I don't have anithing from Potterverse unless my OC. Blame JKR about this. My MC is a smart and cold person who like live in liberty and situations under control.
I was angry.
No wonder actually. After all, Lucien's drunk balls screwed up my life. But I'm also... happy. I mean, this world was a world that I had some access to. Even without my divination skills I knew the plot to the point where all the happenings seemed dull. In fact, if Hestia hadn't been a pretty girl I would have messed up the plot myself without caring about the consequences.
Of course that would be if my father hadn't alerted me to these annoying deities. Because of that and just because of that I didn't think about altering fate's plans for this world.
Now, I wasn't the type to hide my greatness. None of that. It could be seen by the way I deliberately exposed my divination ability to McGonnagall when I received my letter of admission. I wasn't going to be the mediocre student with the head down who would reveal genius at the end and solve the story's problems.
I wasn't that kind of person. I don't even know what kind of person I am anymore either. Ever since I came into this world my way of thinking mutes and I suspected it was the fault of my claim about the knowledge of Cadre Gilgamesh. Not to mention appearance. I suspected that Lucien used his powers to give me a semi-divine body similar to my Throne of Heroes look-alike. And yes, I consider Gilgamesh my double. After all I am alive and he is a trapped spirit.
Anyway, my plan was to be the model student. Use RoR to satisfaction. Learn everything this castle has to offer and hope that Harry/Hestia kills without a nose so he can enjoy life in this world until he is strong enough to go to another. Unfortunately Harry wasn't the bland boy I would actively ignore and the school gave me a metaphorical kick in the balls by revealing everything I didn't want to be revealed.
And that was just the fact that I was descended from Merlin (Lady Magic) who somehow exists and decided to fuck Bellatrix Lestrange of every witch there was on this planet.
Not that Lucien would stoop to fuck a crazy witch like my lovely mommy since he had literal goddesses to shove his dick into. Damn, now I'm jealous of the old man!
But back in the main room, the silent hall began to get confused for a few minutes before White Beard decided to step in and continue the selection. Mione and Hest were selected from Ravenclaw as planned but Hermione's glares assured me I would have trouble hiding things from her.
Damn it!
Honestly, it was worse than letting this bunch of wizards inbreed or not knowing about me. I'd rather reveal my entire transmigration experience to the world than go through a Hermione-style sermon. She is just scary when she goes into that mode.
Oh shit. I thought. And finally I relaxed in my seat while I waited for the potion to take effect. After all that fiasco in my selection, I could feel a connection between me and the castle. I knew it would be a troublesome thing but very useful too. Mainly because it could channel energy from the ley lines that powered the building. Using this I strengthened the wards and commanded the property to prevent the house elves from being commanded by anyone but me.
Hmm... Lady Magic gave me a castle and I would make use of it. In fact... I didn't intend to leave Hogwarts in this world when I set out on new adventures.
I would take this castle with me!
It would be my revenge after all. Lady Magic didn't mess with an ordinary manipulative person, but she messed with me, a Cadre and one, if not the only one alive, of Uruk's heirs. I was a king and a king can't be beaten without fighting back.
My smirk made everyone at the Slytherin table uncomfortable and I just smiled more when I saw it.
Weasley Gemini POV
They both knew who the person was who had given that bad premonition in their hearts after seeing the smile on the face of the Ambrosius heir. Descendant of Merlin. And the son of a creepy Death Eater. Fred and George Weasley didn't expect competition. Mainly after they had the Marauder's map, but now there was a wizard with magical rights to the castle. Would they be able to use magical objects linked to Hogwarts property if the young man didn't allow it?
The answer was no.
He was a Slytherin after all. Never that he will allow the twins to be unrestricted as before. Your prank days could be on the line. In fact, all the houses were concerned about the situation. The teachers and the principal would be no exception.
Mostly…knowing that the school had a conscience was a surprise, but knowing that the school was now responding to a student that no one knew anything about? It was scary. Dumbles was finally considering retirement after that. He had wanted to leave the post to McGonnagall for a long time and was only in it because of the political advantages and influence on the young mindthat he owned.
But he was old. And he wouldn't look any younger.
Either way, the twins weren't happy. And they weren't happy when they saw their younger brother eating ignorant about everyone's worries turning slowly but surely blue. They stepped happy to witness that. What was? Potion in food? Would they be caught in this prank too?
But the surprise didn't stop. All the children in the hall started to turn blue. Her hair began to grow and change into a single braided shape with a tip full of thin, swaying tentacles. The twins were even more surprised when they completely changed their bone structure to become the size of house elves and were horrified to see the obvious resemblance in their features as their noses and ears began to thin and grow.
If they were going to admit it, those creatures were very beautiful. Not wrinkled and battered like house elves, but they looked almost real. They started laughing at the expressions of fear and surprise that started to overtake everyone. And they became even more violent in their expressions of laughter as they saw teachers changing in the same way as students.
The only one who was somewhat different was Hagrid who due to his half-giant bloodline only turned blue.
The laughter became even more shrill as they saw Professor Quirrell screaming unintelligibly as he tried in vain to replace his turban. The man who was bald now sported a blond braid similar to the appendages they all received.
The twins choked with laughter at all this, almost paying compliments to whoever accomplished the feat of turning McGonnagall, an expert in transfiguration, into an unknown magical creature. If they had paid more attention they realized that everyone was looking at them with murderous wills and it was no different even for the cheerful Professor Flitiwick. Of course, there were other students who were not transformed, but the teachers could see that it was because of a magical artifact used by them that protected their body almost impermeably preventing any substance from reaching them. They were the heir Ambrosius, his adoptive sister and Hestia Potter. All early years and hardly suspicious of anything.
Excluding them, only the Weasley twins who were known for their prank notoriety were immune to whatever substance had turned them into the Chibby version of the Na'Vi.
I laughed lightly as Professor McGonnagall led the twins to the principal's office so they could tell what they used for the prank they didn't know about. I laughed even more at Miss Pomprey's despair as I rushed into the hall with her clothes turned around and her tiny frame, revealing that a variant of the polyjuice potion had spread in the form of gas through the castle.
Seeing everyone's faces when hearing from the woman that the potion would wear off in 3 days was priceless. After all, they would have to be Na'Vi for three full days. That would stop classes from starting and give me more time to fully control the castle.
A day later we learned that the twins had been punished with 3 years in detention and 900 points. 200 for every day they didn't have classes thanks to the prank and 300 because of the trauma caused by the hundreds of children who spent hours crying because of the "blue monsters" that chased them.
Hestia and Hermione knew it was my doing as it wasn't the first time I had done something like this and my sister must have already finished and revealed to Hestia about many of my iconic prank stories.
Of course that wasn't the only thing he would do. After 12 hours I broke into the Griffindor common room and used permanent makeup on one of the twins to look like one of RuPaul's wonderful Drags. Whichever twin caught my prank this time would be thinking he was targeted by his own brother.
Hahaha, thinking about it almost makes me forget the slutty Lady Magic did.
Anyway, I was currently in the Ravenclaw common room girls' dorm with two girls sitting as they stared at me. Hestia didn't look too upset. We had known each other a few hours actually. Not a day had passed, but Hermione was mad. She couldn't believe I hid something from her, but if I was to be honest it wasn't the first time I hid something from her.
"So are you going to explain?" she asked after 9 minutes staring at me. I knew I had to be as honest as possible... That or make up another lie, but... it wouldn't work if I wanted to marry them. I needed to at least trust my wives, right?
"Okay. Let me see how to get started..."
"How about starting at the beginning?"
I laughed a little overwhelmed by her intensity. I sighed as I thought.
"You must have heard that Christian story about how Jesus Christ was conceived, right?"
"A virgin woman who suddenly found herself pregnant with the child of God?"
"Yes, see, there areGods. And things stronger than gods actually. Let me finish before they ask questions, okay?" I asked when I saw my sister open her mouth. "I happen to be the biological child of a kind of god (I didn't know how to classify my father. Was he a god? A ROB? A traveler?) and a mortal woman, also known as the most loyal death eater of the self-appointed lord of the Dark Voldeshorts."
"But how are you heir Ambrosius? I asked about the house. Merlin is the only known Ambrosius. Is he your father? In that case, is Merlin a god?" Hestia asked. She was quite curious wasn't she? Anyway, I almost laughed at the question.
"No. My father is not Merlin. But someone who slept with Merlin. Well... They had an affair."
""Two Men!!!"" the girls screamed in disbelief.
"Although I don't think it would be that surprising, no. They weren't two men. Merlin was, is and always will be Lady Magic. It was the goddess of magic who slept with my father. See... when a god sleeps with someone he leaves a mark. This brand has advantages, one of which is the transformation of the object of affection of the said God into a champion. A champion is someone who has a fragment of a god's divinity." I explained. "My father slept with her and then received this fragment of divinity, which he passed on to me when he left me in Bellatrix Lestrange's womb."
"This…this story…but where is your father now? Why were you wandering in a park when we found you?"
"Well that's a long story." So we sat down and I told them all about the universes, the ether, the fact that my father traveled through the ether and got to know various universes thanks to it.
I didn't tell her that her universe was a fictional story in my old world. And I didn't even say it was a soul from another universe. For all intents and purposes this is my first life and no one will ever know about my transmigration if it's up to me. Not even the gods here know that. Just my dad and he made it clear that he should never reveal this to anyone. Something about universal laws and the fact that I've escaped mine is a serious problem. Well... I had no interest in letting my wives know that I was a 17 year old soul to wake up here. It would be seen as a pedophile. Or a lolicon. I couldn't let them know that.
"You intend to travel to other universes don't you?" Hermione asked in annoyance.
"Yea." I replied.
"Are you going to leave us?" Hestia looked pitiful now. Damn it. She shouldn't wear that expression. I got hard just looking at that. Um... it feels like my body is heading in the right direction. Anyway, I needed to fix that expression before I embarrassed myself here.
"You go with me. I never thought about leaving any of my wives. They will all go with me."
And that was a fact. I had a world of soul thanks to my father's lineage. I could put all of Hogwarts and surrounding lands into my world before I left. That's people could also be put inside. My world was very similar to the one Xia Qingyue had thanks to her divine constitution. Thinking about Qingyue made me think about traveling to this universe someday. Maybe after Hestia killed the noseless we could go there. Qingyue would be a nice addition to my harem. But... I needed to collect close wives first. Would it still take a few years for the next world and I don't even know which one I would go to? After all, this universe shouldn't just have the planet where the Harry Potter series takes place, right? It would be quite a waste of space if that were the case.