
Am I the only one normal in this family?

Kei Iwai is a freshman high schooler. He lives only with his mother living what he calls an extremely normal life, perfect for an ordinary guy like him, although he has a secret about his family, and who knows, maybe his family is keeping secrets from him too...

Luluetta · Romance
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15 Chs

Why are you looking at me?

The next day, he woke up at 7 as always, he had breakfast and he went to the bus stop. He came into the bus and waited for Alex as usual. As time passed, even though Alex was treated badly in class, Kei couldn't avoid to start considering him a friend, although he would never admit it. Kei's amount of friends became two, or rather, he was in contact with two true friends. Meanwhile, Alex was reaching the bus, as usual almost at the time of the depart. He didn't see Kei's messed up and dirty hair as usual, though. Infact, Alex was thinking 'Is he absent? That's strange', then he heard a voice saying "Hello, Alex". Alex looked at the person with Kei's voice. He immediately though 'What has he done to his hair? His eyes are still invisible though'. Maybe you think 'How stupid can he be to do not recognise his friend', but actually, the same thing once happened to me. Although it was because I saw that friend from behind, I didn't recognise her 'till I saw her face. That time, that friend of mine dyed her hair. Anyway, to come back to what was happening. Alex asked Kei "What have you done to your hair?""I just washed them with something new""Only that?""Yeah, why?""Whoa, what did you use? Not that I'm interested. I just wanna challenge you as usual""Why all this questions? It's not that big of a deal. I didn't think you were this interested in this kind of things. And, please, don't deny it. It's already strange your justification. You never challenge people for such things""There's always a first time. Also, don't expect to pass unobserved""Why?""Don't you have a mirror at your house?""My mom does, but I don't use it""Ok, then I'll show you with my camera""You have a phone?!""I'm a teenager too, why are you so surprised?""That's a bit unexpected, seen your childish behaviour""What? Don't you have something you like so much that you can't avoid asking about that to everybody?""No, almost nobody has""Anyway, I'll take a photo of you and you'll see it""Ok". In the photo, obviously, there wasn't the usual image of orange, messed up, oiled hair. Instead, there were soft ones, still orange, but with rubin and golden reflexes. Meanwhile, Kei's mother was calling her ex-husband, saying "He did it". A six years old girl with pink hair was eavesdropping. She was a genius with a truly high IQ, capable to create everything with the right material. She smiled hearing this, and said "Maybe the time when I'll meet my true brother, the one I've never met, will come soon. I can't forgive him yet, but when he'll be back to normal, or to how my siblings describe how he normally is, I'll be able to. Obviously, I can't forgive them too, yet, for having divided our family for those reasons. I don't agree at all with the method. Ah, obviously, when I'll meet brother, I'll tell him everything. He'll surely be on my side. He only has to gain more confidence". Now, if you wanna know what she is talking about, you have to keep reading. When Alex and Kei entered the class, they couldn't avoid the gazes, but it didn't last much. Only Daisuke knew Kei well enough to be able to ask Alex's same question. Kei said "I only used what you told me to, nothing more". Daisuke was surprised because 'that' wasn't its usual effect. It was just a normal shampoo. "Now, let's go back to what's truly important. I've thought about it, and I think you are right, it's truly strange that my sister made such a huge mistake. I'm asking you, can you help me with the investigations?".

Just to let you know, those overdone things about the looking or things alike are not some stupid things I wrote just because they passed through my mind, those are things I need for the story to continue the way it has to. Ah, a small spoiler, the story will become a bit fantasy while going ahead

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