

POV - I Opened my eyes and in front of my eyes there was ceiling, .... (thinking)

("Man, where am I???") ,

("....am I still alive!!?? ")

(" I thought, I have died by hanging myself but how TF am I alive..... Aargh!!!!)

("man, why do I feel like my body is shortened !! and why is everything looking so big to me")

I take my hand out and saw that my hands was shortened like a baby and legs also.....

there was a noise and when I looked there was a couple who were young, they came and start saying something in any different language..... and of course I was not dense after reading and watching mangas, anime and novels , I found out that I was reincarnated.... and I was excited but in this cursed world nothing go as we want...

("Maaaaan, Am I isekai tensei'd.... (reincarnated in other world ) ")

(That's all for preview..... it's an reincarnation genre novel...plz start reading through chapter 1 ,this preview is like raw one....

well sorry for my bad english and it is my first time writing a novel.....

well our MC is a normal teenage boy from normal place who killed himself why just because he was bored and thought that he is not needed by this world.... and a faint but still his desire was to reincarnate also, and he was granted..... I am sure many people would say the MC is idiot but remember many teenager try to kill themselves because they think that world is boring or tough, it is that time man.... I am also a teenager so, I know this feeling to kill myself and end everything.... but I won't😁😁😁 , that's all for our idiot MC who is idiot ...)


bad writing i know ........

Ved_NoVelWRiTercreators' thoughts