
America 1919

In 1919, Donnie's soul traversed into the United States. To start off, Donnie, just a soldier who had recently stepped down from the battlefields of World War I, was framed by his superior. Before the Prohibition era began, he took over a bar in Atlantic City. With the perspective of a transmigrator and ruthless tactics, he gradually became the largest bootlegger in America. In the roaring twenties, Donnie delved into bootlegging, ran beauty pageants, built his career, and stormed Wall Street. Decades later, when people studied modern American history, they found that the name 'Donnie Block' was one they simply could not ignore!!!

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113, The Megalodons (Chapter 7K, please subscribe~)_2

During Harding's tenure, the biggest scandal was the U.S. Government leasing their strategic oil reserves in California's Elk Hills, Bovay region, and Wyoming's Teapot Dome to American oil businessmen.

One of the behind-the-scenes operators was none other than Albert B. Fall, who was then the Secretary of the Interior!

After getting to know these people from Harding's campaign team, Harry introduced Donnie to those who were unaffiliated with the campaign team.

Those were the business magnates that Donnie had been worried about.

However, unlike Harding's campaign team, who all came in person, some of these magnates sent representatives, while others came themselves.

Among them were General Electric's president Owen Young, Westinghouse Electric Corporation's general manager Luke Jackson, and Alfred DuPont… who had broken away from the DuPont Family but became a significant figure in New York.