
Amidst the Wind - A Pokemon Fanfic

Embarking on an epic odyssey, our intrepid protagonist, a paranoid youth travels through the wilderness in search of his place in the Pokémon world amidst schemes, trials, and the wind.- I try to update twice a week M&TH

LazyWisp · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Into the Wild

Embracing the cool weather I took a deep breath and set out from Majolica Town to the deep wilderness. Slowly the building and traces of modernization began to disappear with abundant tall grasses and shrubs taking their place. 

Before long I was alone once again. If I were to forsake counting the abundant Pokemon of course. 

As I marched crunching the grass underfoot as the trees began to cover the blue sky I encountered my first battle. I sat at the edge of the clearing to watch maybe I'd catch the winner.

Two Kricketots stood adjacent to each other furiously wiggling their antennas. The slightly larger one glowed pale grey before ramming the smaller one striking a surprise hit and sending it tumbling backwards. Pressing the assault it glowed again and charged the down Kricketot eliciting an echoing crack followed by a shrill shreak. 

The smaller one now bared a gruesome crack down the side of its carapace that oozed green liquid and lay unconscious in the small meadow.

I groaned the one-sided beating a disappointing sight. I stood up ready to keep moving until I heard a continuous thump sound. My neck whipped around before I nauseously took in the sight.

The victorious Kricketot didn't stop at just its brethren's defeat but continued to beat the unconscious body into smaller chunks that spread across the clearing. The green blood thoroughly coating the victor's carapace. It let out a shrill screech before marching to each piece. 

Indifferent to my disgust its button-shaped mouth spread revealing two sharp mandibles that dug into the carcass while it shivered in pleasure.

I ran. Far away. 

I gagged bile threatening to exit my stomach. This world revealed itself to hold a key difference to the anime. 

Pokemon ate Pokemon.

My head swam as I fought to steady myself my disgust, hunger, hopelessness, fear, and everything in between made itself known before I found myself tilting forward. 

Straight into a tree. Everything went dark.

I awoke once again a throbbing sensation pulsed above my eye. Despite the discomfort I bolted up before swiftly falling again the sudden movement not bellying well for my growing headache, but I had to move. I didn't want to be eaten.

Not like Kricketot. I felt an urge to sob, but I wouldn't I'm done crying.

My jaw clenched I attempted to backtrack out of the forest by now the sun was starting to set. If I was lucky I might be able to navigate myself back to Majolica Town.

All thoughts of catching and taming those vicious creatures fled in fear for their life. 

My first thoughts are to locate where the slaughter took place since from there it was a straight shot back to paradise. 

I winced my headache growing in magnitude as I walked. By now I have realized that my chance of getting to Majolica Town has dropped tremendously. Each direction I chose seemed to only lead me deeper into the forest. 

The sun had almost completely sunk. I reasoned that moving in the dark would likely prove itself too difficult even without the involvement of the creatures of Sinnoh that dwelled in the darkness. 

I weaved cautiously through the trees looking for a suitable location to wait out the coming darkness. It seemed as though all the daytime Pokemon had retired in the face of night.

 I looked to do the same but no place seemed completely safe. 

Wait, why don't I climb the trees?

While certainly not the best option it was the best choice I was able to make on limited time.

After I short trek I found a suitable tree. Brown with a thick trunk expanding into several strong branches. As I made my way up the tree squinting through the pain racking my skull I laid back on the branch that seemed the thickest. I silently thanked myself for having the foresight to select an oversized shirt as I tore the bottom part into two using one part to wrap the newly formed bump on my forehead, and the other to tie myself to the branch.

With heavy eyelids, I quickly departed to the dream world.

I riled from my slumber with stiff and uncomfortable muscles. The position I chose to sleep in punished me sorely.

My swelling while still painful has gone down and the headache has faded completely. I laid my palms on my face contemplating my next steps.

Eventually, I came to a set of rules and things to accomplish for my unwanted circumstances.

Steps to live in the scary wilderness:

1. Fashion a camouflage of some sort

2. Find water because I'm getting really thirsty

3. Figure out how to get out of here

4. Forget about using my three poke balls catching these inhumane creatures is a fools errand.

5. Maybe catch a Pokemon

Even after learning they eat one another, it's not necessarily surprising. Doesn't make it less visually disturbing though. I felt queasy just thinking back to the Kricketot incident. 

Suddenly my stomach protested eliciting a grimace from me.

6. Find something to eat and soon 

Running off adrenaline with no food and water could only be sustained for so long and I'm begging to hit my limit.

My mind flashed to the dead Kricketot.


I felt thoroughly finished with planning and unfastened myself from the tree. Carefully climbing down I paused before snapping twigs and leaves to assist with fashioning a camouflage suit. I stared down at myself and the materials I had before I got to work.

It looked pretty bad. Leaves and twigs crudely bound with later found bush branches. It would do for now.

Crouching low to the floor I silently moved in search of a stream to quench my parched throat. My ears perked up I eventually heard the swishing of water against rock.

My mouth widened into a smile before at a much more hurried pace. I tripped and stumbled catching a mouthful of grass and dirt. Wiping my tongue only amplified the sensation as my hands were also covered in the same substance.

I looked up and all worries faded as I found it. Crystal clear with various Magikarp and Goldeen swimming within. The trees broke leaving short grass surrounding the large river. Various Pokemon lounged on both sides of the bank. 

It was a picturesque sight.

The grass glowed a lively green as Bidoofs lazily swam in one reach while Buizels swam in another. Bunearys, Budews, Glameows, and other Pokemon drank or relaxed by the riverside carefully watched by their evolutions. 

I dropped all attempts at stealth and burst forth from the treeline before plunging my head into the river. Greedily I inhaled gulps of water my throat praising me as I lifted my head allowing the remaining water to drip down my chin. 

Looking into the river I saw the vague outline of myself with bright green eyes, shoulder-length black hair, and a swelled-up knob on my forehead.

I cheered uncaring of the stares the Pokemon were giving me. This spot appeared to be a truce location for the various Pokemon.

A sense of victory swelled in my chest before I silently declared to myself.

Step 2: Find water completed.

Well well hello again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If your sensing any odds very lucky happenstances in this story so far good on you for figuring them out but the reason behind will be revealed much later.

LazyWispcreators' thoughts