
An Accident That Made Me Reincarnate

(Panting) "Huft..huft..!" I'm running out of breath. 'Am I going to die here?' This can't be happening. I'm too young to die. "Ugh, it hurts!" Roro cried out in pain. The pain is unbearable. I can't take it anymore. Roro had an accident at that time, she was hit by a passing car and then died in pain. However, instead of entering the afterlife that we are familiar with, Roro found herself born in another strange world. The story is about a woman who dies in a tragic accident, and is then given a second life in another world. *********************************************** Hi, author here. In this novel, I want to create a female character who will be reborn as a baby. I want to create a female character who is good at fighting, smart, and not naive. She will be involved in difficult internal family problems and then get missions that make her difficult. If you like this novel, please join my Win-Win, and leave a comment too. Best regards, author. Note : English is not my first language

Luwly · Fantaisie
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87 Chs


Time flies, already a year has passed. Genevieve will finally reach the age of eight tomorrow. An age that requires Genevieve to undergo descent training, similar to the military training back in her world.

Genevieve had prepared herself physically and mentally for this. Every day, Genevieve would take a poisonous medicine given to her by her mother. The bitter liquid would slide down her throat, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. It was a small price to pay for the immunity she needed to face the training that lay ahead. Genevieve's body had grown accustomed to the daily dose, and she had developed a resilience that surprised even her mother.

Over the past year, Genevieve had engaged in various activities. Besides drinking the toxic potion daily, she also spent her time learning various things. Genevieve loved reading and had absorbed knowledge from various books she came across. She also learned to play a musical instrument, with her mother teaching her to pluck the strings of a small violin she had brought from her travels. Every afternoon, the two of them would sit together in the family room, creating beautiful harmony.

There were moments when Genevieve felt a sense of extraordinary freedom in her heart. Sometimes, she would spend an entire day in the castle's garden, simply observing the surroundings, even falling asleep there.

However, beneath the happiness and freedom, Genevieve also felt anxious about the upcoming inheritance training. She had heard from her mother that the training would take a long time.

The inheritance training would begin right after her 8th birthday celebration, so after Genevieve celebrated her birthday, she would have to leave her mother the next day to undergo the training. The thought of leaving her mother weighed heavily on her heart.

One day, as the sun shone brightly above the palace, Genevieve sat in the study room, playing her small violin.

"Tomorrow is your birthday, my dear," Her mother, Giselle, entered with a thin smile and loving eyes.

Genevieve looked at her mother with concern. "Mother, what will happen during the inheritance training? Will I endure?"

"My daughter, you have royal blood running through you. You have unfathomable strength and courage like me" Giselle sat beside Genevieve and embraced her affectionately.

"This training you cannot avoid my dear daughter. This training will also determine your place in this family Genevieve. Whatever you will face in the training, you must go through it bravely and be determined to live. Whatever the outcome of your training, I will always be with you and support you. I'm sure you will do wonderfully in your training."

Genevieve nodded, trying to calm herself with her mother's support. However, worries still haunted her mind.

"But, Mum, what if I'm not capable? What if I fail?" said Genevieve.

"Genevieve, failure is not the end of the world. If we never fail, we will never learn to get up and be better. Remember, I am always here for you. I believe in your abilities, and I know you will succeed" Giselle smiled gently, trying to erase the doubts in her daughter's mind.

Hearing her mother's words of encouragement, Genevieve felt a little relieved. She knew that even if tough training awaited her, she had her mother's unwavering support and love.

"Genevieve, let's not dwell on the training today... Let's focus on planning your birthday. We will make your 8th birthday a meaningful celebration." Giselle stood up, holding her daughter's hand firmly.

"Alright, Mom!" Genevieve smiled, pushing away all thoughts of lineage training from her mind.

The two of them spent the whole day planning ideas for Genevieve's 8th birthday party. Mother and daughter brainstormed ideas to make it as grand as possible.


(Genevieve's birthday)

Genevieve's birthday arrived with a festive party held at the palace. Although her father and her stepmothers and stepsiblings did not attend, Genevieve did not feel lonely as long as she was with her mother. She felt thrilled to celebrate her 8th birthday in a joyful manner, despite the lingering worries. Genevieve wanted to set aside those worries for the day.

The palace was decorated with colorful balloons and ribbons, and a table was set up in the courtyard with delicious dishes of Genevieve's favorite foods.

Genevieve's mother had invited some of the servants to join the party, and they all enjoyed dancing and singing accompanied by a group of musicians. Genevieve was the center of attention throughout the day, and she relished the love and attention from her mother.

The celebration began in the morning with cake and fruit for breakfast. After breakfast, Genevieve opened gifts from her mother and the servants. Genevieve received many beautiful presents, including a new dress, fairy tale books, and a set of paints.

In the afternoon, Genevieve and her mother had a picnic in the palace garden. They ate sandwiches and fruits and played games like tag and hide-and-seek. Genevieve delighted in playing with her mother, temporarily forgetting all her worries.

In the evening, a dance party was held in honor of Genevieve. Genevieve wore her new dress and danced with her mother and the servants. There was music, dancing, and laughter, and Genevieve reveled in the joy of life.

By the end of the night, Genevieve felt tired but happy. She had celebrated an extraordinary birthday, and she knew she would never forget it.

"Thank you for the best birthday ever, Mom." Genevieve. hugged her mother tightly.

"You're welcome, my dear. I'm so glad you had fun" Giselle smiled and replied.

Genevieve knew she would miss her mother dearly when she left for training the next day, but she also knew that she would never forget her 8th birthday. It had been a day filled with love, laughter, and happiness, and she would cherish those memories forever.


The next morning, as the party night came to an end, with the dawn breaking in the sky, Genevieve had to face the farewell with her mother. They both stood on the palace terrace, illuminated by the sun's rays that shone upon their faces.

In front of the palace, a horse-drawn carriage and soldiers awaited to escort Genevieve. The soldiers were clad in armor and had impressively large physiques, while the carriage that awaited Genevieve had a vintage and eccentric atmosphere.

"Genevieve... before you depart for the training, I want to give you something," Giselle's left hand rested on Genevieve's shoulder, while her right hand presented a beautifully adorned box.

"What is this, Mom?" she asked.

Genevieve wondered what could be inside the box her mother held.

"Open it, my dear," Giselle said.

Genevieve took the gift from her mother's hand and eagerly opened the exquisite box. It turned out her mother had given her a special gift: a beautiful necklace with a star-shaped pendant.

The necklace was made of rare metal that was said to bestow strength and courage upon its wearer. Genevieve was deeply touched by the gift.

"Thank you, Mom. Can you put this pendant on me?" she asked.

"Of course, my dear," Giselle happily replied. She fastened the pendant around Genevieve's neck. She hoped the necklace would always provide protection for her daughter.

"Do I look beautiful, Mom?" Genevieve inquired, feeling deeply moved

"You look absolutely beautiful, my child," Giselle proudly said. In her eyes, she saw her daughter growing into a stunning young lady.

"Promise me that you will take care of this necklace, my dear. Consider it a reminder that I love you deeply," she continued, her voice sounding fragile yet filled with emotion, trying to conceal her worries behind those words.

"Of course, Mom, I will treasure it and always wear the pendant you gave me," Genevieve promised her mother that she would always wear it.

Genevieve hugged her mother tightly. "I will miss you so much, Mom," she said.

"I will miss you too, my child," Giselle replied. She gently stroked Genevieve's hair and kissed her forehead. "But I know you can do this. You are strong and brave, and I believe in you."

Genevieve smiled. "Thank you, Mom," she said. "Goodbye for now."

Genevieve turned around and walked toward the carriage. She glanced back at her mother one last time, who was standing on the terrace, watching her depart. She raised her hand to bid her farewell, and then she boarded the carriage and left.

Giselle stood on the terrace for a long time, watching the carriage until it disappeared from sight. She felt a deep sense of loss, but she also knew that Genevieve was going to a place where she would learn and grow, becoming a strong and capable woman as she should be.

"Goodbye, my child," she whispered. "I love you."

As she watched the carriage depart, Giselle was reminded of the day Genevieve was born. She was still so small and fragile then, but even at that moment, Giselle knew her daughter was special. She possessed strength and determination like nothing Giselle had seen before.

Giselle knew that Genevieve would face many challenges in her life, but she also knew that she would overcome them. She was a survivor, and she would never give up on her dreams.

Giselle smiled as she thought of all the beautiful things Genevieve would achieve in her life. She knew she would make her proud.

However, despite Giselle's confidence in Genevieve's abilities, she couldn't help but feel the sadness of seeing her daughter leave. She knew they would be apart for a long time, and she already missed her.

Giselle took a deep breath and wiped away her tears. She knew she had to stay strong for Genevieve, and while she knew the lineage training would test her daughter's endurance, she could sense that Genevieve would return to her soon.

In the meantime, she would write her a letter every day and send her gifts to remind her how much she loved her.

She would patiently await Genevieve's return until her training was completed.