
The Mass Teleportation Incident [Pt 4]

The Mass Teleportation Incident transported an approximate number of 9,700 Adventurers to multiple Zones within the Grand Calamity Class Dungeon.

Within this massive structure, there were hundreds of Zones—nearly a thousand of them. Counting the corridors and other areas that would not qualify as a Zone, there were probably a few thousand potential locations for the victims to appear.

Accounting for the number of victims, which was much higher than the available locations, it was inevitable that some people would end up getting transported to the same location.

This selection, as was the case with the entire Mass Teleportation, was totally random.

That meant Party Members were split up from on another, and Solo Adventurers were forced to be among people whom they would normally not interact with.

Weak Adventurers were mixed in with strong ones.

Strong Adventurers were stuck with incompetent buffoons.