
ALTERNIVERSE (Original Short Story)

In the year 2078 technology has advanced tremendously, making strides in several scientific and medical discoveries. The greatest feat was when the american and britain intelligent centers combined their efforts to create a suborbital station for cutting edge tech. The experiment that held the top priority was furthering their advancements with dark matter. Needless to say an accident happened that blew a hole in the side of the space station and dark matter particles spread throughout the atmosphere. The resulting spread of dark matter created the first generation of meta-humans changing the world forever. Ten years have passed since and the government did what they could to cover up most of the incident, completely hiding the fact that unpredictable dark matter has covered the world. The space station has since been fully restored and resumed their business but now has even tighter protocols to prevent another disaster

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26 Chs


No longer in her beast form, She-wolf comes barreling out of the alleyway, breaking past a crowd of civilians that were drawn to the sound of the fighting and into the street with B.A.D and Daniel following just a few seconds behind her. She-wolf doesn't make it far as she sees law enforcement barricading the area up ahead of her. The police who are armed with energy rifles set their guns to stun and open fire at her. This forces She-wolf to run into the nearest building for shelter.

"Surround that building, cover all possible escape routes!" B.A.D yells out as the two of them reach the front of what looks like to be an old office building. The SWAT teams disperse to cover the building from all sides and angles as possible. 

They slowly make their way inside with Daniel leading. Using his keen senses hee softly sniffs the air for She-wolf's scent. "She's close but I can't Pinpoint where she went exactly. She's taking extra care to move quietly cause I can't hear her either." He says as they inch through the hallway while looking in every open door they pass by. 

B.A.D stops and grabs Daniel by his shoulder. "Hold on. This door…" He says looking at the one to his left. "Why is this one the only door closed?" Daniels becomes confused until he looks up and down the hallway and sees every other door is closed. They give each other a silent nod and open the door slowly.

B.A.D creeps in with Daniel close behind. The room they enter is a long office space with multiple rows of desks and four cubicles down at the end of it. Just when they are about halfway through the room they hear a creak in the floor making them jump, quickly looking to their right but end up seeing nothing from that direction. B.A.D lowers his guard a little only to have the desk behind them flip upwards at them, hitting the back of them as She-wolf comes up kicking B.A.D across the room. 

The Hero crashes on top of a desk, breaking and falling to the floor. Seeing B.A.D get kicked away into a desk, Daniel morphs his hands to grow out the claws as he rushes at her. Daniel swipes with his left then right, both times She-wolf dodges them. On the third time she stops the swipe by using her forearm to block the wrist while countering with an uppercut with her own claws. Daniel quickly reacts and grabs her by the wrist, twisting her arm around and bending backwards. The arm hold doesn't last for a second as She-wolf jumps into a front flip while reversing the hold on Daniel. She lands while putting a twist on his arm but Daniel counters by copying her actions, flipping but kicking her mid-flip across the face. 

The kick makes her stumble to the right and into a desk. She-wolf topples over the top of it then lands on her feet, face visibly angered with her teeth bare and growing sharper. "You'll pay for that one!"

"Not before I pay you back for that cheap shot!" B.A.D yells out from her left as prepares to deliver a devastating punch. She-wolf just barely puts up her arms in time as B.A.D connects his kinetic-energized fist. 

The sounds of her bones breaking can be heard as the punch launches across the room and into the wall on the other side, crashing into the rest of the desks in the process. 

Daniel regroups with B.A.D in the middle of the room. "You think that was enough to keep her down?" B.A.D asks while still looking over at She-wolf. 

The villainess slowly begins getting up, leaning against the wall for support while holding her broken arm. They watch as her body begins to shift into her beast form

"It was enough to piss her!" Daniel states before shifting into his Cerberus form. "I'll run point if you can provide assistance." 

She-wolf let's down her arm as the bones snap back together. She points at B.A.D seeing how he broke her arm. "I've just decided that I'm going to kill you first." 

She-wolf charges at them both as Cerberus runs with B.A.D following behind him. She-wolf gets her right claws out and brings her hand down from above with extreme force but Cerberus puts up his arms to block the attack at the wrist. The impact caused the floor under his feet to cave in a bit. She tries to swipe at Cerberus' stomach but is stopped immediately as B.A.D grabs hold of her arm. While caught off guard Cerberus front kicks her in the chest making her slide back across the floor, the sharpen claws on her toes leaving trails in the floor. She-wolf has no time to rest as B.A.D closes in with his fists up. The brass knuckled hero throws a right jab but She-wolf moves her head to the right then cocks her head back to dodge the left jab to her face. B.A.D follows through with a right hook to the stomach only to have She-wolf narrowly avoid the blow while bringing up her right knee into his gut. Even if he absorbed some of the kinetic energy from the knee to the gut was enough to knock him back as well as the air in his lungs. Cerberus uses the chance to run up as he lunges at She-wolf with his claws out front but his advance falls in vain as she grabs his arm and flips him over the shoulder to the wall. Cerberus flips and corrects himself mid-air, planting his feet on the wall then pushing off and back at her. This time his attack connects as she slashes down on She-wolf's chest causing her to howl in pain. Cerberus follows through planting his blood soaked hands on the ground, spinning in a way that he kicks her across the face again. 

Reeling back from the consecutive damages to her body, She-wolf's attention shifts to B.A.D whose eyes and fists are now glowing red from kinetic energy. She tries her best to regain her senses as she launches a left punch but B.A.D simply blocks it with right arm, now that his strength has increased and absorbs more energy from her punch. B.A.D delivers a left hook to her face making her lean to the side as Cerberus slashes her face with his right hand. B.A.D uppercuts She-wolfs jaw followed by Cerberus kicking her left leg from the side making her take a knee as B.A.D lets loose one last punch with enough kinetic energy to the chest that blasts her clear across the room, through the wall, into the hallway and hitting the other wall.

When the two reach the hole in the wall they find She-wolf back in her human form and unconscious. B.A.D looks down in accomplishment just have Cerberus immediately punch him in the face.

B.A.D falls back from the unexpected hit, looking as Cerberus picks up the sleeping girl. "I deserved that… good fight though…"