
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

Codes_Gaming · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 11 : Attack on Titan (3)

Tomorrow Morning In Traininig Ground

Everyone saw how Eren made a balance for a shot period of time and again falls down.

The instructor was going to say something but David said,"Sir I think that belt is defective.

The instructor said another trainee to give his belt to Eren and he made the balance easily.

When Eren was successfull everyone shocked on How Eren made balance with just his defective belt.

David knew that Eren and Armin went to meet with Reiner Braun the Armor Titan and Bertolt Hoover Colossal Titan.

He just wanted to wait for the right time so that he can get best out of everything for him.

Two years later

In this context of two years David had gotten pretty lucky. He had gained a lot of things.

David and others where now carrying huge bags which was heavy.

They were all moving in the forest area for training in killing titans with their 3D Gears.

The instructor was checking weverybody and making evaluation in his mind.

They practice killing titans and hand to hand combat.

Hand to Hand Combat Training Area

Riener and Eren were talking with eachother.

Eren says,"Why do we even need to practice hand to hand combat. We can just use weapons instead of fighing with our oppenents. Fighting with our oppenents without weapons will be foolishness."

Reiner dismisses it by saying,"A soldier should be prepared for any type of danger and situations."

Reiner than sees tha aa blond girl Annie was not fighting with anybody and says to Eren,"Wait here I will teach this girl something."

Riener goes confidently infront of Annie and challanges Annie for hand to hand combat.

When Riener challanged Annie for a duel. Annie looked angry.

Seeing this Eren says to himsef,"She already looked terryfing now she looks more terryfing than her usualself."

When Annie was coming toward Riener. Riener suddenly pushes Eren infront of her.

Annie easily defeats him and afterwars Riener to.

David comes towards her says,"Bullying weaks shouldn't be called courage right. Why don't you pick someone worthy of you opponent."

Annie didn't said anything but instead came to attack him.

David easily predictaed her moves and easily deflected them. Annie looke shocked on how did he do that.

David had gotten the experience of IP Man from one of his lottery and said."Looks like you aren't my opponent." and defeated her.

Eren and Reiner looked amazed on how the situation unfolded.

David looked around the people who were laughing and talking with eachother instead of training.

David says,"A bunch of cowards, Just joining in this place to run away from Titans."

Annie and Reiner had already understood this thing but Eren looked as if all this years training was for nothing.

In the dinning hall

All the trainees were happy that they were going to pass and become soldiers.

Eren and Jean Kirstein suddenly get into fight in which Eren easliy overpowers him.

In Gradutation Day

A Officeer looked at everybody and said," Congratulation to Everyone for gradutating from this training. Now you all have choices for joining Garrison who will be at the top of the walls who will protect our city than comes our Survey Crops who goes out of the wall in the territory of Titans and hunt them and third Military Police Bridage who manage law and order by following the orders from King."

The third option was only allocated to top 10 trainees.

After the dismission there was a party in a building where all the trainees were celebrating.

Suddenly a trainee who was talking says loudly,"What you are not going to join Military Police Bridage."

Eren says with determination,"Yes, Do you think I did this all training to hid behind the walls."

A few days later

The Survey Crops member were riding thier horses and going out of the walls.

Eren,Mikasa and Armin were also present there to see off the Survey Crops.

David on the other hand was looking at the lottery that he had gotten today.

[New Camp Unlocked]

David looked amazed that he had gotten so lucky.

A few days later

Eren had motivated many people who wanted to join Garrison into Survey Crops.

David also looked at them how these people who may become cowards turn into soldiers who were going to take their lands back in near future from the Titans.

David looked at the wall where Eren and others were stationed. Suddenly, A Golden Thunder flashed on the other side of wall. The Colossal Titan had reappeared which will again start another wave of masscare.

A hole had appeared in the wall. The Titan invasion again has been began.

The Titans started to rush inside the wall through the hole in the wall.

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