
Ch 383: Corruption

"Your guards will have to stay here. You may use the platform to spectate the meeting." Valorum says

"Alright, how do we pilot this thing?" Blake asks

"It's rather simple." A woman says.

Blake nods.


At the Jedi council room.

"Here, we are." Yoda says

"Master Yoda do you know that woman?" Mace Windu asks

"Valuable her insight is." Yoda replies

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan walk in to the room.

"Let's start the meeting then shall we?" Plo Koon says


Back in the republic senate.

"The chair recognizes the senator from the sovereign system of Naboo." Valorum says

A craft begins to float down.

"Supreme Chancellor, Delegates of the senate, a tragedy has occurred. Which started right here with the taxation of trade routes and has now engulfed our entire planet in the oppression of the trade federation." Palpatine says his voice echoing throughout the room.

"He talks nice but I don't trust him." Ghira mutters

Blake nods

"This is outrageous! I object to the senators statements." Lott Dod shouts

"The chair does not recognize the senator from the trade federation at this time." Valorum says

"To state our allegations, I present Queen Amidala, recently elected ruler of the Naboo who speaks on our behalf." Palpatine says

"Honorable Representatives of the republic." Padme says

"She sounds like a robot." Blake says

"She's probably just nervous." Lapis says back

"I come to you under the gravest of circumstances. The Naboo system has been invaded by the droid armies of the Trade-" Padme says being cut off.

"I object there is no proof!" Lott Dod shouts

Blake suddenly makes the platform go down.

"So you are saying you did not invade the Naboo?" Blake asks

"Absolutely not." Lott Dod says

"And Queen Amidala you say you have been invaded?" Blake asks

"Yes." Amidala says

Meanwhile Chancellor Valorum wants to stop them but he didn't even bother to get their systems name.

"Does anyone here wish to admit to invading the Naboo?" Blake asks

"No? Then is it not clear that this an attack on the republic itself?" Blake asks

Suddenly the senators begin to discuss.

"That is not necessary!" Valorum says

"The System of Remnant is willing to lend Naboo military aid to repel the invaders." Ghira says

"Absolutely not!" Lott Dod shouts

"Why not? It's not like they are your ships? Unless you lied before the senate about invading a sovereign planet?" Blake asks

Palpatine is panicking watching his plans go up in flames.

"There is a caveat to our aid." Ghira says

"What would that be President Ghira?" Padme asks

"You must make peace with the Gungans." Ghira says

"I call for a vote of no confidence on the chancellor! A republic planet has been invaded by an outside force! Yet he does not wish to call for an assembly of the military!" A Senator shouts

Palpatine smiles.

While the visitor podium flies back to its spot.

"I see what Kyra wanted us to witness. That wasn't just a clown show that was an entire circus." Ghira says

"Yes. Good job momma Blake." Fei says

"It's nothing compared to having a conversation with Kyra." Blake says

Padme also returns her podium to its spot.


Back at the Jedi council room.

"He was trained in the Jedi arts. My only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord." Qui-Gon says

"Impossible. The sith have been extinct for a millennium." Ki Adi Mundi says

"Master Sifo Dyas would have disagrees with you. Look into his death you should." Kyra says


Mace Windu looks at Yoda.

"Hard to see the dark side is." Yoda says

"We will investigate this and discover the identity of your attacker." Windu says

"Master Qui-Gon more to say have you?" Yoda asks

"I've discovered a vergence in the force. Two actually." Qui-Gon says looking at Kyra.