, a chilling reminder of the devastation he could unleash upon his enemies.

[Impressive, Master Azrakar,] Nexus' voice echoed through the simulation. [Your command over the undead, combined with your newfound skills, has created an army that is truly fearsome. The synergy between your Rage, the Banner of War, and the Warcry has amplified the power of your army tenfold.]

Azrakar surveyed the battlefield, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "This is but a glimpse of my potential, Nexus. The true test will be against real foes. But for now, I am content with the effectiveness of these skills."

[Of course, Master Azrakar. This simulation provided unlimited resources. The next step is to hone your skills with your actual limitations. Only then can you achieve true mastery.]

"I understand," Azrakar replied, his voice steady and resolute. "But for now," he turned, gazing at the army of Skeletons standing before him, a hungry glint in his eyes, "let's run the simulation again."

Enjoy! Don't forgot a comment okay

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