
Here's another Problem

The scythe missed, just passing a few meer centimetres from his face, she landed beside a pile of small crates that were set aside, most likely forgotten, that's probably what the whole warehouse was... forgotten, this thought crossed her mind while she approached the warehouse "why on earth would a man like this want to hang around here?, I understand because it's abandoned but why alone?"

this thought struck her quite hard "what if he wasn't alone, but brought *cargo* with him". Just then a sound, like that of breaking bones began to echo throughout the dead warehouse, she turned, scythe in hand he was standing on top of one of the biggest crates in the dilated space 'Is he the one making that horrible sound?' she thought 'well I guess it's about time he changes'. His mouth opened, the odd sound only getting louder, "CRRRKKRR" his face turned upwards mouth only getting wider as the skin where his jaw would usually be, began to rip, black inky blood spilling out "ew" she thought "it's changing into its eighth form I see"