
An Epic of a Golden Gamer (AU Gilgamesh)

A Nasuverse fanatic was born with an underpowered Gamer system in Ancient Babylonia...as none other than the gold demigod. His end-goal? Make Lancer Artoria his waifu. His inner Gil definitely approves...Misunderstandings and Bullshiting are necessary sacrifices. Now, if only he could stay alive... (Semi-Gamer, eventual Fourth Grail War, diverged timeline, System is SUS)

KarmaIsOP · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Awaken My Chosen!

"Awaken and be born, O' chosen of the gods!"

It was warm. Comfy. Like I was floating in a weightless void. I wanted to stay in this dreamy state.

"Awaken and be born, O' chosen of the gods!"

...And there was this annoying voice. What's wrong with his cultish chanting? Is he trying to summon a demon?

"Awaken and be born, O' chosen of the gods!"

Oh...for heaven's sake. Shut up will you!?

Irritated by his unremitting voice, I pushed forward. Almost by instinct, my fingers pried open something fleshy. Light flooded in, and I was out.

"Ah...He is born! Gilgamesh, He who shall be the bridge between god and man! My greatest joy and pride!"

I was lifted upwards by two giant hands. The sun burnt my eyes which were adapted to the darkness. I cried out in shock.

I was a baby. A freaking baby. I would have panicked if not for something even more bizarre happening inside my head.





[DEBUFF: 'Thou who Consumed the Newborn Soul']

[EFFECT: 'YOU are the Singularity!': Special Gamer Mode Activation]



[Passive Skill: Parasite of GAIA: A+ (Death Flag Encounter Probability Boost (×100). High chances of awakening Tiamat. Low chances of encountering Cath Palug)]


['Gamer Newbie Gacha automatic start-up' ACTIVATED]



Oh, this is a dream alright. I am a baby and I have a holographic game screen hovering before my eyes.

I looked away from the screen, only to see the man holding me up, and the exhausted but jubilant woman that was lying on a stone bed. I knew instinctively that they were my parents.

My...father looks like some ancient Babylonian king and my mother is...she's...surreal. A goddess. What the hell?

I mean...nothing makes sense anymore. I kinda calmed down too.

Gacha? Yeah, sure, why not? Not like there's anything else to do-



[GOLDEN CARD: Seed of Skill: Eternal Arms Mastery: - (Manual Mastery Required)]

[PLATINUM CARD: Passive Skill: Golden Gigolo: A (Boosts Bond Level Gain Amount (×5)).]

[PLATINUM CARD: Passive Skill: GOLDEN DICK: EX (Boosts Sexual Pleasure for Females in Taimanin Asagi Style (×3'000))]

Suddenly, a chill ran through my body, like it was dipped into icy cold water. All traces of sleep were wiped clean from my mind.

A realization finally settled down in my rotten brain.

What have I done to myself? What have I done!?

No dream could be as detailed as this.

It was at that moment, that I knew, I fucked up.

"...Da Fuck?"

And just like that, those words signaled the start of my new life.




Five years had passed since I found myself thrust inside Gilgamesh's body.

In those five years, I had managed to grasp the current situation, and despite my meager soul and feeble mind, I seemed to have somehow succeeded in taking over the soul before Gilgamesh's original ego sprouted.

It seemed that no matter how heroic a king he may have become, it was impossible for him to defeat me, a full-grown adult, when his nascent ego has yet to take root.

Fuhahahahaha! Now 'I' am the Hero King Gilgamesh!

...As if.

Like fuck I'm happy about this. The only reason I'm still 'me' is probably due to this alien system inside my head. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do about this.

What about 'me'? To be honest, I have no memory of who I was, what I was like, and what life I had led.

However, there were some memories that I had managed to salvage for myself.

For example, I know that the city I live in is Uruk, an ancient Babylonian city that resided in Iraq, approximately 6'000 years ago in the Fate universe. I know that I have become Gilgamesh, the nudist whose dick shines like the sun.

I recall that Saber was super adorable. I remember the conclusion of the 4th and 5th Holy Grail War. I remember that I wanted to meet Saber. And that I wanted to marry Saber, and how I wanted to make her into a yandere.

Most of all, I wanted to see Saber grow into Lancer Artoria. I wanted to reach that far-away utopia (Avalon).

Therefore, if I were to meet Saber, it was essential that I live my life as the Heroic King and be summoned by Tohsaka's daddy in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

However, even if I wanted to live according to historical facts, I would most likely lead a drastically different life compared to the original. Why?

Because, frankly speaking, I don't remember a single thing about Gilgamesh's legends that were recorded on the clay tablet in canon. And that's not even taking into account my crazy Gamer system and the Butterfly effect it shall cause.

Well, what's done is done. For now, I must do what I can.

That being said...

I coughed into my hand, looked around to see if I was alone, then double-checked with my Clairvoyance just to be sure. Standing straight up, I put one hand at my hip with the other pointing forward in (what I envisioned as) a charismatic pose.



Nothing but absolute silence.

I crumpled down onto my knees.

Yeah, I knew something like this would happen. Hahaha...where did the original get this power of spatial manipulation anyway? An artifact?

...Hmm. Wait.

Bab-ilu. The Everchanging Key of the King's Law.The golden key-shaped sword that should open up the deepest parts of his...my treasury. Could it be that, in order to access my vault, I need to possess that?

It was said that the original described the key sword as 'something like a contract I bound myself with, an arcane law given form.'

If the reason I couldn't use 'Gate of Babylon' was due to the fact that I have yet to make a 'contract' with something...and if the 'something' was Ea...then it all makes sense!

...Yes, yes, it must be! The original used Bab-ilu to retrieve Ea from his treasury!

In the show, when he utilized it to unlock Ea, the key released a large, labyrinth-like reddish pattern in the air, one that could be seen covering the sky from a great distance away -something like a magical contract-, which then receded into a small orb from which he pulled out Ea.

That must be the unshakable proof, the unwavering evidence of my grand theory!

A mechanical voice rang in my mind.

[QUEST 1: 'All for Ea!']

[ DIFFICULTY: Beginner

DETAIL: Convince Lord Anu into granting the Sword of Rapture to you, the rightful wielder!

REWARD: Ea, Increase Bond Level with Lord Anu and other gods

FAILURE: Decrease Bond Level with Lord Anu and other gods, Low chances of Death ]


Huh. It even assigns quests. This...this is worrying.

Well, considering the fact that I have a debuff skill that I'm trying my best to ignore, there's no harm in accepting this...I could pretend it's not there, but I'm pretty sure it'll come to bite me in the ass.

GAIA wants to delete my existence? Dinosaur goddess having her beauty sleep disturbed? Cath Palug, the furry ultimate Homo Sapiens extinction machine? Hahaha...I hate my life.

Argh, I need more power, and Ea is my best option. It's not like I'm not going to persuade the gods if I don't take this quest...and if the bond levels are what I think it is, then it'll definitely be a great boon to my reputation in the future.

Besides, it's Beginner level. That should mean something, right?



[QUEST 2: 'Ea for All!']


DETAIL: Strengthen your bond with the Sword of Rapture as its rightful wielder, and take control over its mastery of space distortion to access your treasury!

REWARD: Increase Bond Levels with Ea and the gods

FAILURE: Decrease Bond Levels with Ea and the gods, High chances of Death ]


Another quest popped out before me. This time, however, the stakes seemed much higher.

...A high chance of death? Veteran difficulty? None of that bode well with me. I almost decided to decline the quest, when I noticed something in the description.

"Take control over its mastery of space distortion to access my treasury? That..that's the Gate of Babylon! Damn it to Hell, I need this! I need my Noble Phantasm Gatling Gun!"

I gritted my teeth. Saber Artoria's face flickered before my eyes before it changed into a more mature one. Lancer Artoria's smile.

Indeed, Hesitation is Defeat. I'm reaching my Distant Utopia (Avalon) no matter what. I needed my waifu.

A potential Acolaypse in the near future? Fool! How can that compare to your waifu!? I wanted her! The Gilgamesh inside of me agreed.



In retrospect, I should've taken my life-ending choices a little more seriously.

Little did the boy know how wrong he was.

The actual mechanism of the Gates belonged not to Ea, but to a dimensional manipulation device given to the original Gilgamesh in a form of divine authority by the god-king Anu.

However, he truly believed that it was by the grace and blessings of Ea that canon Gilgamesh was able to access his treasure vault by a simple mental command.

Thus, he never thought of asking his goddess mother to relay a message to Anu, nor did he think of asking the palace mages to make him an arcane device with similar functions.

The fact that the system gave him an actual quest to strengthen his bond with the Sword of Rapture and create his own version of the 'Gate of Babylon' only served to bolster his misbelief.

So, it was only natural that he sought to seek Ea for himself, and there was nothing stopping him from bullshiting the gods to achieve his precious. He was that enthusiastic.

He could have tricked Sauron into giving him the Ring with how much motivation he had.

...Gollum would have been proud.

STATUS (Apocalyptic Hardcore Mode)

[Name]: Gilgamesh

[Age]: Shota (5)


[Nature]: Balls of Adamantium, Fanatic of Nasu


Strength: E-

Agility: E-

Toughness: E-

Mana: D

Luck: D (EX: Due to Debuff)

Noble Phantasm: -



Gamer's Body: D

Decrease Physical Pain (30%), Accelerate Healing (30%)

Gamer's mind: EX

Nullifies Mental Deterioration due to Negative Stress, Influences Mental State for System Progression. Will still feel stressed.

Role Playing (Caster Gil): C+

Cannot act out of 'Character'. In other words, when under the observation of others, the player will automatically act as canon 'Caster Gilgamesh'. Some quirks of the Gamer's original personality might bleed through and he will be influenced by the environment.


Divinity: A+

He would normally possess the highest rank of Divinity among all Heroic Spirits due to being 2/3 god. He is at a level even exceeding Heracles, the son of Zeus who ascended to the Pantheon after death.

...There is no way this rank is going to decrease. The Gamer's going to bootlick the fuck out of Ishtar and the other gods.

Golden Gigolo: A

Self-explanatory. Boosts Bond Level Gain Amount by 500% among females. (×5).


Self-explanatory. Boosts Sexual Pleasure for Females in Taimanin Asagi Style (×3'000).

Caution is advised when using it against a potential yandere.

Parasite of GAIA: A+

Debuff. Death Flag Encounter Probability Boost (×100). High chances of awakening Tiamat. Low chances of encountering Cath Palug


Eternal Arms Mastery: D (E-: Due to Gamer's Mind)

Mastership in combat arts has reached the point of being said to be unrivaled in one's era. By completing the merging of mind, body, and technique, it is possible to make use of full fighting skills even when under the influence of any sort of mental hindrance...in theory.

At this level, the Gamer still needs a long and painful journey of blood and blades.

Clairvoyance: EX (A+: Due to Gamer's Mind)

Also known as Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star.

While this ability should have been downgraded due to the gamer not having the same mentality as canon Gilgamesh, it retained its former rank due to Gamer's Mind. While canon Gilgamesh intentionally restrains this ability due to it being 'too boring' among other reasons, the Gamer seems to have no intention whatsoever to follow his predecessor.

It is on the level of a 'continuously active-type Noble Phantasm', and grants him the insight to 'see' the past, present, and future possibilities of various parallel worlds, including his own.

[Seed of Skill]

Bullshiting: -

[Noble Phantasm]

➡Comming soon!

[Bond Level]

Lugalbanda (Father, Legendary King of Uruk) Lv7/15

Ninsun (Mother, goddess of Protection and Cows) Lv7/15

Anu (god-king of the Skies) Lv1/15

Ishtar (goddess of War and Beauty, NOT domesticated by Rin's personality) Lv0/15

My version of the Gate of Babylon, since the lore is still a mystery at this point. Maybe the origin of its functions would be revealed in the future, but I'll roll with this one.

And oh, the system is there for a reason.

Now...time for some good old bullshiting.

NEXT CHAPTER: "I had a dream yesterday." (feat. Martin Luther King Jr.)

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