
An Army vet wakes up in the Naruto-verse.

An army vet wakes up in the naruto verse. His past life effects his new life in so many ways. Oh yea his system is controlled by venom so he has to deal with all that. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I am writing it. This is my first fanfic by the way so please be kind. ps. in high school English was my worst subject so I apologize for any grammar errors ahead of time.

Coyote11085 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Trouble while trying to explore.

Yotes pov.


Mission explore the leaf village.


Go out and explore the leaf village, every land mark you visit gives gives you 10 xp. Misson will end at midnight but the discovery of monuments will continue to give xp.

Hidden objective 1.

It's hidden did you really think we would tell you what it is.

Hidden objective 2&3.


Unlock the the gacha system menu.

Failure conditions.

How could you fail we made this super easy all you have to do is run around like a meat sack with your head cut off.


"Well since you're giving your word how can we not invite you with a shiny new mission. We don't like being weak either." Venom tells me before going silent.

"Hoohah!" I exclaimed then head out my sister room.

"I think I will check my fridge before I go out dont want to get back and have to leave to get suplies." When I leave the hall way I see the living room and the kitchen all mashed together in one room. I open my fridge to see its mostly empty.

"Kid must have died of starvation only thing in here is old milk. May as well go out to get supplies. Hey Venom is the currency here dollars or ryo, cause you gave me 1000 dollars to start out with? "

"We didn't want to mess with currency but you're right they will laugh at us if you give them dollars. We will exchange your currency for you. Don't think that this means we like you. We just don't want to be laughed at."

"Love you too Venom. Is there anything I can get you while I'm exploring. I cant have you feeling left out when I get a bunch of good food."


$1000 dollars has been exchanged for 110,483.50 RYO.


"That's a lot more then we thought it would be since we gave you so much ryo we want you to buy us some chickens to satisfy our hunger. "


Repeatable mission.

Mission objective.

Get us some animals to eat.


For every animal you give us we will give you a random reward. The bigger the animal the bigger the reward.


"We want them alive so we can enjoy their brains!" Venom says.

"Damn do I have to capture them or find them and let you eat them?"

"Since you haven't unlocked our venom powers you'll have to capture or buy the animals. Once you unlock our powers you can put your hand on their head and We can just eat them." Venom tells me.

"Very well geuss I'll get started. Head to the store first se what's available there." When I walk out my front door I realize my apartment is right next to naruto's apartment.

"Well thats convenient now I can find him later to get train him. Can't have our protagonist lagging behind in cannon. "

When I get down the steps, there are 3 kids hanging out in the entrance to our building. I ignore them and walk by but the biggest kid yells "Hey loser where do you think your going." I try to keep walking but he yells once more at me. "Hey moron I'm talking to you did your weak body loose your hearing too!"

"My hearing is just fine, I just don't really care what comes out of a horses ass. "

They surround me and the biggest kids says, "Don't get mouth with us, loser your weak and will always be weak. It's time for you to give use the money from the hokage. Unless you'd like another beating from us."

"I think you guys are about to find out i ain't nobody's bitch." I kick the first kid in the nuts as hard as I can. The other 2 kids watch him go down holding himself.

The chubby kid says "Your gonna pay for that loser " and swings a Haymarket at me . I duck under his arm move behind. I wrap my arms around him and say "you telegraphed that punch way too much." And then I suplex him. The third kid is just staring at us.

"You gonna attack me too or take your friends and go? Cause if you attack you won't be getting back up for a while." I say to him.

The last kid shakes his head quickly. I look down to see a puddle under his feet. I tell him, " If I see you guys near my house again I'ma make you all regret it. Now get outa here."

The third boy runs away leaving his friends laying on the ground moaning. I sit on the biggest boys chest and say. "We gonna have any more problems here bub, or do I need to kick you one more time right swift."

The biggest kid says "No you wont see me again please just leave me alone."

"You know that's kinda funny, how many times did I ask you to leave me alone? How many times did I tell you I need my money to feed myself. If this happens again you may not like the out out come." I say.

I get up and start walking off. When I get a pop up that says.


Hidden objective #1 complete.

Show the bullys who starvedthat previous owner of your meat sack they can't fuck with you any more.

Bonus objective

Make one of your bullies piss them self and run away.


Unlock symbiosis. Symbios is now available meaning you now have the nest suit in the spidey verse.

Bonus reward

Your dojutsu has been unlock. You can now see chakra like its mana and read fuinjutsu like its a manuscript.


"Hahahaha we can't stop laughing the third kid pissed him self and ran home to his mommie!" Yells inside my head.

"Yea the biggest kid flunked out of the academy last year. He thinks he owned the place. His 2 cronnies always road his coat tail. So I can now become venom from the spidey-verse huh?"

"Not quite, remeber how we said we amassed some power. We mixed the venom form with the poison dragon form. Your symbiosis will be known as venomous draconis." Venom informs me.

"Well can't complain about a bad ass new form can I. Although I think I'll just call it my draconis form cause I really wouldn't want to shorten it to VD."

"Ha the lazy meat sack made a funny. We are starting to like you meat sack." Says venom.

I start walking to the grocery store. When I'm about a block away I see a young blonde girl being chased out of the store. "Who was that I dont remember, a girl like that in naruto?"

"We don't know, we don't control what's done to your universe. We only have control over your system." Venom informs me.

"Well I geuss ill probably see them around sometime soon. Excuse me sir where can I find some chickens from?" I kinda want some for a few pets." I ask the store owner.

The store own gives me a dirty look at first then say, "live stock can be bought on the edge of the village near the Akimichi Clan. If you aren't gonna by anything ill have to chase you way too."

"I'm here to shop too, I just wanted to know ya know."

I get a few weeks worth of groceries and drop them off at home. Then head too the Akimichi Clan. When I get close I see Choji sitting on a bench eating some chips. I walk up to him and ask, "What flavor are your chips? My name is Yote"

Choji perks up and say " I'm Choji, They're barbecue you wanna try some?"

I relply, "Just one I got to buy some chickens for a friend. I dont really have time to sit and have a snack. But hey next time maybe you can come to my place and I'll cook us some lunch."

Choji gets stars in his eyes and says "wow you can cook! Thats so cool!!" Then in a sad voice says "mom won't let me cook. She says I could burn water, I'm so bad at it."

"We all have our talents Choji. Can you help me find the chickens I wanna buy? I bet you'd be good at showing me where to go to buy them!" I ask

Choji perks up and say "Yeah I know just where they are. Mom some times takes me with her to buy eggs from the lady who sells them." Choji leads me to the live stock area .

"Aunti Kokearu my friend would like to buy some chickens from you! How much are they? He promised to have me over for lunch tomorrow." Choji said all in one breath like if he didn't get it all at once he wouldn't get his lunch.

"Oh Choji you made another friend? I tell you what if he tells me what he's making you for lunch tomorrow ill give him discount." Says aunti kokearu.

"Thats too easy ma'am Ima make him spegetti, I got all the fixens for it today. Its supper easy to make but tastes delicious. " I tell her.

"Spegetti? I've never herd of that dish whats it like?" She ask.

" I'll do one better I'll bring you some tomorrow. If Choji eats all the first pot I'll make second pot." I tell her in jest.

"Then I'll have to give you the super discount I'll let you have 4 chickens for 5000 ryo. How about that!" Said aunti kokearu

"Awesome!" I hand her a list of ingredients and ask her if she is allergic to anything on it.

She tells me "No can't say I am."

I pay her and Choji helps me carry the 4 chickens home. "So ill see you tomorrow then? Um will it be ok if I bring my best friend with mem shikamaru and I usually hang out on Sundays."

"Yea sure no problem, the more the merrier. You can bring as many people as you want. Just let me know how many people is coming ahead of time so I can make sure everyone gets enough to eat."

"I'll ask Ino if she wants to come too. Our dads usually drink together so we hang out with her some times." Choji tells me.9

"Cool make sure no one allergic to anything on this list please." I say.

"See ya tomorrow choji!"

"See ya tomorrow Yote!"

Well I fixed some of the previous chapter. I don't have anyone to check my work, so I kinda just read my chapter and fix anything I notice. If you see an error I miss feel free to comment. I'll fix anything you tell me about.

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