
An Adventurer

In a fantasy world, full of mysteries and secrets. Our young adventurer starts off with a meager ambition of becoming a C-rank adventurer. Only to find out of a world much bigger than he could've ever known. Give it a chance till volume 2.(on hold)

QuickDraw · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


The next day, Evan got up. After practicing with his last mana stone yesterday, he had gone to sleep because of mental exhaustion. Today was a time to test his strength, he was sure now he could overpower a pack of wolves. Now he could hunt E-rank beast more freely then buy some more mana stones and quietly advance to C-rank. It was also because Evan had not joined a guild that he could only hunt beasts for money and sell its parts.

There are many times of guilds in this world. Specializing in different areas, you have the merchant guilds, Hunter's guilds, Adventurer's guilds, and finally alchemist guilds.

Evan, though an adventurer was only a self-proclaimed one, he didn't want to join a guild because at lower levels they gave too many missions to do and they were very menial tasks, boring. Evan liked to go out and fight something, that was his definition of an adventure, but he was also lazy.

So he had planned to be a C-rank adventurer, go join a guild, get a good-paying job and laze, because there were a lot of C-ranks he wouldn't be getting a lot to do except being used as an office man in a branch or a bodyguard, nothing really tiring when he surpasses the human limit.

In actual truth, leveling up from E-D wasn't hard. It was the process of learning how to use mana a bit. Beasts were quite lucky though unintelligent in earlier stages, they eventually learn how to use mana instinctively, while humans could only try and feel their way. Starting off as a normal person, even if you were given a mana stone you would feel absolutely nothing but a rock, and with no experience of using mana, it was harder than you think.

And from D-C, was another gap people wouldn't be able to cross, even if their lives depended on it. Surpassing a species limit, how does that sound easy? Though unsure why Evan was strangely confident of becoming a C-ranker.

Anyways back to the story, Evan had gone to the restaurant to eat, after with everything set he went to a nearby shop and bought a map for his next destination, the city of almia.

Leaving the small town of pora, he went out through the forest heading to another city. Usually, when leaving for other places, people go to mercenary guilds and pay for protection. After all, you wouldn't know when a D-rank beast pack suddenly comes and reap your lives.

Evan was an adventurous young man and liked the feeling of danger, it was complicated... On one hand, he loved a lazy life where he could just relax with no feeling of danger eating and sleeping comfortably, but on the other, he liked adventuring and especially the feeling of danger.

So he didn't pay for protection. Leaving the small town, and heading to a road outside of the town. As he walked out, he surveyed the surrounding people going about their everyday life, as he left the place that was just another place he traveled.

Walking out, he saw the long road ahead of him as he slowly walked. He didn't see anyone walking on the road to leave, guess he was the only one heading to amia. Sole adventurers with no guilds like him were rare after all life would be a bit more stable with a guild.

After walking for a while, he had already seen a group of wild beasts coming out of the trees and bushes a distance away as they looked at him, with a somewhat smiling face.

Evan was calm, from their aura he judged them to be E-rank beasts. All beasts or humans had an aura, from the moment they started to control mana, it emanated from their body the mana they used. At lower levels, a person can't hide their aura until they have basic control of it. For example, before Evan had an aura emanating from his body as an E-rank adventurer, so no one really messed with him. Now as a D-rank his aura had already been retracted into his body, by taking the mana he used to strengthen his body hiding it within him, making him seem like a normal person.

There was a benefit to this though, and that was him having to control the leaked mana from his body holding it within him while moving, allowing him to train as he moved.

Moving towards them, Evan saw their numbers were pretty surprising, there were at least 19 E-rank beasts.

"No wonder people hire mercenaries, with this number you could really grow crazy" he thought nonchalantly, he wasn't worried as he was a D-ranker now.

Gathering mana to strengthen himself, and unsheathing his katana he rushed to the group.

"Swoosh" "Swoosh" "Swoosh" "Swoosh"

We're the only sounds heard as the group of beasts were being slaughtered in a minute, looking at the pile of corpses,

Evan thought "WOW, there really is a difference between D and E"

He took a knife out and started getting materials from them to sell. Though not as rare as forest wolves they still would give him something. After his bag had already gotten full after stuffing everything inside.

He then continued his journey to the city of almia, with some obstructions on the way. The journey was relatively peaceful because he had dealt with it easily as eating pie, though he was lucky he had not run into any D or C-rank beasts.