
Am in love With a Gay: Kayla in a boy shool

Every character, names, places and everything in here is fictitious. ...... Kayla Adams falls in love with Phoenix high school when she went there at the age of five to escort her cousin to school. On that particular day, she declared the school to be her dream school also she finally got one person who accepted her though she was ugly and weird. But that day was not on her luck as she never got to get the name of the little boy and that was her first and last encounter. Years have passed and she was now a teenager. A lot if things have changed plus her only dream school was changed to be a boy school only. Her decision was still the same as she was ready to disguise herself as a boy to get in and be able to study there plus to look for her sky blue prince who promised to also he will go to that school. She got in with a help of her ex who was still in love with her and was the only person who hold her secret that she is girl. the rule of that particular school is that every student must be in a football team nevertheless he is a sub substitute. Things get messy during the registering and she was forced to become an actual footballer in the field but she has no any idea about football. she is not even a football fun. She had to pass a series of training with the help of the Phoenix high football team's captain Chicago Walter whom slowly began falling for 'him' while he is a he and is one of the most famous and sexiest gay in the school. What will happen when he finds out the person he loves the most was a boy disguised as girl...

kimami_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter 1: Dream school.Part 1

"Honey please be careful!!!" Ms. Patricia tried to warned to her stubborn youngest daughter who had already left the reception area. Her feet which were in her simple purple flats ran all over the hallways.

"This girl never settles" her mother breathed out with a frown on her face. She was by the counter speaking to the young receptionist who seemed to be in her early 20's with her red hair tied in an elegant bun. Applied less make up on her face with a hint of little lip gloss in her small thin pink lips to give a less shiny look which was really attractive.

She was here to bring her beloved nephew to Phoenix high as his parents were out of town busy with their jobs and so her sister requested for her assistance and Patricia was happy to help.

Her nephew, Tyler Scott and her elder daughter, Katherine were sitted on the sofa which was at the far corner of the reception room. The sofas were arranged in a square pattern with a small black wooden colored coffee table at the center.

Patricia couldn't go to check out her daughter, Kayla who now she guessed she had already stepped every ground of this large and big school which kinda looked like a city. She was busy filling up some documents and the two kids on the sofa were busy chatting and laughing. She did not want to intrude them as it will be their last day to talk and chit chat so she wanted the signing and registering to end quickly and go fetch her stubborn youngest daughter.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. The stamp ink has run out. Let me go fetch another from the store." the receptionist kindly excused herself. Leaving Patricia standing there as she turned herself to the sideways to look at the kids who were sharing conversations but what worried her the most was her Kayla...her stubborn daughter. She continuously tapped on the marble counter restlessly and her heel did the same to the white marble tiles on the floor.

Seconds ticked by still dazed and trying to guess where her daughter could be at the moment. The sound of clicking waked her up as a young woman in her late 30's gracefully walked in. She had tied her dirty blonde hair in simple neat ponytail. Dressed in a dark green pencil skirt revealing her curves with a white chiffon blouse that had a bowknot on its neck collar with short sleeves. She walked in holding a little boy who seemed to have the same age as her youngest daughter with his light brown hair falling on his forehead. His sky blue eyes seemed a little lonely and distant. The little boy will make out to be a handsome gentlemen is what Patricia commented in her mind as she took site of the little cute boy.

The woman came to stand behind Patricia maintaining a distance. She wore a serious expression on her face not willing to share any conversation with anyone.

"Mama...may I go look around?" the little boy pleaded the little boy straightening his neck so that he could meet her grey eyes. The woman nodded to the boy flashing her small smile. Immediately the boy walked away to go see the school.

On the other side, a little girl dressed in a dark purple blouse with long sleeves tucked in a pink A-line skirt which had ruffles revealing her large belly whose navel pointed out. Her chocalate brown hair were tied into two pigtails on the both sides of her head.

"OOOOOOU" Her mouth formed an o shape as she was amazed to how the school was big with lots of activities. She was staring at the noticed board with photos of the school grounds pinned and some other papers holding a description about the school. The school history, administration, management, tutorial service plus other fun extra curricular activities. Kayla skipped all the other information and Immediately checked on the extra curricular activities.

"horse racing!"


"ice skating!"

She only pointed out the things that picked her interest though there were other many activities.

" this is definitely my dream school!" she happily screamed out with a large grin on her face revealing her yellow teeth with braces on them.

"me too" a small voice beside her startled her. she quickly turned to see who was it. but her grin quickly fell to hide her weird face.

Yeah she was ugly she did not want the little cute boy beside her to hate her already.