
Always will be Your knight

You have given me a reason to be strong. so I will live, hand on my sword untill you won't need me. Even if the whole world is against you someday, I will be by your side shielding you. ----------- Story about two reincanator's with no past memories contradicting. One from slum another from palace. Our mc even though he is a reincarnated person. he even lose his memory of his childhood. living in slum, stealing food to past the days for him to understand his dream that been haunting him every night. On the other hand our heroine after suffering from her previous life she died and the god that reincarnated her previously felling pity so she got to be born back in time before her suffering start. ....... no ntr, harem? 2-3 partner can't be counted as harem , 10-11 partner cannot be counted as big harem , 50-60 is also not Pokemon collection..... well I don't have any back up for chapters I just write and post on the same day so....

Abyss_Light · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Unexpected.


"Then I will count on you Mr greak.' said Raven waving her hand.

After both Eldic and Raven were gone Greak asked,

"So dear, why where you looking at that boy without blinking? Did you find someone more interesting than your husband?" Greak has seen Heleth looking intensely at eldric from the beginning.

" What are you getting jelious of a kid? For your question, I am little bit interested." Said Heleth.

Aggg!! That make me really sad. " Said Greck holding his chest.

"Don't be over dramatic. I am just interested in his mana when I see his, there was too dense for me to measure it." Said heleth pulling Greak ears.

" Oh is that so, isn't your skill measurements supposed to measure everything that you dem measurable. How can't you measure his? "

"That not it it not like I can't measure it it just that my scale of measurement was too low. He much have a abundance amount of mama." Said heleth dragging Greak by his ears to there room.

After returning from the guilt Eldric and Raven were meeting with the king nd queen in private.

Eldric is standing near raven who is sitting opposite her father and mother.

"Eldric you can also sit you know. I think of you as a family." said the queen while Raven also nod her head in aproval.

Hearing her say that Eldic was monetary happy untill he heard a tsk sound. Siting next to the queen Daniel is having a discomfort look though he didn't approve of him he didn't denied it either.

"No thank you queen, but it is my role as a bodyguard to stand by her side" said eldric.

"So what brings you here raven." asked Adella giving up pursuing Eldric further.

Raven answered " I wanna attend the Royal academy."


"Why are you both silent!!" shout Raven seeing her parents dazed after hearing her say she wanna attend school like some thug that want to start becoming a good student.

"That.... we thought you don't want to go there. if you want then we will make the preparation by tomorrow.

"No need for that me and he will be going there together on ourselves." saying so raven pulled Eldic sleave.

Seeing her behaviour nobody complained as she already talked with eldric but for Adella and Denial both knew this was coming. they already know that raven quite adores him without any specific reason.

"At least take a carriage and some guard. raven the road to silverchest will be long." said edella while Denial nodded his head supporting his wife's words.

"Then I will take a carriage with a driver and some gold coins, ah.. some artifacts from the treasury and I also want the horse to be a unicorn or something like that, oh and the carage should be beautiful ok ....." Said Raven.

"..." Adella.

"..."Denial, Both where wondering on whether they failed as parents.

"..." Eldric.

The silence was more hurtful than a complaint. Raven just Sigh resizing her greed " Ok fine just give whatever you can..." Said and she walk towards the door follow by eldric. " Oh and I will be going in 2 days" saying so they left.

"... Did she say, She is going in 2 days" ask deniel.

"... Yeah she really is becoming uncontrollable. Id this what people call a sign of becoming an adult.. "murmured adela in dazed.

2 days later after Eldic and Raven give their farewell to both Adella and Daniel they left to meet the so called hero party.

When both of them arrived at the guilt house there already was their carriage with two black horses that are bigger than a normal horse supposed to be.

When they went near it a man showed up and bowed slightly saying " Good morning to the princess and his attendance, my name is Ludoft. I am a silver level knight I had some experience driving carrage before so for your safety I got chosen as your bodyguard and scouts till you reach silverchest.

There are many systems for different continents and cults in leveling powers of people. for example her kingdom follows one of the two majority of scaling by bronze, silver, gold, diamond and platinum . And the other one majority scaling system is by number of there mana 1/1000 equivalent to bronze, 1000/10000 to silver , 10000/100000 to gold etc.

There are also many other methods for different cult like church systems of Bishop, Pope , Cardinals, Deacon, Archbishop, Priests, Pastors and Patriarch.

"Um that's also fine, you can wait here I will be back soon with some other people." Saying so both Eldic and Raven went inside the guilt house.

Entering inside, there was already Greak and his wife helath comforting their daughter Alice. On their side there was a young man with white hair, purple eyes a Longsword on his back on his side stand a girl same cerecteristic as his. While the other girl was continuously eating behind the scenes.

Hearing the sound of opening a door every one's attention was on them. Suddenly Greak was going to shout out their names but Eldic stopped him by speaking up.

'you need to keep your mouth shut Greak I wanna know this people better if they knew her identity then they might get real humble or he might not show his true face.'

" Ya hello uncle Greak and sis heleth, we came." Said Eldric taking everyone by surprise including Raven.

'Why are you calling her sister and Greak uncle?' was on everyone's mind.

"Yeh .... Oh Alice I forgot to ask you can you bring them with you .. u see a friend of mine ask me to help them they are also going to the same school as you all so.." said Greak not minding Eldric previous words.

"Father that... " As Alice was about to deny her father requested someone interrupt.

Before Alice could say anything the boy in the group said " Yeah sure sister, why not. you can call me author the girl next to me is Nina sorry she can't talk, she mute . That girl over there is Marina ." Said author ignoring Greak who requested and directly confronting Raven.

Although raven was previously eager to meet them she now didn't know what to say.

Seeing raven nervousness and Author continuous persistence Eldic intervent. " Your name is Author right, my name is Eldic." saying so he strach out his hand to saked him but he only got a condemn look from him only saying "oh that cool dude" and srugged continued trying to talk to Raven.

Raven not knowing how to respond to Author previous introduction, she witnessed him ignoring and giving distant look on Eldic which made her fevourism decreased a lot towards him.

"Oh yeah I am raven" Saying so she went near Alice to talk to her not giving Author a second glance like he did to Eldric.

Seeing this Eldic feels a comfortable sensation. His desire to kill Author banished almost instantly. ' Having him around might be something useful ' thinking so he also went to say hello to Grick ignoring Author who was loss in void after being ignored by a women.

Coming to his sence author laughs on his mind ' haha interesting, really interesting there is really someone who can ignore my charm, I like this type of woman more than that tsundere Alice, kuudere Nina and that glutton Marrin. They can wait for my love. I will conquer her first ...'

After being agreed by author Alice didn't have anything to say so she also opened up a little introducing herself while continuing talking to her parents and Eldric on the other hand after greeting Greck Eldic got near Marin who is still eating . He tried talking to her but the girl in question was busy eating . Eldic thought she looked cute like a hamster devouring food. So he brought out a cake from a storage ring made in the palace by maids who like him, and he gave it to marrin. " Here."

Hm " Confused Marin looked up only to see someone giving her a cake then she blushed and she blurred out " aa..are u perposing me ? Kyaa" she hid her face with her hands but peeking out on the gaps of her finger she said "I ii need time " saying so she took the cake eat it and ran out saying " I will be waiting outside."

Although Eldic was momentarily shocked by the development he looked around "It seems like nobody heard it or else I might loss my face if words spread out that I give a cake as perposing ring."

After some bereft conversations, Eldric Raven, Alice, Author, Nina came out and meet up with a shy Marin everybody was confuse except Eldic and unexpectedly the little girl next to auther " she might have hear it sigh, umm wait she is mute right who she gonna sperate words... I might go to hell for thinking something like this " Eldric head was having termoil thinking to prepare for the future and to keep an eyes on auther if he ever make a little move on raven I will dispose of you without anyone knowing after the queen is supporting me.

Yes, the queen. Eldric and Adella already have a conversation between them before they came here. She said that if any man tried to come closer near raven he can dispose of them. Even deniel agree to support him on this matter.