
Am I Peter Parker?

Peter Parker, a delicate and weak but very intelligent young man, is a victim of school bullying, in an act of revenge he ends up transforming into a mutant lizard monster. In the face of death a new being enters..... . . . Peter Parker reincarnated as Peter Parker. . . . . . . . the cover does not belong to me

H_ell · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Amazing....

Chapter: Surprising....














My last memories are of my last thoughts and regrets before I died. Now I find myself in the hospital, lost in my deepest thoughts. Had I somehow reincarnated into myself? Memories of this new life appear and disappear for minutes, mixing with those of my past life.

Once the first impression is over and taking stock of the new information, I realize that my world is different. In this new universe, humans with mutant powers are the norm. Superheroes are the norm and so are supervillains, with fights in New York daily.

Doing a little research from the hospital room, the results of my first searches for differences with my universe show that everything is grander here.

For example, Dr. Reed Richards, with a group of superheroes, described a new dimension on Earth called the "Negative Zone." As I get used to this new view of reality, I reflect on my new life and what that could mean in a world so full of powers.

This world was already used to superpowers and threats on a global scale. The news on the hospital television shows the Avengers fighting an alien threat in the heart of New York, while the X-Men intervene in a conflict in Genosha.

It is overwhelming to think about the magnitude of the events that happen daily. However, something inside me tells me that I must prepare.

I decide to take advantage of the time in the hospital to investigate this universe further.

If I want to survive here, I will need to thoroughly understand the rules of this world. I start searching for information about the most influential superhero and supervillain groups, advanced technologies, and anything that can give me an advantage.

But my mind can no longer ignore my worries. Memories of my previous life come to mind: the few people close to me like my uncles Ben and May, Gwen, and Mr. Stacy. Nostalgia and guilt plague me, especially when I remember my Uncle Ben's advice about power and responsibility.

However, the memories soon disappear when I realize that my previous life ended the moment I wanted to be powerful like her, ending up as an uncontrollable monster.

My desire for power led me down a dark path, and now, in this new world, I have a second chance to redeem myself.

Deep in thought, I decide that I must take action. I can't sit by while the world falls apart around me. I have to find my place and make sure I don't make the same mistakes again.

Information first: I start reading articles, watching videos, and collecting data on the most prominent heroes and villains. The X-Men, the Brotherhood of Mutants... Each group has its history, its conflicts and its alliances.

Second, Technology: The technology in this world is incredibly advanced.

From high-tech suits to healing devices and sophisticated weapons, anything is possible. I decide that I must find a way to access these resources.

If I can improve my skills with technology, I will have a better chance of dealing with any threat. A few hours later, while I am deep in thought, a doctor enters the room with a serious face.

-I see you've been recovering well- he says, reviewing my medical history. But we need to talk about something we found in your analyses.

My heart races when I hear those words. Had they discovered something about my abilities? Or was it something else?

-We have detected an anomaly in your blood- the doctor continues-Something we had never seen before. You seem to have a different blood type that could be related to a new one, but it's different than anything else we've encountered before.

Shit....I never asked myself how a spider bite sent me to the hospital and somehow managed to reincarnate into this new body.

Could he have transmitted HIV to me?!!!

Of course that's ridiculous, it's most likely that my body changed when I died and was reincarnated.

I try to stay calm while the doctor talks. This could be an opportunity or a threat, depending on how you handle the situation.

-What does that mean? I ask, trying to sound curious instead of worried.

—It means we need to do more tests.Could it be something new, or something that could be related to a close family member you know?

My neck begins to tingle and my senses seem to suddenly sharpen. I nod slowly, trying to process the information.

—I understand, doctor. I will do whatever it takes to help.

The doctor nods and leaves the room, leaving me alone with my Thoughts accelerate. The anomaly in my blood could be the first indication that my abilities from my past life are also present here, in this new reality.

With the free time I have at the hospital, I take advantage of it to continue researching.

I find information about the mutants, the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and other key groups. The vastness of this new world is overwhelming, but also exciting.

If I really have my lizard skills, or even a fraction of them, I need to learn how to use them effectively in this context.

A super hero? I don't see myself really being someone as big as Spider-Woman.

But wasn't I supposed to turn into a giant monster to be like her?... The first night in the hospital is restless.

My mind can't stop thinking about the possibilities and how to navigate this new environment. I decide to start practicing in secret, trying small experiments with my lizard ability. I start with simple things, like moving medium or heavy objects around the room.

Fortunately, no one seems to notice anything unusual.

During the next day's hours, the doctor returns several times to perform more tests. Every time he comes over, I try to stay calm and act as normal as possible. However, it's hard not to feel a growing paranoia that they'll discover something that shouldn't be there.

One afternoon, while browsing the news on the hospital television, I see a report about a recent attack in New York. A group of supervillains has launched a coordinated attack, causing chaos and destruction.

The Avengers and the X-Men have intervened to stop them, but the city is on high alert. I feel a mixture of adrenaline and fear. This is the kind of world I now live in, one where threats can arise anytime, anywhere.

My instinct tells me that I must be prepared to face these challenges. That night, as the hospital falls into silence, I decide I need to get out of here. If I really have my skills, I can use them to sneak away undetected.

Concentrating on not being noticed by the nurses and doctors in the rooms, I manage to open a window without making a sound. With one last look at the room, I leap toward freedom.

The cool night air hits me, and for a moment I feel revitalized.

My abilities are here, and they feel stronger than ever. As I move in the window, a feeling of determination fills me.

With a slight tremor in my body I try to remove the lizard claws from my abilities but I quickly realize that my assumption is wrong when I feel my body fall from the window.

The speed of my reflexes helps me grab the window that is unnaturally attached to it with my fingertips. With terror I see my position as I am hanging from the top floor of the hospital, my vision captures the last people leaving the hospital due to the recent alert from the city without noticing me.

Since I was hanging from the building until now I am unable to detach myself, trying to use my other hand to get back into my room it also ends up stuck to the hospital wall.

Actually, my previous powers are not back but those of the spider that bit the other Peter Parker. Finally, I decide to take advantage of this new ability.

With controlled effort, I begin to slowly move up the wall, discovering that I can stick and move like Spider-Woman.

The sensation is strange but liberating. I climb back to the window and enter my room, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. My thoughts race as I begin to plan my next move.

Now I know that I have powers similar to Spider-Woman's and that I must learn to control them and use them for good. I have decided to be like her, a vigilante on behalf of the weak.

But one thing is for sure: I am no longer the same person who entered this hospital.

Plus I'll need a superhero name so I'll base it on hers for now. I will be the Amazing...






















to be continue

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