
The Dive Into The Photon Notion Server

"So are you affirmative that only she is capable of unclogging the works of these proto-parasitic accumulations from the systems? My soul ID meets hers for a reason right, what about all those things you said about the broken structures of reality that haven't been explored in the nature of its existence. Doesnt this mean we're supposed to solve our faltered futures together, - something we may not be aware of yet." he said looking at the Warlock seeking the bit of sublime sympathy he is able to show him.

"As you know you've already dived into the Photon Notion Server dimensions, and all you've done is found yourself in the same glitch, a cul de sac of dead ends. Right now, this isn't about you. You've signed this contract Josh, you can't do anything about it now." as he pours the water from the jar to his tea cup, brewing himself Japanese tea and still expressing signs of adept indifference.

"Zara is from another dimension than ours, I feel you must reveal to her the ways of this secret agency and test the limits of her abilities. I'll give you just 1 day with her, since you're already sulking about it, and then she shall be well prepared to dive into the Photon Notion Server, I'm sure she acquires the aptitude of a Hawk." he continued as he lifted his head up to look at Josh like almost after a very long time.

"Right, until then I wait for a total cleanse of the systems so in return I reunite with my long awaited higher meridians, that which I long deserved if it wasn't for these underground demons infiltrating the spheres of ascension; with their corrupt and purposeless junk." Josh added.

"They've been responsible for many other soul IDs, they've all suffered similar consequences except Oppean, this is a broken dimension of broken dreams, I'm sorry Josh but I have to admit that your system is looking like fragments of pity. I think this meeting is over, as I've somewhere, where my presence is expected. Don't forget to introduce her to everyone else and don't forget that despite all our agendas, you're a billionaire too."

The warlock warned as he prepared in a hurry to depart from this premise.

They saw the legacies of shadow Billionaires as a common threat to all the guilds of the system, innocent people drown in return as their soul IDs become senselessly soiled with disregard and are usually left to be disposed by the ignorance in their mortal immorality, creating portals for shadow realms.

Ones that are under the same influence of misusing innocent soul IDs under impersonation and false image, very less did they care for the consequences, and instead left them to malfunction. This created the very disorder which harnessed all of the puzzles and confusion about the IDs that were under the impression of treachery and swindle, in return true Soul IDs of these innocent victims were faltered, most ended up with the same Soul IDs oblivious to the vulnerability of their future, and some ended up putting on a show just to follow the footwork of the corporate influence. This was what needed a reverse in its synchronity. The monsters that leveled up into the realms of the Shadow Monster Kings needed to be killed. They even degenerated into beastly creatures with over powered financial systems and the power of Warlocks and mages. And in the process only killing a Warlock and drinking the blood would do the work, which is what they did.

Rick was a reincarnated version of the same tyrant that dictated and oppressed continents and infiltrated worlds making all cultivated shadow realms mould and shape the human world according to their own likelihood.

Josh exits hologram conference hall and headed back to the common room, to Zara.

She was still there, but sitting on the floor infront of one of those lights. He flinched at the sight but he was more concerned about explaining to her about the System, and most of all the Photon Notion Server was a much complex design to explain.

It wasn't like the Brain Sex Cubicle, the Photon Notion Server technology functioned in a much different way although the fragments of these two different computerized advancements from a much delusional higher dimension, were the only things keeping this system-realm of his, intact.

He grunted a short breathed laugh out

"What're you doing in that corner Zara, there's a chair in this room. Is everything fine?"

"I was just here contemplating about my arrival, it made me have deep thoughts about how things escalated so quickly during my short time here. I also almost finished the wine." I said

"Oh okay. That's okay. I need to tell you something. Remember when I said we met at the interest of fate? Now that my memories have been restored by Oyrisi, I now know why our paths crossed.

"You were chosen by design to take an iconic dive into the Photon Notion Server, there's an inbuilt server programmed to access the dimensions of different portals in stories and movies, you will move through a holographic passage to reach designated destinations."

"uhhh.." i reasserted my confusion

"But for now, let's go down that beach we can reach there if we follow those stone pathways. Quite cool, at first you won't catch a glimpse of the ocean at all but will only do so once we walk down these fucked up medieval stone passages. Even I don't have an idea how those got here, considering this is a much cyber active realm. Let's go!"

As we stepped out of his front door. He held me again, this time tightly, my waist and pulled me closer to his tall and herculean warm body. It was a gesture that made me feel warm and gave me butterflies, and quite frankly I'm not that cheesy. I don't think my first boyfriend treated me this way. He expresses his interest in me more freely, a man with the free will of expressing how he truly feels without self-doubt or hesitence convinced me enough to believe that he's a gentleman and not a sissy asshole.

There were strange structures of a medieval castle as though it was only a fallen fragment of it. When I looked up I noticed another elevated platform and on its sides were stairways, there were fortresses placed in a disoriented manner which consisted doors of different shapes and sizes. There was also an enormous tree surrounded by soft beds of green grass that I've never seen before, this complimented the setting, as though it were from the set of a movie.

As they were walking on "The weathers cold, you can place your hands inside the pockets of my pants, or, you know what, just get into my sweater. You've got such a nice curve in your figure, if you do that it could give me another boner. Ahhhh! damn you're so hot and yet I love you, not just infatuated with your appearance, so to say. But perhaps I've fallen in love with you." he said this shoving me inside his sweater and holding me close, by my shoulder.

"You're rather the romantic kind for your own good, aren't you? Do not think that I have not understood the fact that you're doing your best trying to convince me into diving into the quantum notion of movies and mystical stories just to be the assassin." I said looking up at his face and smiling in sarcasm but he still pondered ahead at a surprisingly rusty door, also made of wood surrounded by what seemed to look like a labyrinth, it was still 20 feet away from us but I had laid my eyes on it from afar.