
An Adventurer

In a fantasy world, full of mysteries and secrets. Our young adventurer starts off with a meager ambition of becoming a C-rank adventurer. Only to find out of a world much bigger than he could've ever known. Give it a chance till volume 2.(on hold)

QuickDraw · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


"Get him!"

Strapping the katana on, he looked calmly at the goons and kaiser in front of him. Inwardly he thought,

"My body's condition is absolutely horrible, I won't last long in a prolonged fight not that I would've anyway."

He moved to his side to the nearby goon as he unsheathed in a second, and slashed down,


A headless body fell.

The goon was confident Evan was a dying man, and didn't block but attacked. But he failed to realize Evan's speed was even faster than his, he had died in an instant!

Looking calmly to his left and right he got attacked, flanked he could only move back raising his katana to block when he suddenly had a thought.

"Why do I need to block? If I kill them faster than they attack then there's no need to block!"

He tried his crazy idea as he stopped himself from continuing moving but lunged straight ahead, surprising the two goons who thought he was retreating to gain momentum.


The sound of the wind was heard as a head flew up in the air, Evan rushed to the other.

"Bam" The head fell.

Immediately the goon retreated, Evan rushed but four shadowy figures had appeared behind him.

Being Kaiser, Knive, and two goons. Seeing them he only rushed faster at the goon

"I am speed. I am speed!"

Evan said in his head,


He slashed as he got close, the goon raised his sword up above to block it, but midway Evan changed from a slash to a thrust!


His heart was pierced!

Immediately he went to his left as a green dragon claw smashed onto the ground he was standing just now!


The ground caved in as Evan watched from one side, and the other Kaiser, Knive, and two goons.

"So you think after getting a lil power-up, your strong now? I'm going to torture you even more ruthlessly than this after. You'll beg me to kill you when I'm done with you."

Evan: "..."

He sheathed once more as he held the handle of his katana, he held it tightly as he prepared for the fight that was about to come. He knew those two goons were only killed because they underestimated him as he looked like a dying man, they also were surprised and his speed was also faster than before. All of these factors allowed him to win.

He needed something to help him gain an even faster speed, a faster move. Only with that, he could win this fight.

"Wait... Why can't I make something to help me move faster? Mana is used to strengthen the body? so can't it also be used to increase speed?"

He felt as if he was stupid before, he didn't know why but he could think more clearly and calmly now.


The two goons rushed at him at the front as Kaiser and knive went left and right.

"Sh*t" He thought,

He moved backward immediately with no hesitation, no way would he be able to handle all four of them attacking him.

He kept retreating to create distance, as he thought of ways to increase his speed.

"If mana is used to strengthen all parts of the body would it not be easier to make it strengthen one part? A component that controls speed?"

"What component controls the speed or makes the body as a whole move faster? something that covers the body hmmm"

Evan: !!!


As he had just thought of it on the spot, he had to learn how to actually do it...

Releasing his C-rank aura to cover him, he rushed forward


He clashed against knive as he swiftly kicked to the left hitting the goon.


He was hit on his right side as another goon lunged at him.

Sliding backward he gained balanced as he looked at all four of them he silently stood there while slowly experimenting with his aura. The most troublesome part in doing this was how do you use aura to make you faster?

He leaped backward as four of them rushed at him, he prepared for a one-shot kill move as he waited for an opportunity to instakill one.

"Wait is this even possible? How can covering yourself with aura make you faster?" He thought as he started to prance around. He tried doing it but what really was the source to make him faster?

"Hiyaa" Two rushed at him once more this time he acted as if he was fleeing or moving backward as soon as he saw their weapons forward drawn already, he suddenly jumped forward and sliced both of their heads. While they couldn't draw back the weapons in time because of the momentum.

"Two down."

He ran back


A Green claw mark shape made its way right where he was, but Evan didn't stop running as he quickly went to the wall. As Knive appeared chasing after him.

"Hehehe cmon follow"

He suddenly spun and thrust in the next moment.



He didn't wait as he moved his tired body using his will! He used the rebound from hitting it to make his katana go higher as he used the momentum to stand down even faster at his thigh.


Quickly he kicked him in between his legs a blood curling scream escaped with the sounds of eggs cracking. Knive was incapable of battle as white foam came from his mouth he laid there.

"Heh sorry it do or die"

"Your right!" Kaiser jumped at him from behind!


A green claw rammed into him right on the back! He had been too focused on Knive that kaiser had snuck up on him!


He puked blood as he fell. Still holding his katana tightly he tried to get up... He still had the will to fight but he was at the limit of his body!! He could no longer fight.


A sigh escaped from him as he stared at kaiser while laying down on his chest, he could feel his broken ribs, he could feel his blood leaking so much, and he felt death coming at him. He had pushed his body to his limits.


He could feel someone had kicked him, though his senses were fading.

"Heh, you bastard"



He could barely feel his hearing anything anymore, as his body lost its sense of touch. He closed his eyes waiting.


I tried...

I can say I tried.....

I killed some people at least...

sigh It was only right to die, I was putting it off for too long.

Finally, I can rest, no more running or despairing...






He opened his eyes burning with a fiery spirit! He felt his katana more or less but it almost lost its feeling. He gripped it tight as he roared in his mind and lifted his hand up and stabbed Kaiser in his Stomach.

Even in death, I will take you down!

Kaiser was too close to him while kicking him, as he saw him dying he didn't expect to suddenly be stabbed by a dying man!!

He puked blood as he fell with the katana pulled out he stared at Evan.

"You bas- tard" He puked another mouthful of blood, he stared at Evan with eyes that could kill but he saw Evan's eyes had lost their shine.

Evan had died.