


An echo of loud gasps followed the land. They were all shocked as to why he would reject her. She had powers. She was an Alpha. But above all, she had kindness like no other Alphas.

Althea knew this was coming. If he didn’t do it, she would have done it. The guilt she felt was killing her. She gave a sad and knowing smile to which Aries gave a frown and a look of confusion.

/"I, Althea Garcia, Alpha of the red healer pack, accept your rejection/" she whispers but loud enough for everyone to hear. Aries clenched his jaws, his face with so much sadness. But he didn’t say a word. Althea knew that the rejection will not be fully complete unless Aries says her full name. But Althea was not keen to break his heart further by revealing one more secret. So, Althea turned around to face her pack.

/"Let us all leave, we don’t belong here anymore/" Althea said.