
Chapter 344: Elasa's Reaction to Little Flora's Appearance

Upon hearing this, the girls began to understand the situation and realized why Barbara didn't want to talk about Little Flora to them during the call.

They almost all thought the same thing upon coming to this understanding: 'So, she wanted to play a trick on us, right?'

"Little Flora, can you do this without affecting the city?" Mabel wanted to confirm.

It would be chaotic if the city suddenly collapsed.

"Yes, I will extend my roots far away from the city and draw energy from a more distant location." Little Flora, with her childlike appearance, smiled smugly: "By doing this, I am confident I will not affect this city."

Even though she is just the product of a seed, she is an existence that transcends common living beings. Even now, she could feel everything around her with her sensory perceptions, primarily sensing the surrounding nature.

"Then, you can do it." Julia said.

Grinning broadly, Little Flora said: "Then, I'll start~"