
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Marked by the Alpha

"You're back early." Solaria says once we enter my bedroom.

"Welcome back from your trip, Melanie, I hope you had an amazing time–" I kicked the door shut, throwing the basket full of my things across the room. Ophelia smiles, dies down, and Solaria grins. "Or not."

"I hate him. I hate everyone." I jump into the bed that remains soft and warm like the sheets were left to dry out in the hot sun for a whole day.

"Ouch, even us?"

"You guys are fine." I breathe. "I just hate the alpha with a deadly passion."

"I know you hate the alpha, but this…is a new type of hatred."

"What happened?" Ophelia sits on the bed.

"Yeah, tell us. We are all ears."

Solaria and Ophelia, my two dearest friends, sit before me with worry etched across their faces. Their presence alone brings a sense of comfort amidst the turmoil swirling within me. I know they've been concerned, sensing the weight of my silence and the unspoken secrets that have burdened my heart. As I sit up on the bed, my gaze meets theirs, and I can feel their anticipation hanging in the air. The weight of their concern mirrors the heaviness that has been weighing me down for far too long. I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts and summoning the courage to share the truth.

"I'll tell you the whole story," I say, my voice steady but laced with vulnerability. Solaria and Ophelia exchange a quick glance before taking a seat beside me, their eyes filled with compassion and understanding. I don't want to remember all the things that have happened since our aerial at the crimson village. But I can trust them. "We were attacked by the pack."

"No way really?" Ophelia leans in.

"Yes, they attacked us twice. On our way to Huntsvilles, and when we were in the forest hunting with the alpha."

"The alpha brought you to hunt with him?"

I nod.

"That explains why the alpha was deeply injured," Solaria says.

"Yes, and it was kind of my fault."

"What do you mean that it's your fault? The Krae attacked not you."

"I sorta ran away… The Alphas was being a bitch about it."

"Why did you think running away would be a smart thing to do?" Solaria stands "Wait, you tried to run away? From the Krae or…"

"From here."

"Why would you try to leave Wolvendom?" Ophelia frowns. "I thought you liked us."

"I do. But when I saw the alpha was hurt in the woods asking for my help, I only thought of my sister and how I'd see her again."

"Oh I'm so sorry Mel." Ophelia takes my hand. "What can we do to make you feel better?"

"First, you can help me remove this mark on my neck."

"What mark?"

I show them the mark on my neck. Solaria takes a look at it, then her eyes widen with shock as she takes in the mark on my neck. Ophelia's expression mirrors her astonishment, and I can sense their concern growing palpably in the room. Their silence hangs heavy, the unspoken understanding between us filling the space.

"What is it?" I press, my voice filled with a mix of anxiety and curiosity. Solaria's gaze flickers towards Ophelia, a silent conversation passing between them. Their eyes meet mine, and Solaria takes a deep breath before speaking.

"When did the Alpha do this?" Solaria's voice trembles with a mixture of disbelief and horror.

My heart sinks, realizing the significance of their reaction. The mark on my neck, a constant reminder of the Alpha's possession, has a deeper meaning than I had initially comprehended.

"He did it after I tried to escape," I confess, my voice barely above a whisper.

Ophelia gasps, her hand instinctively reaching to cover her mouth. "That's...that's an Alpha's claim mark. It signifies ownership, a bond established between an Alpha and their chosen mate."

The weight of those words settles on me, the realization of what the mark truly represents crashing down upon me like a tidal wave. I had believed it to be a mere injury, a result of the Alpha's aggression in asserting his dominance. But now, understanding its true nature, a mix of fear, anger, and confusion swirls within me.

"How can I remove it?"

"You can't but it's not impossible."

"So I am stuck like this forever?"

Solaria's hand gently reaches out, brushing against the mark with delicate fingertips. "We will find a way to break this bond, to free you from his grasp. You don't have to face this alone."

I look at my two loyal friends, gratitude welling up within me for their unwavering support. Their words ignite a spark of hope in my heart, a glimmer of possibility amidst the darkness that has clouded my path.

"I wish I could leave."

"Unfortunately, that bind binds your blood to the Alpha. He feels what you feel. He knows what you are thinking."

I shake my head, trying to keep my tears. "There has to be another way."

"There is a way," Solaria says. "You can fight him to the death for your freedom."

"I'd rather do that to gain my freedom."

"Ah, Melanie you have the mind of a brute but the body of a squishy pillow. You won't stand a chance."

I shoot Ophelia a glare. Then someone knocks on the door. Ophelia goes to open it. "Oh, Madam Fara what are you doing here."

Madame Fara steps into the room. She trains her eyes right on me. I know that she knows what I had done back in the village. "I see that you are well rested."

"I just got here."

"Well, once you have adjusted to your misfortunes, you will be starting basic training with me."

I raise my head for the bed. "Training?"

"Yes, the alpha wants to teach you some discipline now that you are going to be a very important lady in the future of Wolvendom."

I slump back down on the bed. Madame Fara's figure blocks my view of the ceiling. "I will be seeing you tomorrow."

The weight of the situation, the mark on my neck, and the uncertainty of my future crush down on me like an impenetrable darkness. Her words of seeing me tomorrow sound distant, almost meaningless amidst the turmoil raging within me.

"Everyone get out!" I manage to summon the strength to yell, my voice filled with frustration and desperation. Solaria, Ophelia, and Madame Fara linger in my room for a brief moment, their eyes filled with sympathy and understanding. I know they want to help, but right now, I need space. I need time to process everything that has unfolded.

"I will call you when it's time to eat," Ophelia says softly, her voice gentle and caring. Their presence provides a sliver of comfort, a reminder that I am not alone in this battle. But the weight of it all is overwhelming, suffocating even.

As the door closes behind them, I slump back down on the bed, feeling the heaviness of exhaustion and emotional turmoil settling over me. The tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but they remain stubbornly locked away, hidden beneath a facade of strength.

I turn on my side, curling up into a ball, seeking solace in the silence of my room. The events of the day replay in my mind, each moment etching itself deeper into my consciousness. But the fatigue pulls at my eyelids, beckoning me into the realm of sleep.

I drift off, the dreamscape merging with reality, blurring the boundaries between the two. In this hazy state, I find a fleeting respite from the harsh realities that await me. It is a temporary escape, a brief reprieve from the turmoil of my thoughts and emotions.

As I surrender to sleep, I hold onto the hope that tomorrow will bring clarity, that new possibilities and solutions will reveal themselves. For now, all I can do is find solace in the brief moments of peace that sleep provides, allowing myself to recharge and gather the strength to face the challenges that lie ahead.