
Alternate Earth Alternate timeline (DC)

First i would like to say that i do not own most of these characters as they are the property of DC Comics and this is a fan-fic. Also, the cover art is not mine and is all the property of ryanhdz if you like it then you can see more of his stuff at https://www.deviantart.com/ryanhdz finally here's the synopsis: Pain. So familiar, i lay broken and beaten staring into my brother's eyes for what i can only imagine will be the last time. My life is flashing before my eyes My name is Zachariah Wayne and this is my story. This story is a slow burn. i want to take my time to expand and encompass my favorite characters and stories all while trying to keep a very congruent and encompassing story. If you are a batman fan then you might really like this. i try to stay true to the batman mythos.

Abysmal_Author · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 3 (Rewrote)

Bruce and I both didn't really like the idea of socializing with the other kids and could practically imagine the questions and the looks we would get from the other privileged youths in Gotham.

We were given emotional journals by the doctor that day after we recounted what happened to the doctor. Bruce also had some additional one on one with the doc

Then, after that we had to finally see the Family lawyer about the will left behind by our parents. Turn's out since we are twin's we both get everything 50/50 which was fine with us also apparently, we only get some of the money while the rest is held onto by the bank and the company. We would need our guardian, who Alfred officially became not that long ago, to sign the documents that sate how much we want to withdraw and needs to be the one to company us when we spend it. There was more, a lot more but I just couldn't really wrap my head around all the legal stuff.

After a few months of this we finally got some kind of normalcy going. Alfred really stepped up and became a solid father figure for us. Meanwhile the cops never caught the killer and had absolutely no leads except for a blood sample and statements but the blood sample didn't match anything in their database.

Bruce and I were greatly disheartened hearing all this, but with each passing day our conviction for our self-promises we made become stronger and stronger.

School was just like how we thought it would be like and it was somewhat worse for me on the account of my ugly scar on the right side of my face. With that it was very easy to tell Bruce and I apart. Some even went as far as to make fun of me. but, that did not go on for long because I finally snapped and beat the bully from some rich noble Gotham family to a pulp and his friends tried to jump me but Bruce jumped in and both of us fought back to back like it was natural and with our near perfect coordination we quickly dispatched of those bullies. Later we were expelled.

We had to leave all our friends behind and it became even harder for us to sneak out because we would sneak out of school to visit Gotham, there we would hangout with a local street rat Selina Kyle and try to find our parents murderer. Oh, one time we were caught by officer Gordon.

I finally started to feel more normal. And I was happy that I wasn't alone in this world. I had Alfred and my brother Bruce. Plus, I wasn't really bothered by the extra set of memories though that blue hand pointing at my forehead still haunts me sometimes but not as much as the murder of my parents and I could tell it tortured Bruce just as much, If not more.

One day, after our session with the doctor she told me to stay behind. "Listen Zach I've noticed that you have been having trouble calming down. Like your brother, you have a rage deep within you. But much unlike him you seem to be more liable to act out on this rage. I'm going to teach you a meditation to help focus your mind and I hope that you can lessen some of that rage and turn it into something more useful for you to hone and master." Afterword's we spent a good twenty to thirty minutes on this while my family waited outside.

At home, eager to try the new techniques I was taught I went straight to Bruce and I's room. Closed the door and immersed myself in the silent and peaceful atmosphere. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my body. Everything around me starts to fade away. Leaving me seated on the soft mattress of my bed. Everything around me is starting to fade and my senses seem to become duller and duller. I feel as if I'm floating in a void. This goes on for a long time till a light appears in front of me. I start drifting towards the light in my mind. As I get near the light my senses seem to be coming back. I can hear rain drops, then a scream 'BANG' 'THUD' I know those sounds. I try to move but I can't, it's like I'm paralyzed. I feel so weak, so small. Then the light disappears as suddenly as it came and now, I'm floating again through the void.

As I start to adjust back to reality, I open my eyes only to see Bruce uncomfortably close to my face

"what the hell! I almost slapped you Bruce!" yelled stressing that last part, it's been awhile since I bullied Bruce and he knows I'll truly do it.

"oh, shut up, I just noticed you being extremely still and unresponsive. Nothing I said or did could wake you. Though I hadn't really tried hard, and I doubt you would have appreciated me if I had actually tried. He say's that last part while patting his left palm with a smirk on his face.

Tried hard my ass I'll show you try hard. I tackle my brother to the ground and mount him in less than a second. I start to slap his face not hard but playfully. I give him a left then I give him a right. Oh, I can't forget the back hand too. He struggles to get out of my mount. But all the while we are laughing.

But suddenly I stop, noticing my sudden lack of action Bruce asks what's wrong. "do you think the police will find him?" I ask

Bruce pushes me off then rests on the bed post and takes on an identical serious expression. "I don't know. Though I do have the utmost faith in our police especially in that Gordon guy. I don't think they'll make much progress in these corrupted streets. Gotham is rotting day by day. People are starving and homeless, crime here seems to be as natural as breathing. Every single day there's a murder. An unsolved crime. It's a war out there. And it's not as simple as good versus evil. We have heroes but do they dare step foot in Gotham? And for the one's that do, the only thing that awaits them is a cruel

unjustified and meaningless death." Here he starts to tear up as do I. I feel slightly hopeless and I ca

n see it in his eye's too.

"Bruce" he looks at me deep into my identical sapphire blue eyes. Inner Determination starting to show itself in our eye's. and then we nod, knowing that what we are thinking about doesn't need to be said. We have to get stronger. Our thirst coming alive.

Alfred calls for us, it's time for dinner.

After dinner, Bruce and I nod to each other then we face our guardian/butler. And at the exact same time we say "I want to get stronger"

Seemingly expecting this at some point, Alfred meets our determined gazes head on.

"oh, and why would the young masters want to acquire strength? What would you use it for? And what kind of strength are you looking for?"

Not expecting to get put on the hot spot so quickly, Bruce and I look back at each other thoroughly stumped.

"Do you even know what strength is?" he questions us further

Admittedly, not once in my life had I have to think so deeply about the concept of strength and what it means to me.

Alfred sis calmly waiting for an answer from one of us, we sat there for another 10 minutes in pure silence.

Seemingly awakening from an epiphany Bruce and I both look at each other almost as if we can read the other's mind. I hint for him to go first.

Alfred looks at Bruce still as calm and tranquil as ever.

Bruce looks at him, face full of determination.

"Strength to me is not measured by any device or can be seen by the naked eye. It's an inner quality forged through hardship and understanding. A will to protect and the intelligence to understand. To have an unlimited supply of tools even when there is none around to handle any and every situation." As eight-year-old Bruce finishes that last bit he balls up his fists, tightening them so much that the knuckles turn white.

I close my eye's and repeat every word in my head and in my heart. Fire deep in my heart starts to burst forth and pumps all through my veins.

"Do you agree with this young master Zach?" Alfred turns to me only after he himself has digested the fiery words spoken by Bruce.

With absolute resolution I answer "yes, better words could not have been spoken to describe the kind of desire that burns my very soul"

Alfred nods and then closes his eyes for a minute or two.

Then he says "Alright, this is what we're going to do. From now on you two are going to be home schooled. We're going to get the best tutors in the city and teach you philosophy, mythology, math, biology, geography, and history. Every weekend will be training with me in boxing and first aid. though I won't allow you to train your body till you are older is that understood?"

"But alfre-" I begin to whine

He cuts me off immediately and explains "but nothing, your body is way too young to begin intense training. And I'm still not completely sold on this idea to begin with."

Knowing that I can't plead for more and that Alfred may go back on his word I look to Bruce who then nods towards me and smiles. "we accept"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I always love to hear feedback! or just positive reinforcement too. Also the story is a slow burn. they won't gain their brilliance in an instant and i have a ton more characters to introduce.

Abysmal_Authorcreators' thoughts