
Ch 215: Defense against the dark arts

"Why are you so excited?" Susan asks

"Because my mom is teaching." Harriet says skipping down the stone halls.

"Wait your mom?" Hannah asks

"Yep! Ever since Quarrell died an unfortunate death yesterday she decided to take over for the rest of the year." Harriet says

"Really?" Susan asks

"You will see." Harriet says with a smile as she opens the door to the class room.

"Momma Kyra!" Harriet shouts jumping into the woman's arms.

"Hi Harriet, class is about to start could you back to your desk." Kyra asks

Harriet nods.

"Hello and Welcome puffs and Ravens to defense against the dark arts." Kyra says

Suddenly a hand shoots up.

"Yes miss Granger." Kyra says

"What will we be learning about? The last Professor left off with vampires." Hermione says

"Really did he go over the vampire ranking and what the difference is between a nosferatu and a average vampire?" Kyra asks

"No?" Hermione says unsure.

"Alright well then, there are technically several ways to kill a vampire... however a Nosferatu is the progenitor of vampires... it's a bit hard to explain. I should tell the story of vlad the impaler." Kyra says as she begins to write on the board.

"The country is Romania 13th century." Kyra begins


"So he threw away his humanity?" Hermione asks

"That's the theory but there was also likely a ritual involved aswell." Kyra says

"How was he killed?" A student asks

"Well, according to what was found from records of noble families from the time. He fought Yume and barely lost before he was sealed in the earth for eternity. The problem is the damage was done his legacy would live on as the race known as vampires." Kyra finishes

"How did Yume almost lose?" Susan asks

"Well, it was the 13th century magic was not as devolved as it is now and it was is believed because of the witch hunts at the time. Yume has to defeat him with a sword alone." Kyra says

Another students hand shoots up.

"But is what you said is true the. A normal sword could do nothing to Vlad the impaler." The student says.

"I never said it was a normal sword, Yume had been around according to our historical texts for probably millennia we have records of her from Ancient Greece. Now tell me can any of you think of a sword that could possibly damage a evil being?" Kyra asks

Hermione's hand shoots up.

"Go for it." Kyra says with a smile.

"The lady in the lake! It all makes sense Yume used Excalibur." Harmonies says her eyes shining.

"That is also my assumption from the information we have. The only possible weapon that could have hurt Vlad besides death's scythe itself would've been the holy sword Excalibur." Kyra says with a smile.

Kyra looks at a pocket watch.

"We have about 30 more minutes, I'm going to tell you all the easiest way to kill a vampire." Kyra says as she opens up a drawer.

"Now although to the muggles blades may be out dated." Kyra says pulling a machete out of the drawer.

"It's one sure fire way to kill a vampire of high rank like viscount and above while baron and below have two ways." Kyra says

"Harriet wanna tell us?" Kyra asks

"For a baron and below you can cut off the head or destroy its heart. However a viscount can sometimes regenerate its heart so the best way to kill it is decapitation." Harriet says

"Right you forgot the final step though, for the really high rank vampires you also need to burn the body. If you burn the body it is next to impossible to reive them." Kyra says as the bell rings.

"Alright sorry that I made it into a history class but atleast its better than the goblin wars, anyway make sure you all read your texts and we can go over spell casting next class." Kyra says as everyone picks up their books to leave.