
Good or Bad?

On my way to the bus stop, I thought of going round in search of job openings, the day was still young and filled with disappointment. "why would he invite me to the mall if he won't be there?" I thought about Mike absence from the venue he seemed too sure of not missing to meet with me, not the first time I've been disappointed but I thought this could be a time. that I can feel a true friendship.

I was lost in my own thoughts that I was unaware of the happenings around me, I didn't noticed I was being tailed, not too far from the mall, the unknown dude tailing me tapped me, turning to see who it was, there stood Mike Spencer. "Like dude why would you keep me waiting at the mall for hours and you stand here to smile?" I burst out, now very much pissed off, seeing him alone has given me thoughts of finding a gun and shooting sporadically at him, such gut and impetus to stand in front of me smiling while my head literally turn red. "you gonna speak out or just stand there to smile like Tom cat?" I blurted out, for the first time in few minutes, I heard words that sounded like gibberish mixed with laughter then he said "I was at the mall all the time you were there but I wasn't sure of meeting you yet, I had to see how you'd react to the whole thing ", I don't know if I should be more angry or just walk away, but then I've got to ask to know more, "but why? " I asked.

"I don't really know, let's say I've got people that hasn't been reciprocating me being nice and all, but then again I don't know any other reason" were his words, just that? wasting my time for such a childish excuse? now I really felt like strangling him, just then another thought reminding me if I do such, I'll serve jail term, which I don't think I can survive a week in Lagos prison.

"OKay, you've done your thing, and I believe you've gotten answers, why then running after me?" I had to ask, "yes and I still don't know but I've got to apologize, and so am sorry for keeping you waiting for that long"

I was in no mood for much talk, and I nod as sign to show I agree. He offered we go back to the mall, to get snacks and drinks. Walking back to the mall, Mike seems to be moving slowly than usual, then the discussion was triggered. " Eh Jack, do you have a job or skill?" he asked, "well I've been searching for job and I haven't gotten any opportunity to acquire a skill due to low funds" replying his question facing down.

"how about I introduce you to a lucrative business? you earn money without much background knowledge and I link you to some influential people that can help foster your career." did I just hear that right? well I didn't get to reply to that as I was dumbfounded, we walked into the mall and picked some biscuits and coke, ringing inside my head was the words from Mike.

What job could he be talking about?

I apologize for the delay, I've been busy with some school stuff and I apologize for errors found in any chapter, they are unedited.

iam_danelicreators' thoughts