
『A Bear In The Forest』

The sound of a cracking tree branch made Sam jump awake. He looked around, and in the corner of his eye, there was a large shadow. It was not lurking about, rather staying very still and silent, though you could hear it's heavy breathing if you listened carefully.

Sam was shaking as he turned, frightened as what may be behind him. A large bear-like monster with dark fur was standing amongst some grass shrubs. It was larger than any bear he had seen, his paws large enough to crush his entire body with one step. Its glowing red eyes staring at them with viscous and hatred intent.

Shock clouded his judgement, and panic made his move involuntarily. Out of all the stupid things he could have done, he decided to pick up a rock and throw it towards the bear monster.

'Do you seriously think that would kill me, human filth.' The bear spoke with authority and power. Dwarfing the young man with his powerful, enveloping aura.

'――' The youth was speechless and petrified.

'Lost the ability to talk?' The bear asked rhetorically.

'Shut up, Sam.' The half-asleep Nanabe muttered.

'Nanabe! Nanabe! Nanabe! Nanabe!' Sam yelled as he tugged on his friend, shaking him awake.

'What?' A displeased Nanabe asked.

Sam pointed to the monster.

'Am I still dreaming?' Nanabe questioned sarcastically.

'No! He is going to kill us!' Sam exclaimed desperately.

'How dare you sleep on the world tree, you humans!' The monster bear roared.

'Isn't destroying the world enough for you?'

The bear let out a large growl and charged towards them at thundering speed. It jumped up, causing the ground to shake and the rain to disperse, and lunged towards the two shocked youths.

'Oh god.' Nanabe spoke in an undertone. He pulled on Sam as he dashed away, just in time before the bear crashed onto them.

They tried running quickly, however the mud kept on slowing them down. The jungle was dark, with the tall trees blocking out the silver moonlight. Branches kept hitting their smooth, young skin, bruising and bashing them.

Nanabe used his full strength to try to lift them through the mud. He was already very tired, and could feel his legs losing hope.

'We are not fast enough!' Sam yelled. He saw the shadow of the bear crawling behind them.
