
Alteration's Age

In the land of the forgotten, where the very earth moan with the weight of ages past, a child was born unto a village of rot and despair. A mark of the abnormal, a black marking on his right hand, did mark the child as an outcast, shunned by all. But fate did not always follow the path of man. For the child was no mere mortal, but a reincarnation of the final wish of the gods. "You are the chosen one, the vessel of god. Your destiny is to bring forth the age of the absolute will and wield the warp of reality." Thus did the child set forth on a journey, a journey beyond flesh and blood. A path wrought with danger and death. The fiends, born from the corruption of the land, do still roam the land, their very presence poisoning the earth. But the child, with the marking of the gods, did wield the powers of the ancients and the strength of the gods. Through trials and tribulations, the child did learn to harness the power within, and to control the will of the absolute.

Gardama · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Unveiling of the Earthen Hell

Landon, the Damned of Fate, reaching the age of eleven summers, felt a calling. The pull to uncover the truth, to discover the secrets of the Earthen Hell. Though the villagers mocked him, called him mad, he couldn't shake the feeling that the Earthen Hell was real, a place where the dead roamed and where his destiny was forged. He set out to find it, even though it may never exist.

Before the journey started, he did come to realize that the dead was never seen. He becomes fully aware that there was no life cycle, no death, no passing on. The villagers were confused, for they did not know what death was. They did not know the cycle of life and death, for it did not exist. Landon did try to explain, to tell them of the Earthen Hell, of the dead, of the fiends, born from the corruption of the land. But the villagers did not listen, they did not want to hear about death, they did not want to hear about the Earthen Hell. They did not want to hear the truth.

The villagers did grow angry, they did grow hostile. They did accuse Landon of spreading lies, of spreading illness. They did call for his banishment, for his punishment.

They did scream, 'Sick bringer!', 'Liar!', 'Banished!', 'Chaos!'. Landon did stand, he did not respond, he did not defend. He knew that there was no defense for the truth, for death, for the Earthen Hell. He knew that he had to leave, he had to leave before the villagers did harm him. He did turn and did walk, he did not look back, he did not listen to the screams, to the curses, to the anger. Landon knew that he had to find the Earthen Hell, he had to find the truth, he had to find his destiny, no matter the cost.

Landon felt certain that this was not mere coincidence, but a sign of his power, his power to bend reality to his will. And he knew that he had to leave the rot and despair. He set out on a journey, a journey to find the Earthen Hell, a journey to find the truth, and a journey to find his destiny. He alone held the memories, and he alone held the power to alter the fate of the land and his own forever.

He set out on a journey, a journey to the capital, a journey to the heart of the Dominion. He believed that the capital held the key to uncovering the answers, the truth, and his destiny. He was determined to discover the truth of the Earthen Hell, the place where his fate was forged, the place where the dead roamed. He was willing to pay any price to uncover its secrets.

The Damned of Fate did tread through the Dominion of the Unending, where the cycle of life and death was not present. Rot and despair, village of nought but ignorance did he come across. The Earthen Hell, a place where the dead did roam, was but a myth to them. But the Damned understood that the rot and despair was not his path, the heart of the Dominion, the capital, was where his answers lay. A journey, a pilgrimage, did he undertake, to the heart of the Dominion, to the Earthen Hell, to his fate.

After many hours of walking from the village of rot and despair, The Damned did hunt in the forest, where the bears roamed. Hunger, a feeling unknown to him, did gnaw at his gut. A bear, his prey, did he find. But as he did raise his weapon to strike, reality did twist and warp. The bear had never been harmed. The Damned was shocked, confused. His power, the power to bend reality, had always suppressed his humanity. But as he stood there, something did shift within him. Hunger, sadness, emotions unknown did he feel. His humanity, his nature as a human, did he realize he knew not. His power, his destiny, did he realize he must understand.

Landon has come to realize that in order to fully understand and control his reality-warping ability, and ultimately fulfill his destiny, he must also understand and accept his own humanity.

The Damned did stand there, alone, with his thoughts. Tears, a feeling unknown to him, did fall from his eyes. The weight of his humanity, the weight of his power, did bear down upon him. The Damned did realize, for the first time ever, that he was capable of tears, that he was capable of feeling. The Damned knew that he must journey forth, to understand his nature as a human, to understand his power, to understand his destiny.

The Damned for once pray to the gods, the gods of the absolute will. He did scream, he did beg for the world to be reforged in the fires of change, for a new beginning. And the gods did hear him, they did grant his wish. The Damned did feel his power surge, reality did warp once more. He did open his eyes, and he did see. He did see a new world, a world of light. He did see himself, a child once more. The Damned did realize, he was reborn, reborn as a child of light. A new journey, a new destiny, did await him.

But alas, the gods did not grant his wish fully. The Damned did feel his power ebb, reality did warp once more. The light, the child, did fade. The Damned did open his eyes, and he did see. He did see the same world, the world of rot and despair. He did see himself, the Damned, once more. The Damned did realize, his rebirth was but a fleeting dream, a cruel tease of what could have been. The Damned knew, his journey, his destiny, did not end. It did continue, it did persist, as the Damned.