Alexander in his past life was just a regular guy who received the Truck-Kun service. When he died, the ROB who received him made him spin a wheel, resulting in him acquiring power from an abandoned Novel. An altered ability based on metabolizing alcohol into power. In his second life, when his Quirk activated his Alter Cells and his Quirk factor fused upgrading his powers to a new level. What will he do in this new life with these odd powers.
When Alexander's Imugi War Arts truck drove in toward the driveway of a very large house. His Father hated the name McMansion, but that was what it was. A large house that was larger than a normal home, but smaller than a mansion.
Walking around the house was the security detail of his Father which made Kumiko curious.
When Alexander parked his truck in the driveway, none of the guards approached. They all knew who he was as they had all met him. He turned off his truck and stepped along with Kumiko.
"Welcome to my dad's Musutafu home, it is his vacation home when he is in Japan."
He grabbed her luggage from the back of his truck before walking toward the door. As she walked next to him she was wondering something.
"What is your Dad like?"
Alexander smiled.
"He spoiled me growing up as I am his only son. Other than me, he has a step-daughter from his wife and a pair of twins. My sisters unfortunately are only A as S class are rare. Even the children of S class are not guaranteed to be in S class."
When he reached the door, Kumiko opened it for him as he walked in. The first thing she saw was the massive size of the living room as everything looked expensive. If this was only a vacation home, what was the real home in Russia like?
However, the thing that drew her attention was Mikhail who was sitting on the couch. With a grin, he rose to his feet before walking toward his son. He started speaking in his mother tongue, Russian.
Alexander put down Kumiko's luggage before he walked toward his dad. He towered over most people as he was 6'4 and still growing every month. However, his Father was 7'2 making him feel like a small boy.
In Russian, he responded.
"Dad, it is good to see you again."
Together they shared a quick hug which made Kumiko smile.
"You two look alike, minus the beard."
With a smile, Mikhail patted Alexander's head before turning to her.
"That is Nemuri's fault, she makes him shave. You will see his beard grow in Russia. Now then, introduce me."
"Kumiko, this is my dad, Mikhail Anatoly, number 1 hero in Russia and number 8 in the S class Ranking worldwide. Dad, this is my best friend and girlfriend Kumiko Aoyama. Her quirk is ranked A++ bordering on S class."
Now this time Mikhail was impressed.
"Congratulations Kumiko, while A class Quirks are less rare than S class, having one with the potential to be S class is extremely lucky. Mind me asking what it is?"
Kumiko nodded.
"I named it Mercury, I can produce Mercury from my body and control it."
She raised her hands around her liquid mercury began to flow around her. With a thought, it turned solid into spears of Mercury, and before spreading it out into a solid shield of mercury.
Mikhail instantly began to see the danger of her Quirk which was going to make her less useful in rescue, but excellent Varient/Monster exterminator.
"Consider me impressed, with both of you. If you drew the attention of my dimwitted boy, you must be special. Just call me Mikhail of father-in-law if you two intend to get married. Boy, don't fuck up."
He smacked Alexander on the head making him hold his head.
With a smile, Kumiko waved her hand and absorbed the Mercury back into her body. Quirks above B class could be trained in certain ways and absorbing it back into her body was one way she used it. It allowed her to waste a little energy.
When all the Mercury was gone, Alexander picked up her luggage.
"How long are we staying in Japan?"
Mikhail thought about it.
"A few hours. My jet doesn't need to refuel as long as the Reactor is working. I would visit your Mother, but she always limited our drinking so no fun. Speaking of drinking."
With a big grin, Mikhail snapped his fingers, and from the floor rose a shelf of the most powerful and expensive alcoholic drinks. Alexander instantly began to grin himself as he walked over and grabbed a bottle off the shelf.
When he removed the lid, instantly the potent smell of alcohol began to fill the room. Kumiko took one sniff and was forced to cover her nose at the smell. Mikhail chuckled as Alexander tilted the bottle and he started drinking.
Mikhail walked next to him and grabbed another bottle of the same type and he began chugging. Seeing her boyfriend and his dad drinking down alcohol so potent it would destroy her stomach, kidneys, and liver at the same time and be just fine was humbling.
Even more so when both of them began to glow, Mikail glowed a bright blue as his Quirk converted the alcohol into power. Alexander's Alter Factor did the same thing, but he started glowing purple.
Kumiko was then hit with the full force of the auras of two S ranks at the same time causing her to buckle.
She thought the bottles they were drinking would be finished, but two minutes after they were still drinking. The more they drank the worse she felt until they both stopped now both glowing with power.
Both set the bottles down before turning toward each other. With big smiles, they began to laugh. Alexander turned to Kumiko who looked like she was about to fall over.
"That was made from an A-class variant fruit. The alcohol distilled from it is so potent only those A and S ranks can drink it. You should be able to take a shot, but I would not risk it."
Mikhail nodded as he patted Alexander's head.
"He has a point, this is what we do when we get together. We drink to the point we feel like our livers are going to be destroyed before we fight. We got to stop here because fights between S ranks are never easy."
Kumiko shook her head as she tried to snap out of the suppression of the two of them.
"Must be nice, but unlike Alexander, I haven't ever drank in my life."
Hearing that made Mikhail glance at his liquor cabinet. He began to look through the bottles before finding one that would not destroy her liver.
"Here, try some of this wine. You got to at least drink if you are going to be part of this family."
Kumiko glanced at the wine bottle in his hand before walking over and taking it. She saw how Alexander and Milhail were looking at her with expectations. She removed the cork before she took a sniff. The potent smell of wine hit her, but unlike what they had drank before didn't make her nose burn.
She tilted the bottle and she took a swig from it. When she did, the slight grape flavor hit her before the powerful alcohol came behind it. They fused in a good mix, but she only took one swig because of how strong it was.
"Are all the things you drink this strong?"
Alexander and Mikhail nodded at the same time before she handed the bottle back. Though from the look of things, Mikhail was proud.
"Glad you can hold at least that much, we got to build up your resistance though. Better add that to the training list?"
Alexander gave his dad a thumbs up.
"Good idea."
Kumiko smiled, but in her mind, she was laughing.
'My boyfriend and his dad are kinda crazy, aren't they? Oh well, nothing wrong with that.'
Mikhail clapped his hand before sending the drinks back down. If Kumiko was not here they would have gotten hammered, but that was fine for now.
"We can drink in Russia all we want son, for now, let's eat before we go."
Alexander grinned because his dad preferred to eat Varient meat. With the biology of an S class, eating Varients could better sustain him. Alexander hid that from his Mother as she didn't need to know that.
Before they left for Russia, one of his Father's guards, a master chef cooked up a meal using ground-up meat from the same S class Varient Alexander and Mikhail killed. The thing had been called Chudo-Yudo, named after the Multiheaded Dragon of Russian myth.
The Varient he and his son killed looked the part as it had been a giant dragon-like monster with 12 heads and 12 tails. It had made its lair in the Siberian Varient Zone as one of the offspring of one of the Tyrants it had been a dangerous creature.
However, it still had died at their hand and now, its flesh, blood, bones, and materials were all for their use. Its bodily fluids had been used in the ink to tattoo them both. They had plenty of its meat for months, and the best materials were going to be used in Alexander's hero outfit.
When the meal was prepared and the burgers cooked, Kumiko felt like what she had been eating her entire life was a lie. The sheer intensity and diversity of flavors in the burgers she was eating made her feel alive.
For the rich, eating the flesh of Varients was a privilege because the nutrients could allow their quirks and Awakened abilities to grow stronger. Someone who grew up on Varient flesh and someone eating non-varients would always be stronger even quirkless.
It was quite obvious with Kumiko who had never eaten a varient. Much less an S class and she felt that her Quirk Factor got a slight upgrade. She didn't get to test it as once they finished eating they made their way to the airport.
Mikhail drove in his truck along with his guards while Alexander drove Kumiko. When they arrived at the Musutafu airport, the two trucks were loaded onto the massive Imugi War Arts Private Jet.
While Mikhail's guards loaded the trucks and luggage, Alexander, Mikhail, and Kumiko made their way inside. Today, Kumiko had experienced several things she had not before and that was just today.
Seeing her a bit out of it, Alexander wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"You good?"
"I am fine, just thinking that there are so many things I had no idea about. Is this how rich people live?"
Mikhail leaned back in his seat next to Alexander.
"For the most part, yes. The rich get privileges those that who aren't will never get. However, while money controls most of the world, the S class are the true Kings. The strongest S class, Blast could rule this world if he so wished.
The only one who could match him was Vanguard before he vanished, now, the second-strongest S-class is contested between Tatsumaki of Japan and Indra from India. Third could honestly go between Star Spartan of Greece or Bang from Japan.
Though everyone knows Bang's brother Bomb would beat him in a fight, he is a recluse. Now, the list can change at any time if an official challenge is given so the top 5 are contested heavily. As for number 4, Fafnir of Germany, and 5 Dracul of Romania. I could keep going, and that is not counting the Villains.
The number one S-class Though, much like our good old Death Lord, her name is as edgy as it sounds. Necromancy."
Kumiko squinted her eyes.
"Does she have a name?"
Mikhail shrugged.
"None that we know, she just calls herself Death Lord, and the name stuck. Her Death Guard is more S class, and that is not counting the former big bad Zahak, who is MIA. If Death lord and Zahak went at it, who knows who would win."
Kumiko nodded wrapping her arm around Alexander. Both of them were listening to Mikhail's information.
"Are the Varients counted in the ranking?"
He shook his head.
"No, the unspoken rule between S-class Heroes and Villains is, to kill any S-rank Varient you get your hand on. Since the rise of Varients, it has been the rule that S-rank Heroes and Villains work together to kill them.
The heroes do it because it stops the Varients from destroying the land. The Villains do it because if everything is destroyed, there is no world to rule or torment."
Kumiko nodded before she glanced out the window. She had been so focused on Mikhail she didn't even hear when they took off. With a smile, Mikail leaned back and relaxed. Alexander turned to her knowing she liked his dad's story.
"Interesting right?"
Kumiko nodded.
"Interesting doesn't even cover it. Do you know more?"
"Let me think."
The rest of the flight he answered any questions she had only those in power or power could answer. In less than an hour, they flew the distance back to Russia and Moscow. When they landed, Kumiko was already giddy with the chance to explore a new place and Alexander was happy for her.
(Some of the S class are from Super Necromancer System, and some are from One Punch Man. Here is the question, should Saitama exist or no? Is he needed to survive? I think yes, but I could be wrong.)