
An Impossibility (Xianxia)

A genuinely kind and reasonable man in a world where the strong eat the weak? In Xianxia? That's impossible! Well, at least, that's before I met him.... Tn: If you want to see more chapter of this story, please go to my Patreon, just for $5, you can read till the latest chapter, which are chapter 248. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AnImpossibility

Eurasia_Argent · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 1: A Fallen Genius

"Dou Zhi (Battle Disciple, 1st Level), 3 Star!"

Next to the magic stone tablet that is used to test the cultivation realm of those who placed their hand to it, a middle-aged man slowly announced the result, his eyes revealing deep regret and sadness.

The crowd below the stage also began to whisper amongst each other, all of their tones are filled with regret and sadness.

"Again, the same result this year..."

"He used to be such a genius..."

"Such a shame, heaven is truly jealous of talents..."

The chatter grew louder as people expressed their disappointment. 

On the high platform, the three elders also looked on with regret at Xiao Yan, who stood in front of the stone monument.

"What could have possibly gone wrong with this child..." The first elder sighed deeply. 

Once a prodigy revered by the entire clan, Xiao Yan's sudden decline had left everyone baffled and saddened.

Sitting beside the first elder was Xiao Zhan, the Clan Patriarch and Xiao Yan's father. 

His eyes, too, were filled with sorrow. 

Xiao Yan, his son, was once a prodigy with unmatched potential, admired throughout Wutan City. 

He was humble, honest, and had a charming personality that made him popular among peers and elders alike.

Such a bright future seemed assured for him.

Yet, despite the pity of others, Xiao Yan himself did not seem too disheartened. 

He only furrowed his brow slightly.

What exactly is wrong with my body? he thought.

At that moment, someone suddenly put their arm around Xiao Yan, smiling as they comforted him.

"Don't worry, Brother Xiao Yan~ Have faith in yourself; you'll figure it out eventually."

Xiao Yan turned to see a boy around his age standing beside him, concern written all over his face.

This was Xiao Ning, the son of the first elder and Xiao Yan's cousin.

"Well, I'm not all that upset about it, really~" Xiao Yan shrugged, his tone light, showing that he had accepted the situation. 

Xiao Ning, relieved by Xiao Yan's response, gave him a heavy pat on the shoulder.

"That's the spirit! You're a man, and this too shall pass." Xiao Ning leaned in closer to Xiao Yan's ear, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Come on, today I heard Ning Chun Tower got some new, beautiful girls. Your cousin is treating you!"

"Um... Cousin Xiao Ning..." Xiao Yan said awkwardly, pointing at himself. "We're still underage, you know."

"So what if we're underage? That doesn't mean we can't have some fun! I'm telling you, life is short—enjoy it while you can, and don't worry about those old-fashioned rules—"

"Brother Xiao Ning~~~"

Suddenly, two sinister voices interrupted Xiao Ning from behind, making him freeze in place. 

He spun around to see two young girls standing there, faces dark but with smiles that spelled trouble.

They were Xiao Mei and Xiao Xun'er, cousins of both Xiao Ning and Xiao Yan.

Seeing their beautiful yet intimidating faces, Xiao Ning instantly wilted, quickly letting go of Xiao Yan and waving his hands in a fluster.

"Uh, well! I'm done with my test, so I'll be going now!"

With that, Xiao Ning dashed off the stage and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Xiao Yan speechless.

As Xiao Ning vanished from sight, Xiao Mei and Xiao Xun'er's expressions softened. 

Xiao Mei, hands on hips, pointed at Xiao Yan and scolded him.

"Brother Xiao Yan! You should stay away from that guy Xiao Ning! He's always up to no good!"

Xiao Xun'er, however, didn't scold Xiao Yan. 

She simply smiled darkly and asked, "Brother Xiao Yan, have you ever been to that Ning Chun Tower?"


Imminent danger!!!

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's expression, Xiao Yan quickly shook his head in denial.

"No! Absolutely not! I barely have enough time to train every day; how could I possibly go to a place like that?!"

Without waiting for a response, Xiao Yan leaped off the test stage and fled, leaving behind a hasty remark.

"You two continue with your tests! I'm out of here!"

As Xiao Yan dashed out of the courtyard, he heard the results being announced from behind him.

"Dou Zhi, 7 Star!"

"Dou Zhi, 9 Star!"

Upon hearing these results, Xiao Yan's spirits fell slightly as he stepped out of the courtyard.

Some things, no matter how much you try to be at peace with them, still sting deep inside.

"Sigh~ Those two sisters sure are scary."

At that moment, Xiao Ning suddenly reappeared beside Xiao Yan, glancing nervously at the test platform where Xiao Mei and Xiao Xun'er stood.

It seemed he needed to be more cautious when inviting Xiao Yan out to play in the future.

"Ah~ It's tough being popular, wouldn't you agree, Cousin Xiao Yan?" Xiao Ning patted Xiao Yan on the back again before slinging his arm around Xiao Yan's neck. "Come on! While they're not watching you, let me take you to Ning Chun Tower!"

Ignoring Xiao Yan's protests, Xiao Ning dragged him out of the Xiao Clan's courtyard, heading straight for Ning Chun Tower.

Xiao Yan didn't resist much. 

He knew that his cousin was trying to cheer him up, and he didn't want to reject this gesture of kindness.

Besides, deep down, Xiao Yan was actually curious about this place he'd never visited.

Weaving through the bustling streets, Xiao Ning led Xiao Yan into the heart of Wutan City's marketplace, finally arriving at the entrance of Ning Chun Tower.

As they stepped inside, a beautifully dressed mature woman immediately approached them, her eyes lighting up as soon as she saw Xiao Ning. 

Her tone became overly sweet and flattering.

"My, my~ Young Master Xiao Ning is gracing us with his presence again." She then noticed Xiao Yan beside him and raised an eyebrow slightly. "And who might this be?"

"This is my brother. You can just call him Xiao Yan." Xiao Ning laughed heartily and asked, "I heard Ning Chun Tower has some new girls?"

"Oh my~ You truly are well-informed, Young Master Xiao Ning. The girls just arrived, and here you are."

The woman waved her handkerchief playfully, teasing them.

"These new girls are all as beautiful as fairies, and they haven't entertained any guests yet~"

"Perfect! I'll book them all today!"

Xiao Ning declared boldly, and the woman beamed with joy.

"As expected of Young Master Xiao Ning, so generous!" She turned and called out, "Girls~ Come out and greet our guests~"

As soon as she finished speaking, several stunning women emerged from the back, and Xiao Ning's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

They were indeed as beautiful as fairies.

But then Xiao Ning snapped back to reality, reminding himself why he was there. 

He pushed Xiao Yan into the middle of the group of beautiful women.

Having never been to a place like this, Xiao Yan's face turned red as he was surrounded by the women.

Although he was usually surrounded by Xiao Mei and Xiao Xun'er, the charms of young girls were no match for the allure of these mature women.

"Make sure you take good care of my brother. This kid's still underage, so let him have a good time, and money won't be an issue!"

Xiao Ning handed the woman a bag of coins, and her smile became even more radiant.

"Of course~ I'll make sure the girls treat this young master well~" Then she paused for a moment, her gaze shifting behind Xiao Ning as she asked, "By the way, are those two young ladies with you as well?"

"Huh? What two young ladies?"

Xiao Ning frowned in confusion and turned around.

And there they were, Xiao Mei and Xiao Xun'er, smiling coldly, a terrifying black aura faintly emanating from behind them.

At that moment, Xiao Ning felt as if his life flashed before his eyes.

"M-M-Miss Mei... Miss Xun'er... You're done with the tests already?"

Cold sweat dripped down Xiao Ning's face as he forced a stiff smile, his body involuntarily taking small steps backward.

But every step Xiao Ning took back, Xiao Mei and Xiao Xun'er took a step forward, their terrifying smiles never faltering.

"Xiao Ning, it's fine if you come here to have fun on your own."

"But dragging Brother Xiao Yan along? That won't do."

As their faces drew closer, Xiao Ning felt a chill settle deep in his heart. 

Despair washed over him.

I'm doomed.

Tn: If you want to see more chapter of this story, please go to my Patreon, just for $5, you can read till the latest chapter, which are chapter 248.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AnImpossibility

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