
Chapter10 Dark Eagle

Cole's POV

"Who is this dark eagle?" I asked my men.

"Boss....he is connected to the other underworld ground and also the brother of the man we killed the previous night" Xavier, my trustee elaborated to me.

"So the only way to avenge his brother's death is to kill me" I said which he nodded to. I smirked at that. Wants to kill me, too bad that is never going to happened. I still have someone in this heart of mine to see before I think of death.Two days. Just two more days and after that I will come to you Mora. I closed my eyes and smiled painfully.

"Did you get all of the information?" I asked him.

"Yes, boss" he cried before placing a file before me. I picked it up and started strolling through it while he explained.

"She is currently studying in Salinas high school. She has three friends, their info is there" he said while I hummed and continued reviewing the file.

"A week ago, a new guy was transferred to the school and I think he is chasing her but now they are friends" I hummed again.

"She is also currently dating someone" he stopped and I understand why but he doesn't have to. It is normal to have a boyfriend, all I have to do is to force the guy to leave her or I will eliminate him.

"Continue" I said.

"He is Mr Wang's son.....one of the shareholder in the company" i hummed with that before finally dropping the file.

"Where is the residence?" I asked.

"Boss I still can't find it....it's like it doesn't exist....didn't know they were secretive?" He rubbed his head and I noticed the dark circles around his eyes. He already worked enough and so I dismissed him to rest for a few days.

"Thanks boss" he lamented and left.

I stood up and walked up to the window. I stared at the city from inside the skyscraper. The thought of my Mora with someone else shooked my heart. Loving someone who isn't destined to be with you is pain. I did all of this for get but right now she is not here to witness it.

I left my family house after the death of my elder brother because I knew tgat after him, I would be next to take over the company which i dont want. I have always loved to become a lecturer, i know it is a stupid dream but that is where my passion lies and that was where I met her .Mora. My first love.

Silly of me to become in love with a thirteen year old but what can I do? That is what the heart wants. Then my luck went by from just being an admirer, I became her class teacher. I thought maybe with the loads of love letters I got, she would be among them but she wasn't interested. She was so focused in her studies unlike the others. That deepened my love for her.

The very first day I was able to go very close to her and feel her skin, I almost went insane when she turned me on unknowingly. She is damn!!!. I wanted one thing from that they onward and that was to have her.

Then luck changed on me again, I became her tutor for Biology. She hates biology a lot and I understand that. She has often made me mastubate myself with just a thought of her. I don't know what happened next. We were both drunk that day....and I did something terrible, I almost rape her. She was driving me crazy that I almost molested her. If not for her slap that day, I would have taken advantage of her.

For a month she avoided me. I was hurt. And now she left me again and has a boyfriend already. Did she forget the memories we shared in those months? Didn't she love me?. I picked up a cigarette from the pack and lit it. I puffed it slowly and sighed. I dragged on it harder and glanced at a little accident that happened from the area causing a ruckus.

I extinguished the sixth cigarette and walked back to my desk. Two files were on it. One was the information of Mora's whereabout and the other, the info of Dark Eagle.