

While home alone one summer afternoon, Amber Daron was visited by her uncle, Tim. He takes them into a mysterious limo with two bodyguards…where could he be taking her?

JAKSK · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

6- never the same again.

I stared at my reflection in shock.

Two small, white knubby things poked out of my forehead on either side, right where it was hurting in my dream. My eyes were brighter than ever, almost unnaturally. A brace had been placed on my back without me noticing during that "procedure", it looked almost like a corset, oddly enough. Almost screaming in horror, I looked at my uncle, horrified.

"W-what have you done to me?"

He reached out to stroke my hair reassuringly, but I pulled away. "Amber.."

"Don't 'Amber' me. What did you do? I look like a monster!" Tears were flowing out of my eyes like the creek near my house after a bad storm. My head hurt, my back hurt, I looked like a monster, and on top of all that, I still hadn't even been told if I would ever go home again. It was all so much…




I fell to my knees on the cold tiled floor, leaning against the drawers that held the counter and sink up. Shifting my weight onto my butt, I curled up into that fetus-like position I always do when I get cramps. The tears were streaming faster than those weird family members ask if you remember them at every family gathering just because you met them once when you were a newborn. I could hear Tim walk up behind me, and I didn't look back at him as he sat down on the floor next to me and started stroking my back. Except it was different this time. The way it hurt, oh, god, the way I was so sore from seemingly nothing. Flexing the muscles in my hands to make fists, I ever-so-badly wanted to swing around and knock him right in the face. He.. he ruined me. I'm a monster.. hideous knubby things on my head... I gasped.

"I will never be the same again...will I?"

"..no, Amber, no you won't. But you have to trust me on this, it's best for you. It's best for everyone."

"When can we go home? I want to see Ev and Mom and Hobson, it's been so long since I've seen them," I wondered out loud, hoping Tim would give me a day, a time, something. But of course, when I turned around at his slight tap on my shoulder, he was simply shaking his head. I already understood. I'm here to stay now. I sat there for a while and let my uncle run his fingers through my hair as I let that fact sink in. I would never be the same again, and anyone I knew before is no longer relevant, for they think I'm a monster. Hell, I think I'm a monster.

When I felt like I was ready to face my creaturous features again, I finally stood up, wiped my tears on my sleeve, and took a long, deep, breath. If I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life, I might as well figure out what's what. Tim had fallen asleep while I had sat there and silently cried, he was leaning on the counter and slightly snoring. I poked gently at the small, stubby white bone-like things protruding from my forehead. It reminded me of a young deer, so maybe I'd end up with antlers. That'd be really cool, I thought. I checked out the seemingly seamless transition from skin to bone. Ran my fingers up and down the edges, almost amazed at myself. Then my eyes; oh they were so bright. I was named after my eyes, and now they almost glowed just like a piece of amber. It was so pretty, and it made me feel so cute. Aside from the weird antler thingys and my back clearly having been operated on, I kinda loved this. I looked so interesting, unique in a way. And when I turned back from inspecting myself, my uncle had already woken up.

"Still mad at me?" He grinned at my fascination. I shook my head quickly, and I politely asked him- "What's under this?" and pointed at the corset looking thing. Tim seemed kind of.. hesitant. I heard him take a deep breath before whispering "you can't take it off until it heals, but.." I almost jumped. "I KNEW it was operated on!" Tim shushed me really quickly- "you can't yell here Amby-kins, let me explain." I complied and excitedly turned to him, eagerly waiting for his answer. He sighed, motioned for me to come sit with him, and started off with-

"It's about time I told you the truth of what you're here for."

i made this chapter while listening to lyn lapid go check her out shes cool

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