
Am I Peter Parker?

Peter Parker, a delicate and weak but very intelligent young man, is a victim of school bullying, in an act of revenge he ends up transforming into a mutant lizard monster. In the face of death a new being enters..... . . . Peter Parker reincarnated as Peter Parker. . . . . . . . the cover does not belong to me

H_ell · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 5 :Bag-Man??

Chapter 5 :Bag-Man??:









My thoughts race as I begin to plan my next move. Now I know that I have powers similar to Spider-Woman's and that I must learn to control them and use them for good. I have decided to be like her, a vigilante on behalf of the weak.

But one thing is for sure: I am no longer the same person who entered this hospital. Plus I'll need a superhero name so I'll base it on hers for now.

I will be the Surprising one...










The Amazing Arachno.


Of course, if I go with that name it doesn't sound similar to hers but it still doesn't convince me...

No.....Maybe Spider-Man??

It doesn't help me either considering my age. With that aside, I focus on adapting to my new skills.

Leaving the hospital continues, but for now I secretly practice my new skills in the room. I learn to move with more agility and control the grip of my hands and feet.

A few minutes after climbing and jumping around the room I begin to admire my new physique, much more marked than before, especially my abdomen.

"really surprising"

Now I find myself walking along walls with just my pinkies improving my balance by gripping surfaces like the window.

With the night in its imposing image over the Big Apple it makes me rethink the fact of looking for a larger space to practice my recently acquired skills.

I kept thinking about a place free of cameras, with that in mind the image of the hospital roof immediately comes to mind.

Taking quick and light jumps I manage to adhere to the walls, avoiding the nurses and doctors between the corridors, making sure that the cameras cannot see me.

I stealthily walk up the stairs that lead to the roof, stepping on the tiles still frozen by the early arrival of winter in New York City.

I continue to rise and the temperature drops with the ambulance sirens echoing in the direction of the hospital, I sigh with my breath visible due to the cold of the night.

In a short time he reached the door that leads to the outside, bringing my hand closer to open the door. I stayed for a second, exerting a small part of my strength so as not to destroy the security lock but enough force to open it.


With a squeaky sound, it opens, letting me feel the winter breeze reaching my skin. My eyes focus on the terrifying image of the island of Manhattan being lifted into the heavens against gravity.

Given the impressive view of the gigantic island, I see it rise without any type of opposition. My body only trembles and my organs seem to stir with terror.

After the initial shock, I recover as best I can, realizing my new reality in this world, the most my city has ever witnessed being a terrorist attack by a crazy villain.

Later at night, while practicing on the hospital rooftop, I see something that catches my attention: a robbery in progress at a nearby store. Three masked men are looting the place, and the police have not arrived yet.

"It's my chance to prove myself, but first I should find a way to cover my identity from the store's security cameras just in case"

Doing somersaults, I managed to reach the lower floor without problems. Quickly jumping from room to room, I manage to find enough clothes and a makeshift mask. I end up running towards the nearest window, putting on my attempt at a suit.

With a determined leap, I launch myself from the window and land gracefully on the building next to the hospital. With my hands firmly attached to the wall, I begin to move with my new agility between the walls that separate me from my destination.

 Between each jump I take, I can only think of different ways to subdue the assailants without them shooting. But my mind floods with memories of Uncle Ben before his death and his argument.





The cold night on the streets of Queens was notable, with my breath visible through the darkness. I come across the familiar facade of my home, finding Uncle Ben in front of the door, sitting, waiting for me with an angry look.

-Hello! Hello, I thought you were going to... —I say half-heartedly before being interrupted.

—Did you forget something? —He said with an annoyed voice.

-Hey? —My surprise was clearly expressed in my voice when, suddenly, my cell phone started ringing.

Beep Beep

Interrupting the sound, I turn it off.

—And don't answer it. At least I know it works," said Uncle Ben, still sitting.

—You have to offer your aunt an apology, you forgot her. "Behave like a man, come in and apologize," he said, starting to get up and opening the door for me to enter the living room, where I see Aunt May walking around in circles, worried.

"Sorry, Aunt May, I just..." I say regretfully, approaching to give her a hug.

—No, you don't have to apologize to me. It's your uncle... —trying to calm down, I can only try to finish apologizing.

"Of course you have to," said Uncle Ben, coming into the living room.

"Ben, please," Aunt May, pleadingly, tried to defend me.

—Hey, I'm sorry, Uncle Ben. "I got distracted, I went to OSCORP," I said, trying to explain my absence.

—So you got distracted? —He asks me angrily, to which I only respond:

"Yes," I say as he looked at the ground, regretful.

"Your aunt, my wife, had to walk twelve blocks alone in the middle of the night and then wait alone at a subway station because you got distracted." His complaint about her only made me feel more guilty about the situation.

"Ben, honey, seriously, I'm perfectly capable of walking alone," she said, almost crying.

"You don't have to defend him, May," he claimed.

-I'm not...

-If these...

—Yes I know, Ben...

"Listen, son," she said, making him look up to look into his eyes.

-Yes I listen you.

—You are identical to your father in everything, Peter, and he is excellent, but your father used a philosophy, it was a principle really. He believed that if you could do something good for other people, you had a moral obligation to do those things. That's what this is about, not decisions, but responsibilities—his words only take me back to the past, a past that hurts...

—How cute, he is excellent! —my voice breaks as I speak.

"So where is he now?" —I continue, regardless of the tears coming out of me.


—Tell me, where is my father? —My gaze fills with tears as I stare at him.

"Didn't he think it was his responsibility to live with me and tell me himself?"

—Oh, please, by what right...?

-No! With what right do you say it? —I immediately burst into anger and only think about leaving the place where my parents abandoned me.

—Where are you going, Peter? Please come back here!

I make my way to the door regardless of Uncle Ben's call.

With anger coursing through my body, I don't measure how tightly I grip the front door as I open it.


The sound echoes as the wood with the hinges are immediately destroyed by me. I ran in an unknown direction.

—Ben, leave him alone for a while. "It's going to be okay," Aunt May said, trying to stop my uncle.

When I heard the door moving, trying to open, I jumped into the nearest streetlight, avoiding being seen.

—Peter! —Uncle Ben shouted several times, as I stood silently upstairs watching him walk away for the last time.

The last time I would see him alive...






Later than ever he reached the sidewalk in front of the store. Later than ever, I reach the sidewalk in front of the store. The shop window lights flicker, casting dancing shadows on the pavement. I stop for a moment, silently observing the nearby buildings on the street. The shops begin to close, and the few pedestrians who remain walk hastily towards their destinations.

I remember the first time I visited this store, many years ago. It was a place of refuge, a safe corner in the hustle and bustle of the city. The owner, Mrs. Martínez, always welcomed me with a smile and a bar of chocolate with almonds. But today, the warm lights seem colder, and the automatic door creaks as it opens and closes as I jump closer and reach the roof so as not to be seen.

Suddenly, a loud sound breaks the silence. I turn my head and see the robbers threatening the man behind the store.

My heart pounds, but fear is replaced by adrenaline. I sneak up and enter through a back window, surprising myself with how easy it is to move without making a sound.

Upon entering, I notice that everything is the same, but different. The shelves are filled with unknown drinks and cans of food, but my old memories are still in place, reminding me that I am in another reality.

I walk slowly, letting my fingers brush the shelves, looking for some useful object, remembering past stories in this store.

-Who are you? —one of the thieves shouts when he sees me.

"I'm the Amazing Spider-Man," I answer with more confidence than I really feel.

Before they can react, I throw some boxes that immobilize one of the thieves. Another pulls out a gun, but with a quick movement, I dodge and neutralize the second thief with a kick.

The third tries to flee, but I trap him against the wall of the establishment. However, I hear the sliding door open and a fourth robber enter, aiming for the store owner.

Without much effort, the thief trapped between the boxes that I sent flying returns pointing at me along with his partner.


—You didn't like the name...


—How about the incredible tarantula?


-Very original?


—Hey! Be careful with my bag... I mean my mask, come on man...


—Maybe the spectacular bagman

Gifted with superhuman senses s because of the improved spider, I find myself seeing everything in frames while my head tingles.

I am dodging bullets from criminals who have entered the store to carry out a crime in an emergency alert in the city.

"Damn, the underwear fits me."

The discomfort of the suit, created from latex gloves along with stolen hospital clothes and a mask made from a bag, disappears the moment I am hit by one of the bullets in the bag.

—Hey, lovers of other people's things, have you heard the one about chambear? —I say trying to stop my fear of guns, realizing that they stop shooting to reload.

—Damn mutant! Freak! —says one with the gun already reloading to fire.

—Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?

With my newfound speed, I spin in the air and swing a fist at the man closest to my position, trying my best not to break any bones.

However, I can hear his ribs cracking as the blow hits. The man falls to the ground, unconscious, as his gun slides across the floor of the store.

The other criminals, seeing their partner fall, redouble their efforts, firing uncontrollably at my position.

My body reacts instinctively, moving with an agility and precision I have never experienced before.

The bullets pass by me, but none of them manage to hit me. My senses are at their peak, and I can anticipate every move of the attackers.

Taking advantage of a brief pause in his attack, I launch myself at the second man, disarming him with a quick movement of my hand.

His surprised expression is replaced by pain as I knock him down with a well-aimed kick to his legs.

Before the third man can reload, I throw a box of whole grain cereal at him, causing the gun to fall from his hands. Acting quickly, I give him a light blow to the chest before he falls unconscious to the ground.

The last man, visibly nervous, tries to flee, but he cannot escape.

With a quick javelin shot improvised with a metal rod, he pinned him against the wall, leaving him knocked out and unable to move.

The store, which moments ago was filled with chaos, is now silent, save for the sound of the defeated criminals' heavy breathing. I take a moment to make sure everyone is okay, and then call the police to inform them of the situation and ask for assistance.

While I wait for them to arrive, I approach the store owner, an older man who has been hiding behind the counter. His eyes are filled with gratitude and relief.

"Thank you, young man," he says with a trembling voice. I don't know what he would have done without your help.

"Don't worry," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. I just did what he had to do.

As the adrenaline begins to subside, I realize how close I came to being hurt. This power I have is a great responsibility, and I must use it carefully. Remembering Uncle Ben's words, I promise myself that I will always do everything I can to protect the innocent and bring justice.

Shortly after, the police sirens arrive, breaking the silence of the night. The agents rush in, arresting the criminals and making sure everyone is safe. I hide in the shadows, watching the men being led away in handcuffs, and I feel a mixture of satisfaction and responsibility.

The police leave shortly after and, upon seeing the scene, the man still looks at me in amazement. A second later he approaches me and asks:

-Who are you?

"Just a friend and neighbor," I respond, remembering Gwen's words as a hero.

I leave before they can ask any more questions, jumping from building to building until I reach the hospital again. I feel ecstatic, not only for having stopped the thieves, but for having shown that I can make a difference.

I realize that I need a proper suit and more tools to continue fighting crime.






On the cold night on the streets of New York, a store was seen with several holes caused by a recent crime scene. Now, an older man was cleaning up the damage caused by the thugs and the unknown watchman.

"Do I think I heard him say that his name was Bag Man?"

With that last thought, he left his tent….
















to be continue

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