
The Festival

It was the day of the Tournament, while everyone gathered at the festival grounds or Amity Colosseum, Ryder was busy doing his own thing. Training mostly. He wanted to gain a better grasp on his Magic and evolve his Semblance to newer heights. Thankfully he had Ozpin instructing him along the way. It had been some time since the Breach, so Ryder had time for training. He's gotten better at flying so with that down, he focused on his Semblance which Ozpin was okay with. Now he can reach 7X thanks to his training with Ozpin. His goal is to reach 10X before he takes it even further. He wants to know how much power he can muster, and he wants to know if there's an end to it. There probably is, he just wants to find it if it exists. He hasn't heard from Ironwood about the whole Dragon Ball Location Device thing, which is not a problem. All he wants is to secure the Dragon Balls before someone else does. Their existence still surprises him. 

He never expected to physically be able to hold a real-life Dragon Ball nor the idea of actually using them. It just seemed like an impossible dream come true. Yet here he was, training with magic and waiting for the creation of a Dragon Radar to track down the Dragon Balls. It was unexpected but a welcome surprise. Right now, Ryder was in the amphitheater and he was currently using his Semblance. The green dragon ball styled aura bursts out around him while his eyes are green. He increases the amount of power he's using to 7X. But he tried to push it even further but couldn't. He turns off his semblance causing his eyes to return to their original color and the aura around him to fade away. He's still not quite sure how to push it past 7X. But what he does now know is that he can't force it out. Lesson learned. Now it's just back to how he was training before. Without Ozpin it'll be a little slow, but Ozpin is currently busy with other things. 

Originally, Ruby and Yang wanted Ryder to join them at the colosseum, but he refused as kindly as possible. He explained to them that he needed to get stronger due to the continued appearances of Grimm Warden's. They understood the explanation despite being sad he couldn't join them. The real reason is to prepare himself to face Salem. He has no idea how powerful Salem is so that's why he's training even more so that he can be prepared. Sure, he should take some time off and watch the Tournament, but he wants to reach 10X first before he does that. He sets a goal, and he must reach it, he cannot cut it off. He was about to continue his training but the doors to the amphitheater open and he hears them opening so it stops him. Ryder looked over at the doors to see Weiss and Ruby entering the room. He guesses the matches are either still ongoing or have paused for intermission. Though, now that he thinks about it, why are they here? Both girls walk over to their friend who waits for them. 

"What's up?" Ryder asks. 

"We've been looking for you." Weiss said, sounding a little irritated. Not much but noticeable in her tone. 

"Uh, why?" Ryder asks. 

"We didn't see you at the Tournament today. I know you said you wanted to focus on your training, but i really think you should stop by for a bit. Maybe see one of our matches." Ruby explains. 

"I'll think about it." Ryder said. "So, anything interesting happen?" 

"We won our round and are advancing to the next one." Ruby said proudly. 

"Nice job, honestly, wish I could've seen it. But when I got a goal in mind it's hard for me to stop chasing after it." Ryder said. 

"Understandable." Weiss said. "Another interesting thing that happened was my sister's arrival." 

Weiss said that last part excitedly. 

"Huh, never knew you had a sister." Ryder mumbled but Weiss heard him. 

"Oh well, I guess I never said anything about her to you." Weiss admits. 

"Well, I imagine she's a good woman." Ryder said. 

"She is, she serves in the Atlas Military." Weiss informed proudly. 

"Really? I remember when I wanted to join the Military." Ryder said. 

"Why didn't you?" Weiss asks. 

"I was naïve at the time. All I saw was cool stuff and didn't think. Now that I'm older, my interests have changed." Ryder said. "And I honestly think for the better." 

"How has your training been going?" Weiss asks. 

"Good. I can amp myself up to 7X now. My goal is to reach 10X." Ryder said. 

Ruby sighs a little before crossing her arms. 

"it's getting harder day by day to keep up with you." Ruby said. 

Ryder gave a smile. If only they could know about his Magic, then they'd be singing a different tone. He hates that he has to keep secrets from his friends, but something like Salem, the Relics and the Maidens is a lot to take in. He wouldn't wish to put that weight on someone's shoulder. It triggered his anxiety badly and he doesn't want to do that to other people. 

"Well, I can't exactly slack off." Ryder said. 

"Maybe you can a little." Ruby mumbles. 

Ryder chuckled as he heard that. The doors to the large room open and a new person walk into the room. They spot Weiss and walk towards the trio. Ryder notes that she looks like Weiss. Is this Weiss's sister? Her outfit looks military-esk. Weiss seems happy to see her, so this confirms Ryder's question. 

"There you are, Weiss." The woman said. 

"How did the issue with the headmasters go, Winter?" Weiss asks. 

"I was ordered to leave. The General and the others must've had something important to talk about." Winter said. 

Ryder guesses it has something to do with Salem. He's now wondering where Kairos is. He'll have to look for him. He's probably bummed that they couldn't take part in the Tournament due to being a two-man team. Ryder didn't mind at all really, he wasn't one for Tournaments. Winter turns her gaze from her sister to Ryder. She sizes up Ryder for a second. 

"Who's this?" Winter asks. 

"Oh, this is Ryder Falcone, leader of Team RK and one of the two strongest students of my class." Weiss introduces. "He's a friend of mine." 

Winter falls to silence as she processes these words. She looks Ryder in the eye for a split second. This silence is uncomfortable for Ryder who doesn't necessarily like the gaze from Winter. 

"For someone with the title of 'the strongest' i honestly expected more." Winter said honestly. 

"Ouch." Ryder comments. 

"I apologize if I came off as negative. It wasn't my intention." Winter said. 

"Oh no it's fine. My appearance doesn't exactly scream the strongest so your good." Ryder said. 

Winter then got an idea and briefly gazed at Weiss before smiling a little. She looks at Ryder who didn't like that smile on her face. 

"So, is this a potential love interest of yours, sister?" Winter asked, clearly joking. 

Weiss gets flustered while Ryder's eyes widen at the assumption. Ruby was even surprised by this. 

"Winter!" Weiss cried out in displeasure. "it's not even close to that!" 

"Are you sure? It's rare you openly call someone a friend without dodging the topic at first." Winter said, teasing her sister. 

"We're just friends!" Weiss declares. 

Winter giggled a little. 

"I figured, Weiss. I was kidding." Winter admits. 

"You better have been." Weiss said while crossing her arms. 

Ryder now had an amused look on his face. Ruby meanwhile was thinking to herself. Could Weiss like Ryder? Nah, not possible. Ryder's scroll vibrates beckoning him to pull it out of his pocket. He sees he's being called by Ozpin. He brings the scroll to his ear and answers. 

"Yeah?" Ryder asks. 

"Could you come to my office? It's important." Ozpin said, sounding serious. 

He figures it's something Salem related. 

"Yeah, I'll be right there." Ryder said. 

The call then ends, and Ryder puts the scroll into his pocket. 

"I'm needed elsewhere." Ryder announces. 

"More training with Ozpin?" Ruby guesses. 

"You could say that." Ryder said. 

Winter seemed surprised. 

"You train under Professor Ozpin?" Winter asks. 

"Yep." Ryder said before he left the group. 

Winter was left in shock at this news. Weiss watches him off as she thinks about what Winter teased her about. Such a stupid thing to joke about. They haven't even known each other for that long, sure many months have passed since they met, but they aren't close-close. 


Author's Note: Okay, back in action! ready to finish this Arc! Also what are any predictions you guys may have?