
Chapter 2 : Angel Lina

There she was

An angel from above

There she was on her white straight grown, beautiful, strong white wings , sitting under a full branched tree created my the lord . That tree is the tree were the lord almighty passes mission to her true the leaves which she accomplished and go back for more till she get her last mission from the lord and she will be appreciated by the lord and be taken to paradise.

As Angel she had a lot of responsibility to accomplish her mission on earth, upon all these she breaks the rules too by meddling with the human lives through rescue of dead animals that her meant die and realizing bullied animals too. She was the bravest and youngest in her reign as an angel and she was called Angel Lani. Angel Lani also had a supervisor who supervised her here down on earth his name was Angel Celio, he was very strict and never smiled let say it was emotional less . The lord told him to supervise Angel Lani and since he met Angel Lani it has been from one trouble to another and he also felt a-lot of emotion like Anger, happiness , sadness and love. He has been with her since she was brought down on heart, he guided her and loved like she was his daughter but never showed her so she could focus.

On a cool evening Angel celio called Angel Lani to come to the church, the church was were his office was , there he communicated to the lord directly, he told her to come that lord has received her last mission and she as accomplished it and it's time to go home, when she heard that she was very happy and jumped in joy, Angel celio told her to come to the church by 12 midnight and the door to paradise will be opened to her that if she does not make it by 12 midnight the door will be closed and she will never be able go to paradise instead she will turn into dust and disappear into the air. He repeated himself and told her to come by midnight then she told him she had everything under control.

On that same day Prince josh as finally realized that his uncle was a very wicked person and his plan was to wipe out his brothers family and also was the one who killed his father's most trusted guard who was a father to him Mr rayman . His uncle had two daughters who where against his plan to take over the kingdom, he knew if his daughters lived with him he would not be able to carry on with his plan for the throne, he decided to travel them to a far away kingdom to study a foreign language.

That evening the king was holding a ceremony where by other kings and princes of different kingdoms come to visit and discuss about how they rule their kingdom and how much power they have, on that day Prince josh decided to show himself to his uncle the king that he was alive and healthy and was ready to take over the throne. He told his new assistant to get the car ready cause they about to live soon. At first he was scared but his mind was already made that he was going to get his throne .

After a long drive the Prince arrived at the castle, he stepped out of his car and a cold wind embraced him , he felt it and knew his dad has welcomed him home. He stepped into the castle hall were the king's meeting was being held, the king stood up in shock and said to him self "what! "How is this possible" said the king. The other kings was surprised and happy to see the king so grown up and good looking that was because they heard a rumor of the Prince being dead. They all stood up and embraced the Prince with joy and welcomed him to join the meeting on, the Prince sat down at the table , he then looked at his uncle who was still in shock and said "aren't you happy to see me uncle" then his uncle said " oh yes my boy am happy " "am just surprise to see you , where have you been? I looked for you everywhere " said his uncle, the Prince then said to his uncle in front of the other kings " well am back now as you can see I am strong and am ready to take over my throne ". The king was shocked hearing that statement from the Prince , he ranged in his ear for some minute before he could give a response. " of course my boy anytime you are ready your throne is waiting for you " said the king . The Prince stood up and said "thank you all for the warm welcome, I will like to take my leave now" one of the the kings then said " my Prince you just arrived why not stay a little bit more this is your home" the Prince said " that will be very nice your highness , but I will only live in these place till am crowned king" .

Meanwhile the king already sent some of his thugs to work on the prince's car so it could lead to a big accident that will lead to his death or make him disable. The Prince stood up and took a bow at the kings and worked out of the castle heading to his car, he enters his car and his assistant drove . He was being watched by the king as he drove out of the castle , he then smiled he knew his plan was already accomplished .

During the Prince drive home his assistant noticed the car's brakes were failing he quickly alerted the Prince saying "my Prince I think the car's brakes are failing I can't slow down" The Prince knew immediately that this was the handwork of his uncle, he also knew this was his end , he prayed to the lord to send him a guardian Angel to save them. The car crashed in the middle of a bridge and was also halfway falling from the bridge, the Prince was covered with blood, his assistant was already dead, he didn't make it, the Prince cried out faintly in pain "help" the car kept slipping and was about to fall in to the ocean, he kept crying out for help " please is anyone there?" Cried the Prince.

Angel Lina was on her way to the church so can finally go to paradise and rest, suddenly she heard someone crying faintly, "help, I don't want to die" she stop and said to herself "focus Lina paradise is the main course now okay" she ignored and continued her walk to her destination. She heard the voice but this time Around she felt so much pain in th voice , She immediately used her power to find the voice and she appeared on incident scene where she saw the crashed that was almost falling of the bridge, she saw the Prince in the back seat crying with blood all over his body , begging for someone to help him then she stretched forth her hands and said " rest on dear son of the lord" because she was not to meddle with the human lives. She was about leaving suddenly the Prince stretched his hands towards her and cried "please help please don't live please " she was shocked that the Prince could actually see her and felt her presence cause no human can see her or feel her presence and she can't touch any human, if she does she will turn into dust and disappear into air. She was really surprised she turned around looking at the Prince and saw his eyes where bleeding which means he might be blind. She was so shocked that was not able to move , the car finally slipped off the bridge and was falling into the sea , she knew she must do something to help him all of a sudden it started raining she immediately used her power to stop time and her strong white wings appeared , she flew down and pulled the car upwards back to the bridge immediately she unfreezes time , then she walked towards the car and tried touching the Prince faces suddenly the bell ringed and it was 12 midnight it was then it came to her that she was late already and her way to paradise was over , she freaked out . Out of nowhere a lightning strikes immediately she disappeared and fell straight in front of the church door post, she stood up immediately and ran towards the door but it was already locked. She cried and said lord am sorry.