Alexander in his past life was just a regular guy who received the Truck-Kun service. When he died, the ROB who received him made him spin a wheel, resulting in him acquiring power from an abandoned Novel. An altered ability based on metabolizing alcohol into power. In his second life, when his Quirk activated his Alter Cells and his Quirk factor fused upgrading his powers to a new level. What will he do in this new life with these odd powers.
(To explain how this story will work since it is a Cross Over. I will have two types of power systems, Quirks and Awakened Abilities. This will be powers like Tank Top Master, Metal Bat, and Flashy Flash. Abilities you were not born with, but trained.
Both will be ranked from E- to S+ in terms of Power. Someone like All Might would be an S rank, but Endeavor would be an A+. Mikhail, Alexander's Father is another S rank and the Number 1 Hero of Russia. Each country will have its leaderboard and also a World Wide Leader Board.
S ranks are rare so I will be using OPM S Class Heroes and some Characters from Super Necromancer System I liked for some other countries. Also, I finally built up a decent lore for this new world in this chapter. I also have gone back and done some patch work for the cross-over to work.)
Once his mother went upstairs after very obviously flirting with him, Alexander felt partially odd, but he felt on top of the world for the most part. First, he got a hentai hottie girlfriend, and his very hentai-worthy mom was flirting with him. While the latter might be weird, he still remembered his first mom from his first life.
While he thought of Nemuri as his mother, he still remembers when she was an anime character and very popular in Doujins. Hard to change his ways when she was one of his favorite anime Waifus.
'When that R.O.B sent me here, I thought I would get a single girlfriend like a normal person, but when you got superpowers who care about things like that.'
Alexander didn't get up from the couch as he relaxed. He would not get many chances to relax in Russia because his Father would be taking him to Siberia. Very few humans still lived there because of the Variant Hoards.
Those who did live there, like the old man were powerful. The tattoos that covered his body were made from the fluids of powerful Varients and mutated plants. They hurt like a bitch to tattoo, but they were worth it.
He looked down at his chest because he still had plenty of surface area to cover. However, to make them, he would need to work alongside his Father to dive deep into Siberia to bring back the raw ingredients.
'We might be bringing Kumiko. I hope for her sake she can handle it.'
He had hope for his best friend/girlfriend. He didn't befriend her just because she was pretty after all. For now, he decided to get ready to depart in a few hours.
While Alexander was preparing to leave, a sleek military-style Private Jet was en route from Moscow to Musutafu Airport. The plane had been crafted from Null Ore, a very rare metal that often formed in Varient Nests.
The ore was not just extremely durable, but it also canceled out Quirks and Awakened Abilities that were used on it. Even he, an S class would need to use his powers to their limit for an extended time to break it.
Despite the price, it was worth it because it also acted as Variant Repellent. The ocean and sky over it was a major danger zone because of the beasts that called it home. However, every country that could had forward bases in the ocean because of the resources that could be found.
Even Major Corporations had a hand in the war against the Variants. Mikhail himself was from the Anatoly Family with his older brother being the CEO of Imugi War Arts, one of the largest Corporations the World Over.
They were number one when it came to developing weapons in the war against the Variants. In this world, when the first Quirk appeared, the year had been the year 2000. With the birth of the glowing child, the world over began to develop Quirks and Awakened Abilities in mass.
However, while some had only minor abilities, some of those developed A or even S Rank abilities. It did not take long before those A and S-class beings sought to use their powers to take over like Warlords.
Others rose to stand against them leading to the rise of Heroes and Villains. The initial Chaos caused weaker countries to collapse from within before some powerful nations militarized Quirks and Awakened Abilities to be used for their gains.
This rapid militarization of Quirks, Awakened Abilities, and Technology led to The Quirk Wars. Even more, died in these conflicts that raged the planet over. The Wars and the clashes between S Ranks resulted in mass chaos the world over.
Certain zones were so affected that even to this day they were not safe to inhabit. This period of around 50 years to the year 2050 had several names. The Chaos Era, The Quirk War Era, to the Age of Villains. For 50 years, countries and Quirk Users fought and won in cycles with no victor in sight.
However, when the year 2050, a second tragedy shook mankind out of its war with itself instantly. 50 years before, humans had evolved and 50 years later, the animals followed. This event would be known as The Monstering when animals, just like humans began to develop their Quirks and Awakened Abilities. These were named Varients or Monsters by some.
Just like humans, they could be weak in matching S-rank Quirk Users. This resulted in Heroes, Villains, and warring countries setting aside their petty differences to combat the Varients who were beyond numerous.
They were led by creatures known as Tyrants. S Class monsters, everyone with the power to lead their lesser brethren. The next 50 years were spent combating the Varients in a united front. The War ended when most of the Tyrants of the various hoards were killed. The next 90 years were spent both rebuilding following the Quirk Wars and the Monstering.
Humanity didn't fight any wars against itself because it could not afford to. Every few years humanity had to fend off incursions by the variants led by their surviving Tyrants who healed from their wounds of the Monstering.
Even the new blood, the offspring of the Tyrants rose alongside the offspring of the old S Class. However, this did not descend into an all-out war like it had when the Monstering happened. However, humanity's unified front ended because of greed.
In the year 2190 when mega Corporations that had gathered so much power initiated a decade-wide conflict simply known as the Corporate Wars. One of these Mega Corporations was Imugi War Arts which had been run by Mikhail's late great-grandfather during the Monstering. Then, by Mikhail's grandfather during the Corporate Wars.
At the end of the war, his grandfather stepped down and allowed Mikhail's Father to take over, but he stepped down 30 years after being in control in the year 2230. 230 years since the emergence of Quirks and now, Imugi War Arts was being run by Mikhail's older brother. Currently, the year was 2250, a grand 250 years since the beginning of Super Powers in the world.
After the many wars, the number of S-Class Heroes was particularly small. Only around 70 such beings existed with one of them being Alexander, Mikhail's son. The number might reach up to 80 or 85, but some had been classified as MIA or KIA in Variant Zones.
Others like Alexander were young and had yet to truly bloom into their full power. In other cases, age had caught up to them or they had been wounded. All Might was a prime example as while his secret was not known to many, many S Class Heroes did know.
Mikhail was currently sitting in this Imugi Patent Private Jet. Other than the pilot, who was a Techno, a Quirk User who could interface with Technology, and Five Security Guards all ranked A+. Mikhail needed no guards, but they were useful as a barrier between him and everyone else.
As for Milhail himself, despite being seated, he radiated the tale tell signs of a S Rank. A weight that drew the fear and respect of others. He was also a giant of a man standing even taller than Alexander at 7'2.
His entire body was covered in similar tattoos to Alexander's. Each one was made by the Old Man from the corpses of S Class Varient that he and Mikhail killed together in Siberia. A grand victory for mankind, but in all honestly, Mikhail felt that Alexander did more in that battle than him.
His Five Guards who sat around the plane left him alone as he had asked for that. As the Jet flew forward, the pilot spoke directly to Mikhail through his vox.
"Sir, we are approaching Musutafu Airport."
"Land us."
"At once Sir."
In the meantime, he decided to spend a few hours in Japan before returning to Russia.
'That seems like a good idea, I might as well check in to see how my boy is doing.'
As for Alexander, he was currently in his room packing just a few essentials. Like some of his favorite clothes, his best colognes, and his jewelry. Most of it was the best that money could buy, rare metals and materials.
He had even sourced most of it himself from Siberia, but it was just one S-class Danger Zone in the world. Australia, Antarctica, some parts of Africa, Canada, America, and even India had some of the worst Danger Zones.
Only S Class Villains and Heroes could safely enter them and come out with the loot. That made him remember last summer when he and his Father exterminated that S Class Variant.
It took the both of them fighting with all of their might to come out on top, but it had been worth it. He smiled as he picked up his suit case before leaving his room. Waiting in the doorway of her room was his mom.
"Got everything you needed?"
"Yes, I have more stuff at Dad's house."
Nemuri sighed as not only was Mikhail rich, but he was also an S class. She had nothing against his wealth or strength, but he could provide far more for their son than she could.
"I will miss you."
He walked over to her and wrapped one of his arms behind her back. Though, he did so a little lower than was 'acceptable'. He was still higher up, but it was a hug that could be passed off as a mistake.
"My bad, you are kinda small."
Nemuri smiled as she patted him on his hips.
"Tends to happen when you are a giant my big man."
Chuckling he walked downstairs. Nemuri didn't follow him as her smile dropped a little before closing her door. She fell on her back onto her bed causing her long black hair to cascade on the bed.
As she looked at the ceiling she thought of her son. As he was growing up he was such a smart, mature, and careful child. He understood his strength as even when he didn't drink anything he could still unleash devastation as an S Class.
When he was drunk, he was an entirely different beast. In the last three years, he had changed so much. Every time he went to Russia, she was reminded of Mikhail. They had met by chance, she hadn't even known who Mikhail was.
But, a series of circumstances led to them sleeping together leading to the birth of Alexander. After the birth, her attention had been on raising Alexander. Despite the fact he was 15, she sometimes felt that he was the mature one.
She smiled as she rolled over to her side thinking of how her son looked.
'Better than his Father, that is for sure.'
Alexander who was already driving to Kumiko's house to pick her up sneezed.
He shook his head he continued to drive to her house. As he was doing that, his phone began to ring. When he looked at who it was, he answered instantly.
"Dad, you in Japan?"
"I just landed, I will be spending about a day in Musutafu. Drive to my mansion, I will meet you there."
With a chuckle, Alexander made a small joke.
"You mean the McMansion?"
Mikhail grumbled.
"Yes, tell your Mother when you get the chance to stop being stubborn and take one of them. She still lives in that small house with you and it is shameful for a S Class like you to live like that."
"It was a gift from her parents when she became a hero, Dad. It means something to her."
"It is sad is what it is, with how much I give you a month, you should be able to renovate or at least upgrade it."
Like he hadn't tried that.
"I have tried, she likes it how it is."
Mikhail shook his head as he sat in the back of his USV. Another Umugi War Arts custom. Unlike the truck that he gifted his son, this one had weapons.
"I can't force the issue, so I won't. See you soon son."
"Oh, before you hang up, I should tell you. I am bringing my girlfriend."
He said that Alexander made it to Kumiko's house, but he was worried about the silence.
Mikhail smiled to himself.
"And here I thought you were just broken. You are like the most popular guy in Russia. As my son, a member of the Anatoly Family and an S Class so many want to give you their daughters. Wives even and you are still a sad virgin."
Alexander scowled as he knew his Dad was testing his buttons.
"I was focused on other stuff."
"Sure, hanging up now."
Once Mikhail hung up, Alexander snorted as while he may be a virgin in this life, he was not in his past life.
"Suck it."
He was about to get out to knock, but Kumiko kicked the door open and walked out with a smile. Behind her, she had several arms made of liquid mercury carrying several suitcases.
When he looked at her, she was wearing a pair of running shoes, a miniskirt, a purple blouse that showed her curves, and large breasts. It suited her greatly, but walking behind her was her Mother.
Though, if he looked carefully, he saw her Dad starring at him from the window.
'I never did ask, but what rank is he?'
When Kumiko got to his truck, she placed her suitcases in the trunk before walking around to get into the passenger seat. When she got in, he rolled the window down to talk to Fumiko.
"Kumiko, you look incredible."
She smiled as she leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you, you look better now that I know your mine."
"Of course."
Clearing her voice, Fumiko got both of their attention.
"You can flirt later, I just wanted to say this. What will you be doing in Russia exactly."
"For the most part, I will go to Moscow where my Father lives. Mikhail Anatoly."
For a few seconds, Fumiko had to think about it, but when she realized who his Father was, she nearly fell over.
"Your Father is the S-class Hero of Russia?"
Kumiko rolled her eyes.
"You didn't know? He told me when we met."
Fumiko covered her face.
"Let's not talk about it. On another note, Kumi. You know my rules, check in at least every day and or text saying what you are doing. Alexander, I am trusting you with my baby girl, take care of her, please."
Alexander placed his hand over his chest and nodded.
"I swear to keep her safe, you can count on me."
"I hope so."
Fumiko turned around and walked toward her house. Though, from his angle, he could see where Kumiko got her good looks. Her blue hair though came from her dad.
"Ready to go Kumi?"
She nodded with a smile.
"I am. I always wanted to travel the world and I will be able to meet the rest of your family."
With a smirk, he dropped another bomb on her.
"Guess who is my Mom?"
Kumiko started to think about it.
"Your name is Alexander Anatoly Kayama, so who is named Kayama? Midnight?"
Kumiko smirked to herself.
"Now, I want to meet her too."
"You will get a chance to see her before we leave."
On the rest of the drive to his Father's McMansion(Real thing.), they spoke more about their families and what their plans were once they graduated. They stopped when they made it to the large house where his Father stayed when he was in Japan.
Already Kumiko was impressed, but this house was tiny compared to the giant mansion in Moscow. It was cute though.