
Lower Dome

As they sat silently in the wisp, Oppean appeared in the horizons of their visual in no time.

This day was rather long for Zara and she didn't think that going back to her own cubicle would do her tired and sad self any justice, so she decided to stay with Josh instead.

"Are you okay since you said you wanted to go bed instead. Which is a much wiser decision than attending the party, because you look extremely tired. Do you want me to leave you here? I'll go if you want me to go." He stood straight on the floor and said to her in an awkwardly conscious position but successfully achieved his attempt to conceal it.

"I was just going to tell you to go attend to your guests because I didn't want to keep you from work, why not find out what vampires want from an incomplete mission. What if they're connected to these deconstructed and broken designs."