
Always Here

Having a childhood online friend, Alyssa was excited to meet him when she found out that she’s going to the same university as he does. Both of them have been friends for eight years and have grew as best friends. But her imperfections and religion made everyone look down to her and her kind heart kept being used. Being a Muslim that does not wear hijab, people judges and downgraded her when the reason that she doesn’t wear hijab is because of her family. But there is one person that always stayed. He always does. “And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” [Quran 30:21]

Pencils123456 · Sports, voyage et activités
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1 Chs

Coffee Shop

Have you ever met someone online, and you became best friends? I have, and it's been eight years since we met. We've never seen each other in real life though, but that fact is gonna change in a few minutes.

Because the plane is landing.

As soon as it did, I grabbed my things and waited for the order to leave the airplane. Once the pilot said so, I got out the airplane and went straight into the waiting room. I looked around, searching for a familiar face. I've seen his face through our video calls, so that's how I knew his face. I craned my neck to look around from behind the crowds in front of me. That's when I made eye contact with a tall boy with brown hair and brown eyes. I smiled.

He smiled back.

I rushed towards him and he did too, but I stopped before I touch him. He was about to hug me, but then he realized something. "Oh, right, you're a Muslim," he said. I smiled, "Yep, I'm sorry,". "Not your fault," he grinned. "Now let's get going. Is that all of your stuff?"


"Great! Now let's go see your apartment!"

"I'm excited!" I beamed. He laughed, "Haha, alright. Glad you're happy." "I'm actually pretty nervous too.." He looked at me, "Don't worry, Carlos University is great!". He's a year older than me, but he takes the same course as me. "

"I hope everyone will be nice though..." I mumbled.

"Oh, come on. They're not gonna judge you just because you're different from ofher Muslims, we've talked about his remember? You still do other Islamic things, so what's the difference? Not everyone is perfect, and if you're feeling insecure just because you're not wearing hijab just like other Muslims, then don't-"

I smacked his shoulder with my passport. "Okay, okay enough. You're making the whole airport staring at us with your lectures," I giggled. He beamed, "At least I made you feel better, right?" I laughed. "Yeah, thanks a lot, Asher." It's amazing how he's not even a Muslim himself, but he understands other people's imperfections and accepts it. He treats people with respect no matter what religion they are. That's one of the reasons I trust him so much.

"Oh, look! The taxi's here!" He exclaimed. I craned my neck again to look from behind his tall figure, and then I saw it. He helped me get my things, put them in the taxi and then we both got in. We kept our distance, mostly because I couldn't be too close to him, religion rules.

"So, how's the class?"

"It's nice, I'm sure you'll like it!"

"Where do you usually study?"

"In the coffee shop below the apartment building. Oh, I forgot to tell you. We're on the same floor," he grinned.

"Oh really? That's fantastic! And did you say...coffee shop?"

"Yep! And I know you'll love that place!"

"You know me so well, Asher."

We spent the next 30 minutes talking to each other, and when the driver siad that we have arrived, we thanked him and got my things. "Thank you so much Asher for helping me move in," I said. "No problem," he said and winked. I laughed. What a silly boy. We went into the building and soon found my apartment. It's not that big, but it's not that small either, it's just right.

There is a small kitchen area, a study desk, bathroom, closet room and bed. Perfect for one person to live in.

"Alyssa?" he suddenly said when we put down my suitcases. "How about we go down and have some breakfast before we start unpacking?" he said. "Wait what? Y-you're g-gonna help me unpack? No way, you should go have breakfast! I'll be fi-" before I could finish my sentence he gave me 'the look'. The one that says, 'Please! Pretty please!' and also 'I want to help you no matter what!'. I sighed.

"Fine, let me call my parents first."

He grinned. I took out my phone.

"Hey mom, hey dad! I've arrived safely at my new apartment!"




"Yeah, I'm just gonna have breakfast with Asher."




"Of course I'm sure it's him, mom. And we've talked about this before."




"Uh-huh. Yeah. Goodbye mom, dad. Love you, all of you. Oh and say hi to Danial, Danish and Adam for me."

I put my phone in my pocket and went to the coffee shop. He wasn't lying, the coffee here is amazing. I took a sip of it, and he looks at me as if to say, 'How was it? Great isn't it?'. "Oh my god, this is the best coffee I've ever had!" I exclaimed. He laughed, "Alyssa, you're a definite coffee lover.". I grinned.

"We have a lecture tomorrow at 7, and since we are in the same course I think we're gonna see each other pretty often," he laughed.

Still grinning, I replied, "I don't see what's wrong with that. Unless you are secretly sick of me."

He laughed again and grinned mischieviously, "Maybe, maybe I am."

Triggered, I smacked his shoulder with my napkin. "Whatever, I'm sick and tired of you too."He stuck out his tongue like a child and laughed. I rolled my eyes. Then I laughed. We had always enjoyed each other's company, and now we seem to enjoy it more now that we're right in front of each other and not just chatting through texts and video calls.

We finished our breakfast and head back to my apartment. We spend the whole entire day unpacking and decorating my small apartment. Asher was ranting the whole time about what is the purpose of the extra decorations I brought such as string lights, dreamcatchers and posters because he's the one who has to put it all up.

"Are you kidding me?"

"What?" I turned around.

"More string lights?" He raised his right eyebrow.

I laughed, "It's not my fault you're so tall, and plus you volunteered to help me so again, it's not my problem."

"You're lucky to have me," he said before proceeding to put up the string lights.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not," I grinned.

He stuck his tongue out again, which made me laugh in amusement but then I continued my work.

After a few hours, we finished unpacking. "Wow, we're finally done," I said. "Yeah.." I looked at him. "You should get some rest. I'll treat you for some dinner tonight, so get ready by 6 alright?". "No, you don't have to-"

I raised my eyebrows. He went quiet almost immediately. "Fine," he said. I smiled and lead him to the door. "I'll see you soon," he said. "Yeah, you too." I watch him leave and closed the door. I looked up the prayer times here using my phone and realize that a prayer time has just begun a few minutes ago. I took my wudhu' and immediately prayed. And just before I finished praying, I put the both of my hands together and say;

'O' Allah The Almighty, please forgive me for all of my sins. Please forgive my family, my parents, my siblings and my friends for all of their sins. I hope everything will be alright during my years in here. Please help me get through any challenges, make my heart stronger, for only You, O'Allah , that can help me face your challenges.'

My palms meet my face and I took a deep breath as I put my hands down. I took off my 'telekung' and went into the bathroom to get a shower. I got ready a few minutes before 6 and called my parents again. They were happy to see me all settled down in my new place, I do feel a little bit of homesickness, but I'm used to it. I was a boarding school student back then, so homesickness was pretty much something common for me.

It was finally 6 and when I was just about to go out, there was a knock on the door. I thought it was Asher, so I opened the door and smiled.

But it wasn't him.